

American Evangelicals and International Relations

【作者】 涂怡超

【导师】 徐以骅;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 美国基督教福音派在当代常被称作醒狮,它们以信仰为体、以组织为用,不仅在美国政治角力场叱咤风云,在国际政治舞台上也日益斗志昂扬。对其国际政治参与进行分析,成为国际政治研究难以忽视的维度。《时代》周刊褒之为“新教教宗”的葛培理则是当今世界最有影响和最具代表性的福音派领袖。在福音派发展壮大、从边缘到主流、并开展政治参与的历史中,葛培理的贡献无人能出其右。葛培理是研究福音派政治参与的密钥。然而,对福音派国际政治参与的研究往往被忽视。零星相关研究只是就事论事,以单维视角对其国际政治参与现状进行分析,却缺乏历史向度和多维分析视角,难以提供对福音派国际政治参与之过去、现在和未来的解释框架和纵深观照,令阅者抱知其然不知其所以然之憾。而对葛培理政治参与的研究更是纠缠于他与美国总统之间的关系,未能研究葛培理的力量之源,更甚少挖掘出葛培理在当代福音运动中不可替代的领袖和桥梁作用。而本文旨在通过葛培理这一关键人物,研究福音派的政治参与的力量从何而来,现状如何,未来欲之何处。本文采用社会资本理论来研究宗教的“使能”,以葛培理为个案,通过对嵌入社会关系网络的资源和社会网络的形式之研究,来分析福音派如何通过宗教资本的交换和接纳而不断丰富和扩展,最终形成全球网络,并全方位地嵌入到国际、国家和社会体系中,由草根跃升为成为美国社会乃至世界多个国家的主流宗派,并成为在国际关系中软硬兼施的重要力量。进而分析基督教福音派这样一种兼具跨国意识形态和跨国行为体双重性质的社会运动对国家政治和国际政治的影响。本研究以宗教资本为基础,以网络为中心、通过微观(宗教行动者)一中观(公民社会和国家)—宏观(全球公民社会和国际政府组织)跨层分析来研究福音派及其代表人物葛培理的行为,从而以点带面阐释宗教社会资本在福音派网络、声望和政治影响力的形成和发挥中所发挥的作用。

【Abstract】 The evangelical Christians in the US are often described as an awakened lion. Sincethe end of the Second World War, American evangelicals have returned to the centralstage of the society after nearly 30 years of self-imposed exile, playing anincreasingly important role in American politics. It is not an exaggeration to say thatwe can not understand the US foreign policy without a careful examination of thisnew force in the society. Actually with the expansion of Christian missionarymovement and the rise of international faith-based NGOs, American evangelicalsbegan to assert a significant impact on international politics by promoting their ideason world affairs as well as by nurturing and mobilizing a wide-spread transnationalnetwork of fellow believers.Time magazine once listed the Rev. Billy Graham as the most influentialevangelical leader in America. As a prominent Christian statesman, he has not onlybeen quite active in the US politics, but also associated with many political leaders ofdifferent countries. In the last 50 years, the Rev. Billy Graham has helped Americanevangelicals to emerge as a powerful force both in American society and ininternational arena. His worldwide Crusades have also become the catalyst for therapid growth and political engagement of Christian evangelicals in many othercountries. His career and organizations provide us with a telling story for the study ofevangelicals’ impact on international relations.This impact of evangelical Christians, however, has been rarely studied byscholars both at home and broad. The previous studies of the Rev. Billy Graham’s rolein American politics, for instance, have mainly focused on his personal relations withAmerican presidents from Harry Truman to George W. Bush. Other factors foranalyzing his leadership, such as his vision and effort in building his evangelicalnetwork, have been more or less neglected.This dissertation aims at tracing the political role of American evangelicals totheir theological thinking and organizations, and to explore the methods and functionsof evangelicals’ international engagement. The conceptions of religious social capitaland social network will be used here to analyze Evangelicals’ development andpolitical activism. By using the Rev. Billy Graham and American evangelicals as acase, the author is attempting to argue that as a transnational ideology as well as atransnational actor, religion and religious organization have been playing a significantrole in the formation of a global civil society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1176