

The Ecological Characteristic and Its Application on Rice Grain Quality Formation in Different Cultivating Regions of Jiangsu Province

【作者】 沈新平

【导师】 张洪程;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 通过在江苏的太湖(昆山)、沿江(扬州)、里下河(建湖)、淮北(东海、沛县)4个典型稻作区的5个不同播种期试验,研究了江苏不同生产类型有代表性的主栽粳、籼品种稻米的加工、外观、蒸煮、营养、RVA谱及稻米综合品质指数等品质指标在不同纬度间和不同播期间的变化规律,主要结论如下:1.不同类型品种在各稻作区安全成熟的适宜播期内,中粳稻(早熟中粳盐粳204、中熟中粳镇稻88、迟熟中粳武运粳8号)、早熟晚粳(武运粳7号)和杂交中籼稻(两优培九)的加工、外观品质在建湖至东海的区域内最好,中熟晚粳苏香粳1号随纬度北移加工、外观品质显著下降。随着播期的推迟,籼、粳稻米加工品质和粳稻的外观品质呈变差,而籼稻的外观品质随播期推迟有变优趋势。2.供试的迟熟中粳、晚粳及杂交中籼品种稻米直链淀粉在北移种植时能降低其直链淀粉含量,早、中熟中粳稻两个品种在江苏里下河等江苏中部地区种植具较低直链淀粉含量。随着播期推迟稻米的直链淀粉含量有增加趋势。稻米蛋白质含量的纬度间变化规律不明显。粳稻米蛋白质含量随播期推迟有增加趋势,而杂交中籼稻米蛋白质含量降低,不同稻区的播期对不同品种类型的稻米蛋白质含量调节强度有差异,太湖、沿江、里下河稻作区稻米蛋白质含量受播期影响较大,淮北稻作区影响较小,因此在提高稻米质蛋白质的播期选择上,要依据品种及其纬度特性进行。3.随着播期的推迟,粳稻米RVA谱中消减值增高,峰值粘度降低,RVA谱品质整体下降,籼稻正好与之相反。早、迟熟中粳(盐粳204、武运粳8号)随着纬度北移,其RVA品质有变劣的趋势,中熟中粳(镇稻88)、杂交中籼(两优培九)则以扬州-东海区域内为最优区间,晚粳稻(武运粳7号、苏香粳1号)在沿江及以南的区域种植为优。4.早熟中粳(盐粳204)的稻米综合品质指数随纬度变化较稳定,3个中粳稻品种与杂交中籼(两优培九)稻在建湖至东海区间种植时较高,稻米品质较好,晚粳稻品种北移综合品质指数下降,品质明显变差。不同类型品种稻米综合品质指数与结实期的温度关系各异。5.通过稻米品质性状与结实期气候因子的关系分析结果表明,整精米率与结实期内活动积温显著相关,而外观品质、直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量、RVA谱性状与结实期平均温度显著相关。其中:①中、迟熟中粳(镇稻88、武运粳8号)和晚粳稻(武运粳7号、苏香粳1号)的整精米率与结实期的活动积温呈线性负相关,而早熟中粳盐粳204与杂交中籼两优培九分别呈开口向下的二次曲线关系。②早熟中粳盐粳204的外观品质指标与温度呈线性负相关,中熟中粳镇稻88、杂交中籼两优培九、中熟晚粳苏香粳1号则呈线性正相关,迟熟中粳武运粳8号、早熟晚粳武运粳7号呈开口向下抛物线关系。③除早熟晚粳武运粳7号稻米综合品质指数与结实期的平均温呈线性正相关外,其它品种均呈线性负相关。④稻米RVA谱的峰值粘度、糊化温度与结实期的平均温度呈正相关性,而与消减值呈负相关性。6.以江苏水稻不同类型品种安全生育与高产形成的温光生态特性为基础,根据江苏稻米品质的纬向性特征,将不同类型水稻品种的种植区域依次分为适宜种植区、亚适宜种植区、可种植区和不宜种植区,并明确了相应的地理位置。在江苏不同纬度稻作区优质生产的品种区划上,苏北大多数地区应以中熟中粳和迟熟中粳种植为主,徐州北部以早熟中粳为好;苏中地区以迟熟中粳和早熟晚粳较为适宜;苏南地区则适宜种植早、中熟晚粳;中熟中籼的适宜种植区主要分布于江苏N32o~N34o之间。在品种优化布局的基础上,各不同稻作区优质生产的播期设置,太湖稻作区宜常规适期播种移栽。沿江稻作区种植早熟晚粳宜早播栽培,迟熟中粳则适期播种栽培。里下河稻作区种植中熟中粳时可选择迟播下小、中苗栽培,选择迟熟中粳时要以大、中苗常规移栽。在淮北稻作区在生产中选择迟播下中、小苗栽培。

【Abstract】 In order to elucidate the basically ecological rule of rice grain quality formation in Jiangsu province, and consequently provide the basis for optimizing distributions of cultivars with superior grain quality and ecological regulation treatments, the effect of different seedtime, the latitude and climate characteristics on grain quality of different dominantly cultivated indica/japonica varieties in Jiangsu province were studied in four rice planting regions, Taihu district (Kunshan), the region of side of Yangzi River(Yangzhou), Lixiahe district (Jianhu) and Huaibei district (Donghai and Peixian), with five seedtime treatment. In the present study, the processing quality, appearance, cooking quality, RVA profile, as well as integrated quality index was assessed in the cultivars employed in different treatments. The main results were listed as following:1. In the condition of appropriate seedtime for all types of cultivars in each planting region, the middle japonica varieties (the early maturation middle japonica variety Yinjing 204, middle maturation middle japonica variety Zhendao 88, and late maturation middle japonica variety Wuyunjing 8), and the middle indica hybrid (Liangyoupeijiu) exhibited best processing and appearance quality in the region from Jianhu to Donghai experimental spots. However, the appearance quality of the middle maturation late japonica(Suxiangjing 1)cultivars decreased significantly as the latitude of experimental spots increasing. As the seedtime puts off, the processing quality of indica/japonica cultivars and appearance of japonica varieties exhibited the trend of turning inferior. In contrast, the appearance quality indica varieties turned better as the seedtime putting off.2.As the latitude of different rice planting region increases, the amylose contents of late maturation middle japonica and late japonica cultivars,as well as middle indica hybrid exhibited the trend of decreasing, resulting in the improvement of grain cooking quality. The early (middle) maturation middle japonica cultivars planted in the middle region og jiangsu Province, such as Lixiahe district, generally exhibited lower amylose content,resulting in good cooking quality. As the seedtime putting off, the amylose content exhibited the trend of increasing for all the type of cultivars. As for protein content index, no obvious rule was found across different experimental spots with different latitudes. However, there was a trend of increasing for protein content of japonica rice as the seedtime putting off, in contrast, the protein content of the middle indica hybrid exhibited the decreasing trend when the seedtime putting off. Moreover, the different effects of seedtime on protein content variation were observed depending on the different planting regions, the seedtime treatment has larger effect on protein content variation in Taihu, the side of Yangzi River and Lixiahe rice planting region, little effect in Huaibei region. Therefore, the type of varieties and the latitude of planting region should be put into the consideration for choosing appropriate seedtime, and consequently achieving the object of improving the protein content.3.In terms of RVA profile, Setback value of japonica cultivars increased with Peak viscosity decreasing when the seedtime putting off, reverse results were obtained for indica cultivars. When the latitude of planting region increasing, the RVA profile of early (middle) maturation middle japonica cultivars exhibited the trend of turning inferior. The middle maturation middle japonica varieties were propitious to be planted in the region between Yangzhou and Donghai; the late japonica varieties fit for planting in the south of the side of Yangzi River.4.The integrated quality index of the early maturation middle japonica varieties were stable, did not vary significantly across four planting place treatments. This index was the highest for middle japonica varieties and the middle indica hybrid planting in the region from Jianhu to Donghai, and exhibited better grain quality. The integrated quality index of the late japonica would decrease when the latitude of planting region increasing, and consequently grain quality turned inferior. The different types of cultivar responded differently on the temperature during the grain filling stage, as the integrated quality index was concerned.5.The analysis of the relationship between grain quality and climate factors showed that, the accumulative temperature during the grain filling stage was the primary factor affecting the milled rice rate; the average temperature of grain filling stage was significantly correlated with the appearance quality, amylose content, protein content, and RVA characteristics.①The milled rice rate was negatively correlated linearly with the accumulative temperature during the grain filling stage for the middle(later) maturation middle japonica varieties; the relationship between milled rice rate and accumulative temperature for early maturation middle japonica varieties and middle indica hybrid could be depicted as conical curves with downward mouth.②The appearance quality of early maturation middle japonica was negatively correlated with temperature, while positive correlations were observed for middle maturation middle japonica, middle indica hybrid and middle maturation late japonica, however, conical curve relationship with downward mouth for late maturation middle japonica and early maturation late japonica varieties.③The relationship between the integrated quality index and the average temperature during the grain filling stage exhibited positive correlation for early maturation late japonica varieties were observed, and other varieties reverse negative correlation relationship were obtained.④The average temperature during the grain filling stage was positively correlated with Peak Viscosity of RVA profile and gelatinization temperature, but negatively with Setback value.6.On the condition of safely production of different rice types in Jiangsu Province and their responding characteristics to light-temperature for high yield formation, and on the basis of characteristic of rice quality response to latitude of experimental spots, the rice planting region for different rice types could be divided into 4 types, feasible region, sub-feasible region, tolerable region, and unfitting region. As the good quality variety distribution in different planting region with different latitude in Jiangsu Province was concerned, the middle (late) maturation middle jaonica varieties should be dominant in major regions of the north of Jiangsu province, however, the early maturation middle japonica varieties fit for planting in the north of Xuzhou; In the middle region of Jiangsu province, late maturation middle japonica and early maturation late japonica are feasible; However, the early (middle) maturation late japonica varieties are fit for planting in the south of Jiangsu Province. The middle maturation middle indica varieties should be planted in the region N32o~N34o. On the basis of optimization of variety distribution, the cultivating system (including seedtime setting) to achieve good quality for different planting region also shoud be improvd. In Taihu rice planting region, it is fit to transplant large/middle seedling. In the side of Yangzi River region, early seed time is feasible for early maturation late japonica, appropriate seed time fit to late maturation middle japonica. In Lixiahe panting region, the middle maturation middle japonica should be seeded late combined with small /middle seedling transplanting, in contrast, large/middle seedling transplanting is fit for late maturation middle japonica. In Huaibei rice planting region, the two items of late seedtime and small/middle seedling transplanting are recommended.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期