

【作者】 杨远

【导师】 陈旭;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 青铜器装饰艺术是我国古代装饰艺术的重要组成部分,是当时人们社会生活、宗教信仰、思想意识、审美观念的重要载体,通过对青铜器装饰艺术的全面分析和研究,可以增进对夏商周时期的美术特别是工艺美术发展状况的了解,进一步加深我们对夏商周时期社会文化艺术的全面认识。本论文在吸收借鉴前人研究成果基础上,对夏商周青铜容器的装饰艺术作了系统分析研究,主要学术观点和创新点表现在以下几个方面:首先,首次确立了青铜器装饰艺术研究的范畴。青铜器的装饰艺术包括青铜器的造型、装饰纹样题材、装饰工艺和装饰艺术的表现形式等内容,所以,本文主要对这些问题作了系统的分析探讨。其次,对不同种类的青铜器造型艺术作了分析。本文在前人对青铜器分期研究成果基础上,从分类入手,依时代为序,对每种器类的造型演变作了分析。夏商周青铜器的造型基本以方、圆的几何形体为主要特征,但自商代后期起,其造型也借用了众多动物的形体特征,创造出了诸多仿生动物造型的青铜容礼器,而且方、圆几何形体礼器的某些附件也做成浮雕动物形象,既增加造型的多样性,也起到了装饰的作用。再次,是对青铜器的装饰题材作了分类,并在此基础上分析了各类题材的起源、演变及一些题材的内涵。青铜器的装饰纹样题材丰富多彩,主要有五大类,即神异动物纹、仿生动物纹、几何纹、植物纹和人物画像故事纹。神异动物纹有兽面纹、龙纹、凤鸟纹三类,在商代和西周早、中期它们的形式变化最为丰富,是青铜器装饰的主要题材。到西周中、晚期,则逐渐用抽象变形的几何纹作为主要装饰题材。这种装饰作风到春秋中、晚期又有了新的变化,伴随着各种金属细作工艺的发展,出现了工整细密的图案式装饰风格。仿生动物纹始终是青铜器装饰的一种基本题材,整个商周时期都有不同程度运用。植物花卉题材,是我国古代装饰艺术的重要题材之一,但其在商周时期一向很少受人注意,论文对其在青铜器装饰上的运用作了分析。其作为青铜器装饰题材,出现虽早,但运用较少,而且大多处于陪衬地位,直到东周时期,才逐步得以广泛运用,也逐渐成为一种独立的装饰题材。人物和画像故事纹在青铜器上也有着明显的阶段性变化,尤其画像故事类题材是东周时期出现的一种新型装饰题材,它的出现具有重要意义。青铜器各类装饰题材的变化反映着其内涵的演变和时代变化息息相关。其中动物纹样的内涵可能具有多样性,而且是随着时代的变化而有所改变的。其四,对青铜器的装饰工艺作了分析总结。青铜器装饰工艺的发展对青铜器艺术风格的形成有着重要意义,而装饰工艺和社会生产力的发展以及科技进步有着密切的关系。有的装饰工艺和青铜器的铸造技术有密切关系,而另外一些工艺则完全为装饰所运用。就目前考古发现看,商代的青铜器已运用了合范、模印、分铸、铸合、焊接、镶嵌绿松石、镶嵌红铜、镂刻、填漆、包金等诸种工艺。这些工艺为西周、东周青铜器所沿用,但到东周时期又出现了火蜡熔模、铸镶红铜、镶嵌金银、刻纹、鎏金银、贴金银等新工艺。这些工艺为青铜器装饰艺术提供了技术支持,论文对这些工艺在青铜器装饰上的运用做了分析。其五,对青铜器装饰艺术的表现形式作了分析。青铜器装饰艺术的表现形式,有平面线性纹样装饰、立体雕塑性装饰、刻符文字性装饰和色彩性装饰四大类,它们在史前装饰艺术中都已有不同程度运用。其中,线性纹样是青铜器装饰的主要表现形式,而其它三类一向不为人们所重视,但它们对于青铜器的造型和装饰的完整性、美观性都有重要意义,所以它们都是青铜器装饰艺术的重要组成部分。本文对这些装饰艺术形式的起源和在青铜器上的运用情况均作了分析。最后,结合夏商周青铜容器装饰艺术风格的演变和不同历史时期社会思想的变化,探讨了先秦时期不同时代审美观念的变化。在回顾审美观念的起源和初步发展的基础上,结合商周时期社会的主要思想特征,通过对夏商周不同时代青铜容器造型、装饰艺术所表现出的风格差异的分析,指出了夏商周不同时代审美观念的主要特征。装饰艺术形式上表现为繁——简——繁的发展规律,和这个发展规律相应,审美观念上呈现出的是从神化到理性化再到多样化的演进过程。

【Abstract】 Bronze decorative arts were an important component of China’s ancient decorative arts, which was the people’s social life, religion, ideological, aesthetic ideas of the major carriers. Through a comprehensive analysis of the bronzes and decorative arts, we can understand deeply the art of Xia, Shang and Zhou period, especially the development of the arts and crafts, and further deepened our understanding of the culture and the arts of Shang and Zhou period.According to previous research, this paper studied and analyzed the decorative arts of the Shang and Zhou bronzes, the main academic perspectives and innovations in this paper as follows:First, it established the field of bronze decorative arts study for the first time. Bronze decorative arts included bronze shapes, decorative patterns on the theme, decorating and other forms of expression. Hence, In this paper, we mainly analyzed these issues.Second, it analyzed different types of plastic bronze. We can classified the Bronze from the start to analyze the evolution of the each type of the device according to age order. The basic model of Shang and Zhou bronze were round and square, but since the late Shang Dynasty, their shapes also borrowed many of the physical characteristics of animals, and created a number of animal-shaped bronze bionic. Furthermore, some ritual device and annex with some animals carved image not only increased the diversity of shape but also played a role in decoration.Moreover, it classified the decorative type of bronze ware, and analyzed the origin of the various topics, evolution and the content of some subjects based on this. Bronze ware decorative patterns with colorful themes, mainly contained five categories: miraculous animal images design, animal images bionic design, geometric patterns design, plant design and profile figure portraits design. Miraculous animal images design included animal face, dragon, phenix veins. It was the main theme in the early Shang Dynasty and Western Zhou Dynasty and it was the most abundant. But the deformation of abstract geometric patterns became the main theme to the late Western Zhou Dynasty. This decorative style had a new change to the late Spring and Autumn Period. Along with the development of various metal technology, a neat and meticulous style of decorative style formed. Bionic decorative bronze animal mages was a fundamental theme. Although plant and flowers themes emerged early, but it was used less. Until the Dong Zhou period, it had gradually been applied extensively. Figures and portraits designs on bronze ware had a visible change step by step. Bronze various decorative themes of the bronze ware reflected the times and the evolution of its content closely. Among them, the animal patterns may have the connotation of diversity, but changed with the times.Fourth, the bronze ware decoration technology were analyzed and concluded in this paper. The development of the bronze decoration craft had an great role in the form of the bronze art style. And the decorative techniques had close relations to the development of social productive forces and scientific and technological progress. Some decorative craft were closely related to the casting technology, while others were used for decoration process completely. According to the current archaeological findings, such techniques had been used in Shang Dynasty, such as Fan filled Fan, molding, casting hours, with casting, welding and turquoise mosaic, mosaic red copper, rows filled paint packages, etc. These processes had been used in the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Other new technology were adopted in Dong Zhou period, for example: lost wax investment cast, framed red copper, gold and silver inlay, marking, gilt silver, gold and silver stickers. These processes supported the bronze decorative arts in technique. So this paper analyzed the use of the technology on decorative bronze.Fifth, this paper analyzed the decorative artistic form of the bronze ware. There are four kinds of bronze decorative art forms: the linear decorative patterns, sculpture decoration, characters decoration and color decoration. And they had been used in decorative arts of primitive society. Among them, linear pattern was the main form of decorative bronze. Though the three other have been not paid attention, they had been great significance of their integrity and beauty of the decorative bronze. So they were an important component of bronze decorative arts. In this paper, the origin and the use of these decorative art forms in bronze were analyzed.Finally, the main characteristics of pre-Qin aesthetic ideas of different periods were discussed with the evolution of the style of the Shang and Zhou bronze decorative arts and the social and ideological changes in different eras. Based on reviewing the origin and initial development of the aesthetic ideas, combining the main idea of the characteristics of the Shang and Zhou,his paper pointed out main features of the aesthetic ideas in different eras through the analysis different styles of different times of the Shang and Zhou Bronzes modeling. The development law of the decorative art form was from complicated to simple and then from simple to complicated. Corresponding the development law, aesthetic concept elevated from apotheosis to the rational and then the diversity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】K876.41
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】3084