

The Study of Jia Cun Sai-she and Its Theater

【作者】 王学锋

【导师】 刘文峰;

【作者基本信息】 中国艺术研究院 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文是对山西省潞城市贾村民间迎神赛社及其戏剧活动进行的个案研究。1985年以来,以《礼节传簿》为代表的一系列明清民间赛社抄本的重要发现和晚近对以乐户为首的贱民群体的重新观照,使晋东南逐渐成为戏剧学、音乐学、民俗学、人类学、社会学等学科的关注重心之一和研究交汇之地。对治戏剧史者来说,通过多学科方法的引入,前贤对晋东南戏剧活动的研究在赛社戏剧文献的搜集、整理、分析基础上为解决戏剧史研究诸问题提供了坚实的成绩,但戏剧史研究中的田野考察或面或点、难以恰当兼顾的研究现状,使其对多学科方法的引入难以做到有机整合,尚留许多研究余地。本文基于晋东南赛社文化的相对一贯性和延续性,以一个村落为考察单位,试图展现一个适当的赛社文化空间中的祭祀格局及其戏剧活动的变化情形。全文分为四章,具体内容如下:第一章为“村落历史与赛社祭祀格局的存在”。信仰的存在和延续是村落历史中赛社祭祀格局存在的主要内容,本文发现了碧霞宫信仰历史中从“九天圣母”到“天仙圣母”的变化事实,显示出碧霞元君奠定其祭赛中心神灵地位的历史变化状况;现存大量民俗活动也见证了曾经存在着的丰厚的赛社祭祀传统及其历史影响力。第二章为“传统赛社祭祀格局在当代的恢复:贾村赛社及其戏剧活动的兴起与发展(1996-2006)”。当代赛社活动自1996年开始恢复,1996年、1997年的办赛是在多方力量共同作用下的结果,并奠定了日后办赛基调;当代赛社活动的恢复和发展,伴随着多名制运用、文化权威确认的赛社文化整合方式;以碧霞宫为中心的民间演剧空间的恢复,标志着传统赛社祭祀格局在当代的恢复。第三章为“传统赛社祭祀格局在当代的新变:以2006年贾村8月会为考察中心”。通过对2006年8月召开的赛社与乐户文化国际研讨会的个案分析,从赛会形态、文化空间涵义、经济运行模式、乐户身份等方面,多层面显示了当代赛社祭祀格局出现的新的较为根本性的变化。第四章为“当代贾村赛社祭祀格局变化中的戏剧形态”。当代赛社恢复以来,《过五关》等祭祀戏剧在演出形态上发生了重要的改变,这些变化是传统赛社祭祀格局在当代发生的较为根本性的变化的结果,从这些变化中也可以看到赛社活动越来越深入地卷入当代文化生产语境的事实。赛社祭祀格局及其戏剧形态的变化,促使我们在当代文化生产条件下重新认识戏剧发展与其赖以生存的赛社文化肌体之间的内在关系,也为文化传承提供一些思考。

【Abstract】 In this text, it studies the case of the greeting deity SAI organization of JIA villagerin the city of Lu in SHANXI province and its dramatic work.Since the year of 1985 the important discover of a series of transcript about folk SAIorganization of MING AND QING dynasty which the representative is etiquette spreadbook and the anew keep an eye on the doggeries which music family is the chief part, thesoutheast of JIN gradually become the attention emphases and the researchinginterjection of drama、musicology、folklore、anthropology and sociology etc. To thepeople studying the drama history, according to introducing the multidisciplinarymethod, the former worthy’s research about the dramatic work in the southeast of JINsupply a consistent result for solving the problems about drama history at the base ofgathering, tidy and analysis the drama documentary of SAI organization, but the fieldsurvey of the research about the drama history can not fitfully fulfill the research, whichmake it hard to organic colligating the introduced multidisciplinary method, so there ismuch to research. In this text based on the relatively consistency and continuity of theculture of the SAI organization in the southeast JIN, a village being the object of survey,try to exhibit a proper sacrifice structure of SAI organization culture and its variance. Thefull text is broken into four chapters, concretion content as follows:The first chapter is the presence of the village history and the sacrifice structure ofthe SAI organization. The presence and continue of religion is the primary coverage ofthe sacrifice structure of village history. This text found the variance of the devotionalhistory of BIXIAGONG from empyrean Madonna to celestial fairy Madonna, and itbrought out the status of historical variation about BIXIAYUANJUN, establishing itssacrifice center jinn position. The extant slather folk-custom activities also witness theexistence of rich SAI organized body’s sacrifice tradition and its historical influence. Thesecond chapter is about "the restoration at the present age of traditional sacrifice structureof SAI organized body: The rising and development of JIA village’s SAI organized bodyand its dramatic work. The present age SAI organized body’s activity begins to recoveryat 1996. The SAI organized body’s activities hold in 1996 and 1997 is the result ofcombined action of several parts, and it established the keynote for the future. The restoreand development of the present age SAI organized body’s activities is with the cultural integration mode of application of polynomials system and cultural authority confirming.The restorations of folk histrionic space spatial with the center of BIXIAGONGemblematize the contemporary restoration of the traditional SAI organized body’ssacrifice structure. The third chapter is about "the contemporary change of traditionalsacrifice structure of SAI organized body: The survey center is the meeting at August inthe year of 2006 in the village JIA. Analyzing the international proseminar about SAIorganized body and music family convened in August of the year of 2006, through theSAI’s figure, the meaning of cultural space, economic operation model and the musicfamily’s status, Displayed the new and some essential variance presented at the presentage about the sacrifice structure of SAI organized body. The fourth chapter is about "thedrama figure in the variation of the SAI organized body organized body’s sacrificestructure at the present age in village JIA". Since the restoration of the present SAIorganization, sacrifice drama such as passing the five toll-gate changed greatly atperformance figure, and this variation is the result of a relative essentiality variance ofthe traditional SAI organized body’s sacrifice structure at the present age. We also canfind the fact that the SAI organized body’s activities is increasingly and deeply entangledinto the cultural produce circumstance.The variation of SAI organized body’s sacrifice structure and its drama figure madeus anew recognize the internal relation between drama development and culturalorganism of SAI organized body which is the necessary of drama development, and thisalso supplied some thought about cultural spread and hold.
