

【作者】 段双喜

【导师】 陈允吉;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文《唐末五代江皋两湖湘赣诗歌研究》以唐懿宗咸通元年至宋太宗太平兴国三年(860—978)湘江、洞庭湖流域、赣江、鄱阳湖流域和长江中游地区的诗歌为研究对象,梳理这一地区,尤其是赣中地区诗歌由唐至宋的发展状况。论文详细考察本地的诗人活动、诗歌重心由袁州到吉、抚等州的转移,分析了儒、释等文化对诗人心理和诗风的影响,特别考查了五代本地诗人政治地位上升和诗歌中儒家思想增强的现象,并试图分析其在唐宋诗歌转变中的意义。论文分三部分、六章。第一部分为第一章,从交通、经济、宗教等方面概括了江南西道地区中晚唐地位的提升。湘赣地区交通方便,士民乱中南迁,促进了本地开发。本地中唐已有韩愈等对本地诗歌创作的促进。到唐末,本地的诗歌创作开始繁荣。其中最为突出的是袁州。第二部分详细介绍唐末本地诗歌的状况。这一部分包括三章,先按本地诗人、外地诗人、方外诗人的顺序,分湘江、洞庭湖流域、赣江、鄱阳湖流域、沿江地区三大块,介绍唐末本地诗人及其创作,然后对本地本地重要诗人许棠、张乔、郑谷、杜荀鹤生年的一些问题进行了考证。第四章《江皋两湖湘赣诗人的诗风》是全文的重点。本地诗人大都尊崇杜甫、白居易,推重风、骚、雅。其诗反映现实,忠君爱民。当时宣宗、昭宗好学重儒,文坛重要人物郑薰、薛能为人重士好儒、诗尊风雅。朝野君臣有以儒救国的焦急心态。他们的诗有“清苦”特征,讲究锻字炼句,写穷愁悲伤,境界清新幽静。这种诗风与姚贾一脉相承,其中方干、李频、李洞是其间桥梁。受到当时社会喜好的影响,本地诗歌清苦而不奇僻,趋向浅俗。江皋湘赣诗歌具有浅俗表现为以文为诗、字词重复、多俗语。佛教、禅宗独特的思维与叙述方式、本地流行的俗体诗与流行音乐形式,起到了重要作用。论文第三部分包括第五、六两章。主要论述五代时期江皋湘赣诗歌的发展。第五章仍以三块分叙五代时期此地诗歌活动。第六章《赣中诗人的强势崛起和重儒风气的形成》,从政治、思想、诗歌三方面叙述五代本区由文化的酝酿、积累而变为强势过程。宋齐丘等本地诗人开始登上政治高位,拓宽了本地诗人生存空间,改善了本地文人的前景,激发了他们的进取心。钟传于唐末独尊文教,重进士。这使得赣中地区文化发展占得先机。钟传所推行的尊文重学的政策,吉州受惠最多。吉州刺史彭玕的为人、政策对吉州作用很大。吉州出现一大批儒学名人。而刘洞、夏宝松回到庐陵广收门徒,对诗学影响很大。诗学与儒学正在五代赣中地区得到结合并慢慢发展。唐宋诗歌重心也逐渐向赣中地区转移。

【Abstract】 The dissertation, the Research of the Poetry of the Area Covered byXiangjiang River and Ganjiang River in the End of Tang Dynasty and WuDynasty, try to describe the development and progress of the localpoem,especially the poets’living and creating in the middle of therange of The Ganjiang River in the first half of the 10thcentry,which,infectly, is critical in the evolution of poemtry between theTang dynasty and the Song Dynasty, but neglected by the currentscholars.The paper,combing the the movement of the poem centerfrom Yuan county,Xuan,She,Chi county to Ji,Fu county during theperiod from the first year of the Xiantong Era to the 3rd year of theTaipingxingguo Era, analyse the effects of Buddhism,Confucism andlocal culture in psyche, therefore,the style of their works,in which,theclimbing of the political status and the outstanding of the confucism arepoints deserving attention.The article,including six chapters,covers three sections.The 1st part is aintroduction,which aim is to get a glimpse about the rapid rise of localeconomy in the middle and late Tang Dynasty,which is stimulated by agreat number of the people moved from their north hometown,madethe culfural upheaval possible.The Yuan county,a typical area,enlighted by the famous literati,such as Hanyu,Lideyu, greeted theirown successful poet group.The 2nd part of this paper,including three chapters aims at the poemin the end of the Tang Dynasty in this erea. Firstly,the authour introducedthe poets who born,living or traveling there,according to threesections,the range of Xiangjiang River and Dongting Lake,the range ofGangjiang River and Poyanghu Lake,the middle range of ChagnjiangRiver.Secondly,the 3rd chapter,as a addition to the 2nd one,carefullydiscussed some problems in the life experience of somepoets,Zhangqiao,Xutang,Zhenggu and Duxunhe.The 4thchapter,considered as the most important part of this paper, tryto explain the feature of the local poem in three aspects,Confucianpurpose,pureful and painful style,easy words.Discribing the realisticlife,honouring earlier Confucian poets,such as Dufu,Baijuyi,most of thelocal poets show their roalty,enthusiasm when talked about the kingand the country earnestly,which can be explained by such a fact,when the last two embitious emperors,Xuanzong and Zhaozong,wanted torebuild their strength,they used Confucism as a weapon,theirpeople,Xueneng,Zhengxun,chosed to encourage the social spirits,mostof local poets were influenced by them.Most of them came from poorfamily in remote district,so,their life was painful,and they made friendswith monks,so their poem were pureful.Originated fromJiadao,Yaohe,local poets learned this style from Fanggan,Lipin.Somepeople like to make poem difficult to understand,which brought themmisfortune.Drawn lesson from their fate,local poem take a shift to thosefeature easy to understand.This easy operation,including threepoints,popular, repedted words and writing poem as prose,benefit fromthe popular music,poem and Buddhism,especially Zen Buddhismthought and words.The 3rd part of dissertion,consisting of chapter 5 and chapter 6,isabout the development of the poem of the Wu Dynasty in the range ofXiangjiang Rriver, Ganjiang River and Changjiang River,which highlightsthe transferation.The 5thchapter still glimpse those poets who born,livingor traveling there one by one.The 6th chapter pays attiention to twophenomena,one is local politicians,such as Songqiqiu,Lizhenggu,havebeen top bureau in the South Tang Dynasty,which, showing a wonderfullandscape of the future for these poor writers, widen the devepingspace for local poets, the other, Zhongchuan,Penggan,the leaders ofcounties in the middle range of Gangjiang River, adopted some policiesto emphasize Confucian for thirty years,which gave advantage to themiddle range of Gangjiang River and made local culture to overwhelmthe other districts. At the late period of the South Tang Dynasty, somefamous poets,Xiabaosong,Liudong,came back from Lushan Mountianto Luling, Jizhou county,where,flourished a great number of Confucianofficers,had overtaken Yuan county to be a center of poem.So far, thecradle of the poets and the feature of the poem of the Song Dynastywere shaping,and a new era of the poem would come soon.

【关键词】 唐末五代诗歌地域文化郑谷杜荀鹤江西
【Key words】 The end of the Tang DynastyWu DynastyPoetryLocal CultureZhengguDuxunheJiangxi
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】567