

The Influence of Chinese on the Language of Uighur Buddhist Scriptures Based on the Uighur Buddhist Texts Excavated in Dunhuang

【作者】 阿依达尔·米尔卡马力

【导师】 陈世明;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 “回鹘文文献”顾名思义就是用回鹘文书写的古代文献。回鹘文源自古代粟特人使用的草体粟特文。七河流域的突骑施人首先使用过这种文字,所以也有人叫做“突骑施文”。据说突厥跋悉蜜等部落也曾使用过回鹘文。回鹘文也曾成为金帐汗国、帖木尔汗国和察合台汗国的官方文字,为这些民族的文化发展和社会进步起到过积极的作用。回鹘文的规模型使用是与佛教和摩尼教文献联系在一起的,几乎所有的突厥语佛教文献都是用回鹘文书写的,而大部分回鹘文佛教文献又是从汉文翻译的。本文要研究的内容就是这种用回鹘文书写、且又译自汉文的敦煌出土佛教文献和汉语在文献翻译过程中对回鹘文文献语言的影响,揭示回鹘佛教徒使用汉语和汉字的状况和汉语影响下的回鹘文佛典语言的特点等。全文共分四章,另有汉文-回鹘文词汇对照和图版。第一章是《敦煌出土回鹘文文献的历史背景》,重点论述回鹘诸部及其西迁的历史、回鹘在河西走廊和西州大量接触佛教和翻译佛经的过程、回鹘等操突厥语部族接受佛教的原因和回鹘佛教徒的忏悔思想、功德观以及敦煌藏回鹘文佛教文献的发现和流失的历史。第二章是《敦煌早期出土汉译回鹘文佛教文献》,重点论述上个世纪初斯坦因、伯希和等西方探险家获自敦煌、现藏伦敦、巴黎、柏林、圣彼得堡、京都、斯德哥尔摩等地的汉译回鹘文佛教文献的储存和研究刊布情况。这一部分文献是本课题研究的重要资料来源。第三章是《敦煌新出回鹘文佛教文献》。为了使我们的研究更具说服力和权威性,第三章重点论述了敦煌莫高窟北区石窟近年出土的回鹘文佛教文献,其中除对所有出土文献的特点和研究情况进行描述以外,还研究了文献B157:15、464:121、B157:13、B97:7、B59:69、B128:18和兰州私人收藏的文献Lao和Lav。除464:121和B59:69以外,其他文献在国内外均属首次研究刊布。第四章是《汉语影响下的回鹘文佛典语言》。该章根据前人研究成果和本人对新出回鹘文文献的考察,重点论述了汉语影响下的回鹘文佛典语言的特点,其中回鹘文佛典翻译特点的分类和翻译中存在的固定搭配格式也属首次撰文探讨。文末是缩略语和汉文—回鹘文词汇对照,附录部分为第三章中所研究回鹘文文献的图版。

【Abstract】 The Uighur script played a vital role in the history of Turkic people. Because the Turkesh people, one of Turkic people, used it firstly, it is also called“Turkesh script”occasionally. As an official letter, it was used in political documents in the period of Golden Horde, Temir Empire and Chagatay Kingdom. At that time, Turkic people, who believed in Buddhism mainly used it for Buddhist texts in the Western region of China for several centuries.It is not necessary to mention that almost all of the Uighur texts preserved abroad in places such as Berlin, Paris, St.Petersburg and etc. are procured by Stain, Polliot in the beginning of 20th century. Fortunately, the latest-discovered Uighur Buddhist texts were unearthed in Dunhuang recently. This will be a good opportunity for researchers in China to do well in this field. This paper deals with an exploration of these newly unearthed Uighur texts, particularly those translated from Chinese. In order to describe main characteristics of this part of Uighur texts, it also investigates Chinese influence on Uighur Buddhist texts.This paper consists of four chapters. First chapter is“Historical background of Uighur texts unearthed in Dunhuang”, which is about the migration history of Uighur to Hexi corridor and Turfan basin, where they contacted and converted into Buddha, also it deals with main features of Uighur Buddhist belief.Second chapter is“The early Dunhuang Uighur Buddhist texts”. This chapter mainly introduces the early Dunhuang Uighur Buddhist text preserved in Berlin, Paris, St.Petersburg, London, Stockholm, Kyoto and Beijing, and it traces back the studies of these texts.The third chapter is“The newly unearthed Uighur Buddhist texts in Dunhuang”. This chapter focuses on the study of newly unearthed Dunhuang Uighur texts numbered B157:15,464:121, B157:13, B97:7, B59:69, B128:18 as well as a private-owned texts Lao And Lav in Lanzhou. Transcription, translation and commentary of these texts will be given.The forth chapter is“Chinese influence on Uighur Buddhist texts”. This chapter will discuss the important characteristics of Uighur Buddhist texts translated from Chinese, especially Chinese influence on Uighur texts and Uighur society.The last part of this paper is glossary and facsimile of Uighur texts studies in chapter three.

【关键词】 敦煌回鹘文佛教文献汉语语言影响
【Key words】 DunhuangUighur Buddhist TextsChinese Influence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期
  • 【分类号】H211.4
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】955