

To Study Life Subject of the Region Culture and Modern Local Novel

【作者】 张瑞英

【导师】 姜振昌;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 1本文以地域文化为背景,对中国现代乡土小说创作的生命主题作综合性的考察和研究。生命主题研究在中国现代文学研究中不是一个新的课题,但却是一个相对薄弱的环节。在二十世纪中国文学研究中,从以政治为标准的意识形态化研究,到以审美为标准的文本解读,再到各种文化背景下的文学研究,都在不同意义上遮蔽或淡化了人们对生命的敏感性,以致文学与生命的关系在现代文学研究中一直没有形成体系性的话题。其实,生命是文学的永恒主题。只有真正进入了生命关注与生命思考的文学研究,才可以说真正触摸到了文学的本质。从生命的角度去探索中国现代乡土小说,就更易于切入其本质,走近作者和乡土世界人物的心灵。而地域文化包括某个地区从地理环境到人文环境,从民间流传的习俗到精英思想的影响,是一种综合的文化,无论对本地域的民众,还是对生长于斯或者曾经生长于斯的乡土小说作家,都有着深刻而长久的影响。从地域文化的角度探讨乡土小说,解读生命形式,可以探索到事物的根源,更深入而全面地了解和认识作家和作品。二十世纪中国乡土文学的成绩在很大程度上是通过乡土小说体现出来的,乡土小说创作不仅构成了乡土文学的主体,而且在某种意义上也是二十世纪中国文学最重要的组成部分。在这个意义上,本文确立“地域文化—乡土小说—生命主题”的梯次建构,对二十世纪前期中国文学的内在构架作或一侧面的立体性考察。我们确认:地域文化是解读二十世纪中国文学的文化基调,乡土小说是解析二十世纪中国文学形态的基本范式,生命主题是切入二十世纪中国文学的精神基点,由“地域—乡土—生命”所构成的三维结构是透视二十世纪中国文学的一个相对稳定的理论框架。以“地域—乡土—生命”的三维结构为参照,是要摆脱长期以来形成的以“红色主流”为基调的文学史叙事模式,并在一定意义上纠正二十世纪中国文学研究的意识形态化的研究思路。在确立“地域文化—乡土小说—生命主题”理论结构的基础上,本文对二十世纪前期的中国乡土小说创作中地域文化特色鲜明、创作实绩突出的四个作家群体——浙东作家群、湘楚作家群、巴蜀作家群、关东作家群——及其创作文本进行综合分析、研究。本文所预期的目标是:首先确立鲁迅的乡土小说创作在二十世纪中国乡土文学中的开拓性和核心地位,进而通过对鲁迅及其影响下的乡土小说作家创作的文本分析确立二十世纪前期的乡土小说创作的概念、范式,在此基础上为二十世纪中国现代乡土文学确立相应的创作理念和书写范式。之所以以生命意识切入地域文化和乡土小说,一方面力图避免政治意识形态对乡土文学的硬性界定,一方面试图避免将乡土文学仅仅看作是对不同地域的民俗乡情的简单摹写和表层图解,从而将乡土文学研究的理论视点指向以地缘、血缘为依托的生命内核,为现代乡土小说创作确立原生态的文化原点。在方法上,通过对不同地域文化背景下的乡土小说创作进行历史性的观照,通过对不同地域文化背景下的创作文本的个案分析,发掘乡土文学的地域文化资源,显示二十世纪前期乡土文学在现代化转型进程中的复杂性和矛盾性,为现代乡土小说创作在传统性与现代性、民族性与世界性之间的冲突与对话寻求建设性的理论基点。本文主要由五部分组成:绪论:包括问题的提出、本课题的研究历史与现状、本文的基本思路和需要说明的几个问题。第一章:浙东文化与浙东现代乡土小说生命主题。从地域文化的角度看,浙江一带是吴越文化的发祥地,浙东文化更多地保留了古越文化的特征。越王勾践“十年生聚,十年教训”的执着、韧性一直为浙人所崇尚。浙东的险山峻岭培育了浙东人不畏艰难的刚硬性格,纵横的河川养育了他们细腻伶慧的性情,异端的人文传统又给他们带来了深刻的思想和质疑开创的精神,这是一个拥有坚执与韧性的生命意志,善于以理性务实的态度精打细算,积极进取而又不事张扬的生命群落。作为中国现代乡土小说的开创者,鲁迅的作品以其明确的地域指认与成熟的表现形式引领了乡土小说的潮流。在鲁迅之后,从二十年代末到三十年代,浙东出现了许杰、许钦文、王鲁彦、王任叔、柔石、潘训、魏金枝等乡土写实作家,他们在新文学第二个十年间集体亮相,自觉地走在鲁迅开辟的乡土小说创作的道路上。鲁迅等人的创作不仅以其深刻与犀利的思想揭示了乡土世界生命异化的病根,还以精细真切的文笔表现了乡土社会底层生命的执着与韧性。浙东民性的“山岳气”、浙人理性务实的生存态度以及“异端”对生命活力的呼唤,显示了浙东文化坚韧的生命力度和深沉的道德关怀,体现出浙东乡土世界的生命特色。第二章:湘楚文化与湖南现代乡土小说生命主题。湖南作家的乡土小说创作不仅时间跨度大,作家出生的区域也不一致,而且其文化取向也有差异,比如出生于湘西凤凰的沈从文迷恋湘楚文化的神性、浪漫,执着于湘西自然生命的描摹;而出生于洞庭湖畔湘阴县的彭家煌更倾向于湘楚文化中经世致用的责任意识,专注于对湘中“豀镇”缺少“诚”与“爱”的人性劣根的揭示;湘中湘潭县的黎锦明则倾心于湘楚文化中的原始神秘与复仇意识的表现;另外,洞庭湖畔益阳叶紫的乡土世界,在表现楚人的激情和桀骜不驯中,也不乏洞庭湖鱼米之乡所养育的柔婉和细腻;湖南湘乡的蒋牧良则满怀“土气”地展示着湘楚文化中的神风巫韵;沈从文的凤凰老乡刘祖春在恬淡诗性的自然描绘中延续着楚人远古的忧郁,呈现着现世的穷愁凄凉。虽然湖南乡土小说作家群个人的才情、功力、学养和性情爱好不同,创作上也异彩纷呈,但湘楚地域文化是其共同的文化背景,湖南乡土小说中所展现的贫穷而幽美的自然环境,雄强浪漫、自由自在的生命活力,以及湖南作家强烈的生存意识和责任感、使命感,都源于这种文化氛围的熏陶。湘楚文化不仅是湖南现代乡土小说生长的土壤,也是它的基本内容。湘楚文化中崇神信巫的浓重宗教气氛,不仅作为题材进入现代乡土小说,也对创作主体的思想、意识和文化结构产生了深刻的影响。第三章:巴蜀文化与四川现代乡土小说生命主题。在五四以后的乡土小说创作中,四川作家群算得上是对乡土题材最为钟情的一批,他们以自己深刻的生命体验专注于对故土乡民的生活环境和生存状态的描摹。李劼人之于雄伟、凝重的成都,沙汀之于阴郁、沉重的川西北山区,周文之于残酷、凄厉的川康一隅,罗淑之于初民色彩的沱江上游,都使人真切地感受到巴蜀盆地的闭塞和宗法制下自成一体的农村乡镇的不同风俗。在四川乡土小说中出现频率最高的是那些军阀、袍哥、地方官僚等强势人物,他们为了各自的利益所进行的力量的比拼、心智的较量和过度的享乐和放纵,显示的是对生命的挥霍和张扬。四川乡土小说世界中这种负面生命力的表现,正是源于巴蜀那种远离王化的盆地王国中自大、张扬、放纵、享乐的历史文化传统和现实群众基础。正是四川民众这种广泛而深入的争斗和享乐,形成了他们“洄水沱”式的生命景观。同时,封闭的自然环境不仅阻隔了封建正统文化的影响和渗入,也使川人较少受到各种新思想、新文化的冲击,形成了川地百姓闭塞和偏狭的心理形态,原始的蛮夷风俗得以保留。再者,由于长期远离政治文化中心,川地百姓形成了自由放任的独立精神,保留了自由不羁的天性。这种地域文化不仅影响了四川作家的性情、爱好,而且生动地表现于他们文学创作中,四川乡土小说世界中蜀人的保守与叛逆、豪爽与狡黠、蛮野与卑琐的生命特色都能在这种地域文化中找到渊源。第四章:关东文化与东北现代乡土小说生命主题。三十年代,由萧军、萧红、端木蕻良、骆宾基、罗烽、舒群、白朗等组成的东北作家群所奏响的黑土地壮歌,以其朴野、阳刚和浓郁的高梁花子气息震惊了关内文坛。其强烈的生命意识和生命价值追寻,对关内消极的生命态度、伤感的生命情调、颓废的价值观和黯然的生命色彩是一种强烈的冲击。东北作家的文学活动大多始于1931年“九·一八”事变后,他们的乡土题材小说正是和着时代的节拍,表现着东北乡民在面对严酷的自然和社会环境时透射出的顽强不屈、执著强悍的生命意识和生命力量,也直视着他们蒙昧、麻木的落后国民性。“对于生的坚强,对于死的挣扎”,成为东北作家群对生命进行历史反思的基本主题之一。东北大地寥廓、苍莽的自然环境与关东文化的开放性、多元性及自由狂放的精神孕育了东北作家博大的胸襟、粗犷的性格和开阔的视阈,他们以略嫌粗糙的艺术手法,在广阔的时代、社会背景下真切地表现着白山、黑水、黑土地上关东乡民的生存状况和生命形态,呈现出一种博大深沉的“力之美”。

【Abstract】 This article takes the region culture as a background and makes comprehensive inspection and research on Chinese modern local novel creation’s life subject. The study for life subject is not a new problem in the study of Chinese modern literature, but it is a relatively weak link. In the study of 20th century Chinese literature, from taking politics as standard ideology research to taking esthetically as standard text understanding, to all kinds of culture study, all covered or desalinated people’s sensitivity to life in different significance. The relationship between literature and life is not form systematic topic in the study of modern literature .In the fact, the life is the literature eternal subject. When literature research had truly entered the life attention and the life ponder, we will say it has touched literature nature. If we explores Chinese modern local novel from the life angle, it is easy to touch its nature and close to the soul of writes and local world characters. Region culture is a comprehensive culture. It concluded all kinds of influence from geographical environment to humanity environment, from the custom spreading in the folk to outstanding person’s thought. It also has profound and long influence on common people and those who were born in or grow up in this region once in time. We will acknowledge write and his creation comprehensive and thorough, if we explore local novel from region culture angle and understand life form.The local novel manifested achievement of 20th century Chinese local literature in the very great degree. It is not only the body of local literature, but also the most important part of 20th century Chinese literature in some certain significance. From this mean, the article established such echelon structure as“region culture—local novel—life subject”and make a stereoscopic investigation to one side of inner construction of early 20th century Chinese literature. We confirmed: region culture is the culture main key to understand 20th century Chinese literature, local novel is canonical form to analyze 20th century Chinese literature pattern, and life subject is spirit basic point to close to 20th century Chinese literature. The three dimensional structure made up of“region—local—life”is a relatively stable theory frame to prospect 20th century Chinese literature. The structure is to break away from the red mainstream as the main key history of literature narrative pattern which formed a long time ago, and correct ideology research mentality in the study of 20th century Chinese literature.In the base of establishing“region culture—local novel—life subject”theory construct, this article carries on the generalized analysis to four writers community whose region culture characteristic are bight and creation actual accomplishments are prominent and its creation text. The four is East Zhejiang write community, Xiang-chu write community, Ba-shu write community, Guan dong write community in the early time of 20th century. Through analyzing relative text, the article’s anticipated goal is to establish Luxun local novel’s development and core status first, then through analyzing Luxun and other local novel writers’who were influenced by Luxun, establish 20th century early local novel creation’s concept and model. The reason why the article cuts into region culture and the local novel by the life consciousness are that in the on hand it tries hard to avoid the political rigid limits to local literature, on the other hand it attempts to avoid merely regarding the local literature as simple description and surface layer graphic solution to the different region folk custom character and style. Thus the local literature research theory pivot direction taking the place reason、the blood relationship as the life essence. For modern local novel creation establish primary condition culture zero point. In method, the article carries on the history to the local novel creation under different region cultural context. Through analyzing creation text in different region culture context, it excavates the region culture resource of the local literature, and demonstrates early 20th century local literature’s complexity and contradiction. It looks for constructive theory basic point for modern local novel creation’s confliction in traditional and modern、national characteristic and world characteristic.This article mainly has five parts of compositions:First chapter: Introduction, it includes question proposing、this topic research’s history and present situation、this article’s basic mentality and several questions needed to explain.Second chapter: the life subject of East Zhejiang culture and modern local novel. Looked from region culture angle, area Zhejiang is the Wu and Yu kingdoms culture birthplace. East Zhejiang culture more retains ancient Yu kingdoms culture characteristic. The Yu king Goujian’s firmness、toughness–ten years gather, ten years lesson--always advocated for Zhangjian people. Zhedong’s dangerous high mountain ridge has cultivated Zhedong people’s firm disposition. The vertically and horizontally river has cultivated East Zhejiang people’s firm disposition. Difficult humanity tradition has brought them deeply thought and questioned spirit. This is a positive life group who doesn’t make widely known to fall. They have tenacious life will and are good at carefully planning by the rational practical manner. As founder of Chinese modern local novel, Lu Xun novel has eagerly anticipated the local novel tidal current by explicit region indicates and confirm with the mature manifestation. After Lu Xun, from the end of 20’s to 30’s, Zhedong appears so many local practical writer as Xujie、XuQinwen、WangLuyan、WangRenshu、Roushi、Panxun、WeiJinzhi. They collective declare a position during second ten year in the new-vernacular literature. They wear walks on local novel creation path opened by Luxun. Their creation not only has promulgated the local world life disassimilation old ailment by its profound and the sharp thought, but also has displayed the local social first floor life by the fine clear style rigid and toughness. Zhedong modern local novel life subject distinctively manifests east Zhejiang people’s“the mountain”gas. By "heresy" the call and the rational practical survival manner demonstrates east Zhejiang cultural deep morals concern and tenacious life dynamics.Third chapter: Xiangchu culture and Hunan modern local novel life subject. The Hunan writer’s local novel creation not only the time span is big, the writer’s born the region is consistent, moreover its cultural orientation also has the difference. For instance Shen Congwen burn to western Hunan phoenix is infatuated with Hunan Chu culture’s divine nature and romantic, and rigid to description western Hunan nature. But Peng Jiahuang who born in Xiangyin county tongting lakeside favors in the responsibility consciousness for society and concentrates to promulgating human nature poor root. Li Jinming who born in Xiangtan county of Xiangzhong adores in performing primitive mystery and revenge consciousness. Besides, in the local world of Yezi, in displaying Chu people’s fervor and unruly center, also has supply graceful and minute influenced on TongtingL Lake. Jiang Muliang displays the deity and witch in Hunan Chu culture. Shen Congwen’s phoenix fellow villager Liu Zuchun is continuing ancient Chu people‘s melancholy and presents the miserable life in present world. Although the Hunan local novel writer group has different individual talent, skill, study raise with the personality hobby, but its common cultural context is the Hunan Chu region culture. What Hunan local novel displayed, poor but beautiful nature environment, the romantic and free life vigor, and Hunan writer’s intense survival consciousness and sense of responsibility, sense of mission, are all source to Hunan Chu culture. The Hunan Chu culture not only is the soil in which the Hunan modern local novel soil, also is its basic content. The strong religious atmosphere in Hunan Chu culture not only enters themodern local novel as the theme, but also has had profound influence on the thought、consciousness、the culture structure of creation main body.Chapter four: Bashu culture and Sichuan modern local novel life subject. In the local novel creation later Wusi period, Sichuan write group is most hearted in local novel. They concentrate to the native land countryman’s living conditions and the survival condition description by oneself profound life experience. Li Zheren’s grand dignified Chengdu, Shating’s dreary heavy northwester Sichuan mountainous area, Zhouwen’s brutal sad Chuankang area, Luoshu’s ancient color of up stream Tochiang River, all causes the person clearly to feel the Bashu culture basin’s unenlightened and under the ancestor legal system the different custom in the countryside villages and towns. Those character on warlords, reactionary element, place bureaucrat who have formidable influence appears frequency highest in the Sichuan local novel. They carries on the strength compare、mental contest、and leading a life of comfort and indulge in order to obtain respective benefit .What they do demonstrates their attitude to the life—spending freely to the life and making widely known. In Sichuan local novel world this kind of negative vitality performance rooted in arrogant、indulge、enjoy and hedonism historical culture tradition and the realistic mass base of Bashu which was far away political central in the basin kingdom. It was this widespread and thorough battle and enjoy of Sichuan populace, forms a type of“whirling the water”life landscape. At the same time, the seal natural environment has also been cut off the influence and permeating of the feudal legitimate culture, and has formed seal narrow-minded psychological shape of Sichuan common people. And they are under a little compact of the new thought and new culture, so the primitive barbaric custom can retain. Furthermore, because of faraway politics and culture center, the Sichuan common people have formed the laissez-faire in dependent spirit and retained the free uninhibited instinct. This kind of region culture not only has affected the Sichuan writer’s personality, the hobby, moreover vividly displayed in their literature creation. In the Sichuan local novel world Suchuan person’s conservative and rebel, straightforward and cunning, wild and the trivial life characteristic all can find the origin in this kind of region culture.Chapter five: Guandong culture and Northerneast modern local novel life subject. In the period of 30, Northeast write group made up of Xiaojun, Xiaohong, Duanmu Hongliang, Luofeng, Shuqun and Bailang has played a strong hard land song, which has shocked the area inside the great wall literary arena by its simple, positive just and rich sorghum cotton or flower seed breath. Its intense life consciousness and the life value pursing is one kind of intense impact to the area inside the great wall negative life manner, the moved life affective tone, the dispirited values and the low-spirited life color. Northeast writer’s literature activity mostly beginning after 1931"9.18" emergency, their local theme novel precisely conformed to the time metre and displayed unyielding and intrepid life consciousness and life strength of northeast countryman when they faced the severe nature and the social environment, and also looked straight ahead them ignorantly, the numb backward nationality.“Regarding to the fresh strength, regarding to struggling for dying”has become the northeast writer group’s one of basic subject to carrying on historical reconsidering on the life. The vast northeast earth, the boundless natural environment and Guandong culture openness, multiplicity and free wild spirit have bred the northeast writer’s great mind, the rough disposition and open vision. They have excavated and performed countryman’s survival condition and the life shape living on snow-capped mountain, Heilongjiang River, the hard land from broad time, society and life background by the light rough artistic technique. It presents one greatly deep "Beauty of the strength".
