

【作者】 傅东升

【导师】 陈学彬;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 金融学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 从我国基金业的发展历史来看,封闭式基金较早被引入国内。历经数年的发展,封闭式基金运作已经日渐走向成熟,以其在封闭期内基金份额固定的制度特点与开放式基金形成鲜明的对比,构成证券市场当中一只不容忽视的力量。回顾近年来国内已有的基金文献,绝大多数针对封闭式基金的科研成果集中在基金业绩评价和封闭式基金折价现象的分析与解释。对整个封闭式基金市场以及单只封闭式基金的价格行为与收益波动的研究却十分鲜见,为相关研究留下了较大的创新余地。对基金市场波动的探讨还受到对股票市场波动研究的启发,许多波动研究模型的有效性已经在股市当中得到反复验证,为本文针对基金市场展开的相关研究提供了强有力的理论和方法支持。借鉴股票市场波动研究的方法和经验,本文对我国封闭式基金进行了综合考察,希望从整体上把握封闭式基金市场的运行及其风险特征。本研究对于投资者、监管者以及基金管理者更好地认识和了解我国封闭式基金近年来的运行情况和风险特征具有重要的意义。首先,广大投资者,特别是保险公司、社保基金等机构投资者可以利用本文的分析结果,按照自己的收益要求和风险偏好构建更加合理的投资组合。其次,对于基会市场的监管者而言,能够在宏观把握近年来我国封闭式基金运行和发展的基础上,有针对性地制定相关规定和政策。从而防范金融市场风险,使我国封闭式基金能够在更加规范的轨道上持续、健康、快速发展。再次,对于基金公司而言,本文的研究将有助于其更好地开展基于风险调整的业绩评价。据此,基金管理者可以针对基金波动进行归因分析,从而采取适当的风险控制措施,不断加强其内部控制提高风险管理水平。本文试图以实证研究回答以下几个问题:第一,我国封闭式基金市场整体以及封闭式基金个体的收益波动特征究竟是怎样的?第二,我国上海和深圳两个封闭式基金市场指数在不同的市场状况下,如熊市和牛市当中是否存在长期均衡关系?第三,封闭式基金市场的收益波动之间是否存在相互影响?第四,股票市场与基金市场运行之间存在怎样的关系,指数水平波动与指数收益波动之间的相互关系如何?第五,人民币汇率制度改革这样的重大政策事件对我国封闭式基金市场的影响是怎样的?带着上述问题,本文结合“广义的波动”,即指数水平波动与“狭义的波动”,即收益波动,对我国封闭式基金整体与个体进行了系统的研究,得到如下结论:第一,在对波动模型及其估计方法进行梳理和总结的基础上,本文选用合适的模型分析了我国封闭式基金指数和单只封闭式基金的收益波动特征。实证分析表明,我国封闭式基金整体和个体的收益波动具有聚集性、收敛性,但并不存在显著的非对称性。利用方差方程中引入虚拟变量的波动模型发现,我国封闭式基金指数的收益波动具有显著的周二效应,存在与股票市场类似的市场异象,表明我国封闭式基金市场与股市一样都是缺乏效率的。第二,在不同市场条件下分别进行的协整分析表明,上海和深圳两个封闭式基金指数之间的长期均衡关系的存在依赖于考察的时间段:熊市当中两市封闭式基金整体表现存在差异,不存在协整关系;但在牛市当中,两个封闭式基金指数之间存在协整关系,表现出同涨同跌的特征。利用多元波动模型对基金指数的考察发现,熊市期间我国两市封闭式基金整体之间存在收益波动的相互影响,而在进入牛市之后,这种相互影响不再显著。第三,基金指数与股市指数间的长期均衡关系仅在牛市中存在,说明牛市行情中我国封闭式整体上与股票市场是同涨同跌的。在完整的涨跌周期内,股市指数水平波动和收益波动对封闭式基金指数水平波动和收益波动都具有更为显著的引导作用。表明股市对封闭式基金的影响要强于封闭式基金对股市的影响。最后,本文利用非参数方法考察了2005年我国人民币汇率制度改革带来的人民币窄幅升值对封闭式基金市场的影响。发现此次汇改之后,我国封闭式基金市场指数水平显著上涨,成交量明显放大,而收益波动有所降低。说明人民币升值以及对未来本币进一步升值的预期的确促进了我国封闭式基金市场的繁荣。全文最后,总结实证研究结果,就目前我国封闭式基金的运行特点与风险特征,向投资者和监管者提出了相关建议,并针对本文的不足对未来的研究提出展望。

【Abstract】 According to the development history of China’s investment funds, the closed-end funds were introduced into our country earlier. The closed-end funds, which distinguish themselves from open-end funds with the fixed amount of fund shares in their close period, had become more mature and been regarded as a very important investment force after years of development.The review of existed literature on China’s closed-end funds shows that most of the former researchers paid their attention to the assessment of closed-end funds’ performance, or the analysis and explanation of closed-end fund puzzle. But little research on the price behavior and volatility of closed-end funds could be found. Such a situation leaves an opportunity for innovations on this topic. Meanwhile, the research on fluctuation and volatility of closed-end funds was also enlightened by similar research in stock market, various kinds of models had been tested in stock markets and been proved effective. These models offered a suit of powerful theory and methodology to this dissertation. In order to grasp the operation and risk features of China’s closed-end funds, this dissertation had done a systematic research with the methods and experiences gained from stock market.From the perspectives of investors, regulators and the managerial companies of funds, this research has a great theoretical and practical meaning of helping them to get a whole picture of the operation and risk features of China’s closed-end funds. First of all, the investors, especially the institutional investors such as insurance companies and social security funds could benefit from this research to construct more suitable portfolios following their preference. Second, the regulators of funds could make more suitable and feasible rules and policies to regulate the fund market and control the financial risk with a more profound understanding of the operation and development of closed-end funds. Third, this research could help the managerial companies of funds to improve their risk-adjusted performance assessment process for closed-end funds. With a further attribution analysis of the volatility, fund managers could draw proper counter measures to strengthen their internal control and risk management.In this dissertation, several questions will be answered empirically. First, what are the volatility features of China’s closed-end fund markets and specific closed-end fund? Second, is there a long term equilibrium relationship between the two fund indices in different market situations, such as bear market or bull market? Third, is there an interaction of volatility between the two closed-end fund markets in China? Forth, what is the relationship of stock market indices and closed-end fund indices, and the interaction of their volatilities? Fifth, what is the impact of important political event, such as the RMB exchange rate regime reform in 2005, on the closed-end fund markets. With the questions mentioned above, this dissertation has done a systematic research on both fluctuation and volatility of closed-fund indices and specific funds. The main conclusions of this research are as follows. First, based on the collection and comparison of volatility models, this dissertation adopted proper models for analyzing the volatility features of fund indices and specific closed-end funds. There are significant clustering and convergence effect, whereas there is no significant asymmetric effect of volatility. By introducing dummy variables into the conditional variance equation of volatility models, this dissertation manifested the significant Tuesday effect of fund indices’ volatility. This anomaly, which is similar with that in stock market manifested that our closed-end fund markets are also inefficient.Second, co-integration analysis under different market situation showed that the long term equilibrium relationship between the two closed-end fund indices is dependent on the research window. The co-integration relation between the two fund indices only existed in the bull market and vanished in the bear market. The two fund markets fluctuate together in the bull market. Further analysis with multivariate GARCH model showed that the volatility interaction between the two closed-end fund markets is significant in bear market and become not significant in bull market.Third, the long term equilibrium relationship between fund indices and stock market indices only exist in bull market. This manifested that closed-end fund markets fluctuate with stock markets in bull market. From the perspectives of both fluctuation and volatility, the stock markets have a more significant leading impact on closed-end fund markets. The impact from stock markets to closed-end fund markets is much stronger than that from closed-end fund markets to stock markets.Finally, with the help of nonparametric methods, the impact of the RMB exchange rate regime reform in 2005 on China’s closed-end fund market was examined. The empirical results showed that the fund index had been significantly raised after the event with a comparative larger volume and lower volatility. This research firstly offered reliable evidence to the point that the appreciation and the expectation of further appreciation of RMB had promoted the prosperity of our closed-end fund market indeed.At the end of this dissertation, relevant suggestions are given to investors and regulators in accordance with the empirical research results. Moreover, the prospects for further research are also given based on shortcomings of this research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期