

Tectonic Evolution of Jiaolai Basin

【作者】 佟彦明

【导师】 吴冲龙;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 早白垩世是中国东部及邻区强烈的伸展裂陷和岩石圈减薄时期。胶东半岛胶莱盆地处于一系列具有重大地质意义的大型构造带交汇处,其形成和演化可能受控于太平洋(古)板块向东亚大陆边缘俯冲诱发的区域应力场和大陆岩石圈深部动力(底侵作用、拆沉作用、地幔底辟和对流)的联合作用。此外,由于该盆地位于华北板块与扬子板块的结合处,因此又可能与造山带的伸展崩塌作用有关。加之该时期其西侧的郯庐断裂带发生了强烈的走滑运动,因此该盆地的构造演化过程非常复杂。由于该盆地的大地构造位置十分特殊,加之具有一定的油气资源潜力,因此其成因长期以来一直为许多研究者所关注。但已有的各种动力学机制,难以全面而合理地解释胶莱盆地的各种地质证据,因而也难以合理地解释其构造演化过程。为了进一步加深对胶莱盆地基础地质条件的认识,以便更好地指导该盆地的油气勘探布署,迫切需要在已有勘探成果的基础上,对胶莱盆地的构造演化过程及其动力学机制进行深化研究和理论探讨。盆地的动力学机制决定了盆地的运动学特征,而运动学特征又决定了几何学特征,所以盆地的几何学、运动学特征必然会渗透着盆地动力学的信息。因此,利用盆地几何学和运动学特征“反演”出来的动力学机制,就能够比较合理地解释盆地的形成与演化过程。盆地几何学特征主要是指盆地的各种基本构造特征,对其查明需要综合利用重、磁、震资料和基于残留地层的各种观察分析资料。而盆地的运动学特征主要包括垂向上的沉降特征和平面上的应变特征,本文在剥蚀厚度恢复的基础上,综合利用地震剖面信息(包括断裂同沉积活动特征、速度谱等)、钻录测井资料等,包括制作多向多条平衡剖面和代表点的沉降曲线,进一步结合地表露头和地层界面的年龄,查明盆地各原型的运动学特征。各盆地原型的几何学和运动学特征清楚了,其古构造应力场也就基本清晰了,但还需要接受有限元模拟的检验。进一步结合岩浆岩类型、地球化学和时空分布等特征和地层界面年龄等资料,合理地阐述盆地形成演化过程及相应的动力学机制。胶莱盆地位于胶东半岛,为一白垩纪残留叠合陆相沉积盆地。其南缘通过五莲断裂与苏鲁造山带(胶南隆起)相接,北界蜿蜒于胶北隆起之上,西部为郯庐断裂带所截,东部跨越海阳和乳山入黄海直至千里岩断裂。盆地北边界可能是一条剥蚀边界,根据鲁东地区的区域地球物理场特征,可将现今残存地层的包络线大致作为胶莱原型盆地的北边界,而其它边界同现今边界。胶莱盆地内部划分为7个次级构造单元,即:诸城凹陷、柴沟地垒、高密凹陷、大野头凸起、莱阳凹陷、牟平—即墨断裂带和海阳凹陷,其中高密凹陷又进一步划分为夏格庄洼陷、平度洼陷、李党家—马山凸起、高密洼陷4个相对独立的构造单元。胶莱盆地的地层可划分为基底和盖层两大岩系。基底岩系由太古界和元古界的变质岩系组成;盖层岩系由白垩系、古近系和第四系组成,其中下白垩统莱阳组、青山组、上白垩统王氏组构成了盖层岩系的主体,分别形成于莱阳期、青山期和王氏期。莱阳组主要为一套内陆湖泊和河流相为主的碎屑沉积,夹酸性~中基性火山岩夹层。该组可划分为六段,自下而上为:逍仙庄段、止凤庄段、马耳山段、水南段、龙旺庄段、曲格庄段。青山组为一套复成分火山岩和火山碎屑岩系,夹少量正常碎屑沉积岩。青山组火山岩多为中心式火山喷发的产物,一系列的中心式火山机构主要沿牟平—即墨—五莲断裂分布。王氏组主要岩性为河流—洪泛平原相的红色碎屑岩夹滨浅湖相杂色碎屑岩及少量泥灰岩,并夹有基性火山岩夹层。莱阳初期,盆地内部NW-SE向展布的剥蚀凸起和沉积中心,以及NE-SW向展布的沉积中心,不仅说明了莱阳期盆地可能的平面双轴拉张状态,而且还说明了广泛分布的NW-SE向基底断裂对盆地形成的控制作用。青山期沂沭裂谷系的存在,王氏期E-W向正断层对地层沉积厚度的显著控制作用,均说明了拉张应力场的普遍存在。胶莱盆地及其周缘地区的岩浆活动非常活跃,使得深成侵入岩~火山喷出岩、酸性~超基性岩浆岩在本区都很发育。莱阳期侵入岩的岩石地球化学特征指示了研究区在该时期发生了强烈的幔源岩浆底侵作用,而底侵作用被认为是大陆地壳拉张伸展的重要作用之一。研究区的火山岩可划分为6个喷发旋回,即莱阳组中的莱阳旋回,青山组中的后夼旋回、八亩地旋回、石前庄旋回、方戈庄旋回,王氏组中的史家屯旋回。岩石地球化学资料表明,莱阳旋回~方戈庄旋回属中国东部中生代“橄榄粗安岩省”的重要组成部分,其成因与拉张区域地质背景下富集岩石圈地幔的部分熔融作用有关,并且中酸性火山岩的铕负异常有逐渐增强之势。而史家屯旋回中的基性火山岩表现为其岩浆源区由具大陆岩石圈地幔性质源岩向具软流圈地幔性质源岩的突然演化。以上特征表明,胶莱盆地在3个地质时期均受控于拉张应力场的作用并发生了岩石圈的持续减薄事件。胶莱盆地各种构造几何学特征,例如莫霍面埋深状态(隆起)、断裂的组合型式等,也都指示研究区发生过显著的伸展作用。胶莱盆地在3个地质时期均有不同方向的正断裂组同时发生同沉积活动,指示了面状伸展状态。由多条平衡剖面所反映的盆地在不同方向上的伸展特征表明,胶莱盆地各时期原型均为平面双轴拉张应力场控制。典型地区的多条沉降曲线反映,胶莱盆地从莱阳期至王氏期不是一次连续的裂陷过程,而是多期裂陷原型的叠加。在盆地发育初期,诸城凹陷和高密凹陷可能更偏于主动伸展裂陷性质,而莱阳凹陷则更具被动伸展裂陷性质。胶莱盆地各凹陷的盖层断裂同沉积活动特征、水平伸展运动特征和垂直沉降特征三者之间具有良好的对应关系,这也增强了各方面结果的可信度。诸城凹陷断裂的同沉积活动主要发生在莱阳期和王氏期,青山期几乎无同沉积断裂活动。与此相对应,该凹陷3个方向测线的伸展速率在莱阳期~王氏期均表现出大→小→大的规律,而该凹陷的构造沉降速率在青山期较小,在莱阳期和王氏期较大;高密凹陷的大部分同沉积断裂都显示出在盆地的3个发展阶段均有同沉积活动。该凹陷3个方向测线的伸展速率在莱阳期~王氏期基本表现出较大→较小→最大的规律,与之对应,该凹陷的构造沉降速率在青山期较小,而在莱阳期和王氏期较大;莱阳凹陷内部的断裂更多地显示出在青山期的同沉积活动。与此相对应,该凹陷2个方向测线的伸展速率在莱阳期~王氏期均具有小→大→小的规律,而该凹陷的构造沉降速率在青山期较大,在莱阳期和王氏期较小。由3条组合地震测线计算得到的3期平面双轴拉张应力场的主应力σ1的方位角分别约为30°-210°、143°-323°和3.5°-183.5°,σ3的方向与其垂直,为120°-300°、53°-233°和93.5°-273.5°。这些方向可大致看作胶莱盆地整体上所受的区域构造应力的方向,并可用于建立初始应力场模拟模型。依据各时期沉积(岩)相特征和较大规模同沉积断裂的分布状况,莱阳期、青山期和王氏期的模拟模型分别被划分为16、12和9个区域。进而划分有限元954、764和758个,节点2723、2179和2101个。3个模拟模型共定义了2种单元类型及5种材料类型。基于ANSYS系统的有限元模拟结果表明,仅需对由地质分析得到的各主应力方向作小幅度的修正。将莱阳期的角度再顺时针旋转10°、青山期的保持原方向、王氏期的再逆时针旋转13.5°,分别施加状态为40:15、60:30和60:50的载荷,即可得到与地质资料符合性较好的模拟结果,因此进一步确认了3个裂陷原型均受控于平面双轴拉张区域应力的控制。由地质资料分析得出并经有限元模拟检验的双轴拉张区域应力,指示了可能的盆地深部动力的存在,因为这种应力状态可以由岩石圈地幔或软流圈地幔在垂向上的上拱、顶托作用引起。从莱阳组、青山组和王氏组之间普遍存在的微(小)角度不整合、平行不整合接触关系和王氏期末研究区沉积作用的基本停止来判断,各裂陷原型发育末期均发生了构造挤压反转事件。胶莱盆地3套共轭剪节理的形成与之相对应。由节理特征可知其所对应的是倾伏角不大或近于水平的区域构造压性应力的作用,方向分别为SSE-NNW、SEE-NWW向和NE-SW向。3期压性应力还形成了一些宽缓褶皱,而其它一些褶皱可能与断裂带(特别是沂沭断裂带)的走滑运动有关,反映了断裂带对盆地的改造作用。基于本文和前人的各种资料、证据和分析,可以推知,胶莱盆地的生成,可能与(古)太平洋板块向东亚大陆边缘俯冲诱发的区域应力场和岩石圈的深部动力的关系更加密切。140 Ma之前,伊泽纳崎板块向东亚大陆之下俯冲的方向和速度突然发生改变,可能是其所引发的强烈岩浆底侵作用造成了胶莱盆地的成生。莱阳期末,可能是伊泽纳崎板块的一次脉动式俯冲加速使莱阳期裂陷原型发生构造挤压反转,同时也拉开了青山期裂陷原型发育的序幕。脉动加速以后,由于随后继续进行的俯冲作用所引发的下地壳拆沉作用,控制了青山期裂陷原型的形成。大约起始于100 Ma之前的太平洋板块的俯冲加速,可能使研究区迅速为压性应力场所控制并造成青山期裂陷原型发生反转,并且可能是随于其后的高角度、快速的继续俯冲作用所引发的岩石圈根的拆沉作用控制了王氏期裂陷原型的形成。王氏期末,可能是由于在当时日本海之下形成的中心地幔热柱所造成的上部岩石圈NE→SW方向的推挤力和来自SW方向远程弱压性应力场的顶托的联合作用,使得王氏期裂陷原型发生构造反转。王氏期以后,伴随着太平洋板块的逐渐北移,由其高角度俯冲造成的中国东部伸展活动也相应向北迁移并移出研究区,因此胶莱盆地没有再次裂陷成盆接受沉积。

【Abstract】 In Early Cretaceous, eastern China and adjacent areas stretched and rifted intensively withthe lithosphere’s thinning. Jiaolai basin developed within Jiaodong peninsula, and is located atthe convergence of a series of important tectonic belts which have great geological significances.The formation and evolution of this basin were probably controlled by joint process of regionalstress fields and deep dynamic forces of continental lithosphere (underplating, delamination, mantle diapir and convection) induced by the subduction of (paleo-)pacific plate beneath the Asiacontinent. Besides, the formation of Jiaolai basin probably related to orogenic extensionalcollapse because Jiaolai basin’s location was also at the combination part of Huabei plate andYangtze plate. Additionally, Tan-Lu fault zone experienced an intensive strike-slip displacementin this period. So the tectonic evolution of Jiaolai basin is very complicated. For its specialtectonic location and hydrocarbon potential, Jiaolai basin’s forming mechanism has attractedmany researcher’s attention for a long time. But existing dynamics mechanisms cannotcompletely and reasonably interpret all kinds of geological evidence and its tectonic evolutioneither. In order to understand Jiaolai basin’s basic geological condition more deeply and directhydrocarbon exploration better, we need a more reasonable tectonic revolution and thecorresponding dynamics mechanisms.Basin’s dynamic mechanisms determine kinematic characteristics, whereas furthermorekinematic characteristic determine geometric characteristics, so geometric and kinematiccharacteristics must contain information of basin dynamics. For this reason, deduced dynamicmechanisms from geometric and kinematic characteristics can reasonably interpret basin’sformation and evolution. Geometric characteristics mainly include various basic tectoniccharacteristics, so we should comprehensively utilize gravity, magnetic and seismic data andsome observing/analyzing materials based on residual strata to study them. Whereas kinematiccharacteristics mainly include the features of vertical subsidence and plane strain. On the basis ofestimating eroded strata, this paper plans to utilize comprehensively various information inseismic sections (including faults’ syndepositional movement characteristics, velocity spectrumetc.), drilling and logging data etc., make many balanced sections and subsidence curves ofrepresentative areas, furthermore integrate outcrop data and strata interfaces’ ages to find out thekinematic characteristics of basin prototypes. When prototypes’ geometric and kinematiccharacteristics are clear, their paleotectonic stress fields are almost clear too. But the stress fieldsneed to be tested with finite element simulations. Furthermore this paper combines magmatite types, its characteristics of geochemistry and spatiotemporal distribution and strata interfaces’ages to depict the process of basin formation and evolution and the corresponding dynamicmechanisms reasonably.Jiaolai basin is located at Jiaodong peninsula and is a Cretaceous residual superimposedcontinental sedimentary basin. Its south margin is connected with SuLu orogenic belt (Jiaonanuplift) through Wulian fault. Its north margin wanders on Jiaobei uplift. Its west margin istruncated by Tan-Lu fault belt and its east margin spans Haiyang and Rushan, enters Huang seaand steps eastwards until Qianliyan fault. The north boundary perhaps is a denuded one.According to the regional geophysical characteristics of eastern Shandong province, we canregard the envelope line of residual strata as Jiaolai prototype basin’s north boundary. Whereasother boundaries are the same with present ones.Jiaolai basin can be divided into 7 secondary tectonic units: Zhucheng depression, Chaigouhorst, Gaomi depression, Dayetou salient, Laiyang depression, Mouping-Jimo fault zone andHaiyang depression. Furthermore the Gaomi depression can be divided into 4 independenttectonic units: Xiagezhuang sag, Pingdu sag, Lidangjia-mashan salient and Gaomi sag.The strata of Jiaolai basin can be divided into two big rock series, i.e. basement series andsedimentary cover series. The former is composed of Archaeozoic group and Proterozoic groupmetamorphic rocks. The latter is composed of Cretaceous, Paleogene and Quaternary. Laiyangformation and Qingshan formation of Lower Cretaceous and Wangshi formation of UpperCretaceous compose the main part of sedimentary cover and they are formed at Laiyang, Qingshaand Wangshi stages respectively.The Laiyang formation is mainly composed of sedimentary clastic rocks of inland lacustrinefacies and fluvial facies, interbedded by acidic~intermediate-basic volcanic rocks. From bottomto top, this formation can be divided into 6 members: Xiaoxianzhuang member, Zhifengzhuangmember, Maershan member, Shuinan member, Longwangzhuang member and Qugezhuangmember. The Qingshan formation is composed of polygenic volcanic rocks and volcaniclasticrocks. The volcanic rocks in the Qingshan formation resulted from central volcanic eruption anda series of central volcanic apparatus distributed along Mouping-Jimo-Wulian fault belt. Mainlithology of the Wangshi formation is red clastic rocks of fluvial facies interbedded by variegatedclastic rocks and a little marl of shallow lake facies as well as basic volcanic rocks.At the beginning of Laiyang stage, the salient and depocenters extending in NW-SEdirection and depocenters extending in NE-SW direction in Jiaolai basin not only indicated thatthe basin was probably in the condition of plane bidirectional extension, but also indicated thebasin forming was controlled by ubiquitous basement faults in NW-SE direction. The existenceof Yishu rift system at the Qingshan stage and the normal faults’ notable controlling effect onstrata depth at the Wangshi stage suggested extension stress fields were very common in studyareas.The magmation was very active in Jiaolai basin and its adjacent areas. This resulted in allkinds of magmatites occurred well in study areas including plutonic intrusive rocks~volcanicrocks and acidic~ultrabasic magmatic rocks. The geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks in the Laiyang formation indicate the strong underplating of mantle-derived magma at this stage.Underplating is regarded as one of processes that can cause crust stretching. The volcanic rockscan be divided into 6 eruption cycles: Laiyang cycle in the Laiyang formation, Houkuang cycle, Bamoudi cycle, Shiqianzhuang cycle and Fanggezhuang cycle in the Qing shan formation andShijiatun cycle in the Wangshi formation.The rock geochemical data show that the Laiyang~Fanggezhuang volcano eruption cyclesbelong to the mesozoic "Shoshonite Province" in eastern China. These cycles developed due toenriched lithospheric mantle’s partial melting process under tensile background. And the negativeEu anomalies of the intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks in these cycles become stronger graduallyfrom early to late. The Shijiatun cycle’s basic volcanic rocks show a sudden change of theirmagma source from lithospheric mantle to asthenosphere. The above characteristics suggestthat Jiaolai basin was dominated by extensional stress field at its three geological stages and itslithosphere was thinned continuously.The various tectonic geometric characteristics of Jiaolai basin, such as the status of mohodepth(uplifting) and the configuration patterns of faults, also indicate Jiaolai basin has undergonenotable extension.The syndepositonal movements of normal fault groups with different running directions inJiaolai basin occurred simultaneously at its three geological stages. This shows the status of planeextention. The characteristics displayed by some balanced cross sections in different directionsindicate that the three prototypes of Jiaolai basin were all under the control of bidirectionalextentional stress field. Several subsidence curves of representative areas show it is not acontinuous rifting process from the Laiyang stage to Wangshi stage but a superimposing processof three rifting prototypes. At the beginning of basin forming, the Zhucheng and Gaomidepression had more characteristics that suggested their initiative rifting, whereas the Laiyangdepression had more passive rifting characteristics.There are good correlations among the characteristics of syndepositional fault movements, horizontal extension and vertical subsidence. This also strengthens the reliability of each aspect.The syndepositional fault movements in the Zhucheng depression mainly occurred at the Laiyangand Wangshi stages, whereas there was almost no syndepositional movements at the Qingshanstage. Correspondingly, extentional velocities of seismic sections in three different directions hada law of big→small→big from the Laiyang to Wangshi stage; Tectonic subsidence velocity wasthe smallest at the Qingshan stage but relatively big at the Laiyang and Wangshi stages. Mostsyndepositional faults in Gaomi depression kept to move at the three stages. Extentionalvelocities of seismic sections in three different directions in Gaomi depression had a law of big→small→biggest from the Laiyang to Wangshi stage and correspondingly tectonic subsidencevelocity was small at the Qingshan stage but relatively big at the Laiyang and Wangshi stages.The faults within the Laiyang depression had more notable syndepositional movements at theQinshan stage. Correspondingly, extentional velocities of seismic sections in two differentdirections had a law of small→big→small from the Laiyang to Wangshi stage; Tectonicsubsidence velocity is big at the Qingshan stage but relatively small at the Laiyang and Wangshi stages.The azimuthes of principal stress 1 of the three plane bidirectional extensional stress fieldwere 30°-210°, 143°-323°and 3.5°-183.5°respectively. The principal stress 3 should beperpendicular to principal stress 1, so their azimuths were 120°-300°, 53°-233°and 93.5°-273.5°respectively. These azimuthes can be regarded as the directions of regional tectonic stressesimposed on the whole Jiaolai basin, so they can be used to build initial models for stress fieldsimulations.According to the distributing characteristics of sedimentary facies (or lithofacies) andmajor syndepositional faults, the simulation models for the Laiyang~Qingshan stages can bedivided into 16, 12 and 9 areas respectively. Further, 954, 764 and 758 finite elements and 2723, 2179 and 2101 nodes are obtained respectively. Altogether, two element types and five materialsare defined in the three simulation models.Results of finite element simulations based on Ansys system suggest the principal stressdirections obtained by geological analyses only need small corrections. The Laiyang stage’sinitial direction need a 10°clockwise rotation, the Qingshan stage’s need no rotation and theWangshi stage’s need a 13.5°anticlockwise rotation. Moreover, imposing loads with the status of40: 15, 60: 30 and 60: 50 respectively, we can get ideal simulation results when compared with theones of geological analyses. This further confirms that the three prototypes of Jiaolai basin wereall dominated by plane bidirectional extentional regional stresses.The bidirectional extentional regional stresses obtained from geological analyses andconfirmed by finite element simulations indicate possible deep dynamic processes, because thiskind of stress can be produced by uplitling of lithosphere mantle or asthenosphere.Judging from ubiquitous tiny angular or parallel unconformity among the three formationsof Jiaolai basin and the fact that sedimentoiogical cease after the Wangshi stage, we can knowcompressive tectonic reversions occurred at the end of each prototype. Three sets of conjugatedshear joints were corresponding with the three tectonic reversions. The characteristics of thesejoints indicate they were generated due to regional compressive tectonic stresses whose pitchangles were tiny or horizontal and their directions were SSE-NNW, SEE-NWW and NE-SWrespectively. These compressive stresses also produced some gentle folds. But some other foldswere possibly generated by strike-slip movements of large faults, especially the Yishu fault belt, this reflected their reconstructing influences on basin.Based on the data, evidence and analyses of this paper and former studies, we can concludethat the formation of Jiaolai basin probably had a closer relationship with the regional stress fieldand the deep lithospheric dynamics induced by westward subduction of the (paleo-) pacific platebeneath the Asia continent. Because the sudden change of subduction direction and velocity ofthe Izanagi plate 140 Ma ago, the induced magma underplating probably made Jiaolai basin comeinto being. At the end of the Laiyang stage, a possible pulsative acceleration made the Laiyangrift prototype inverted because of compressive stress. At the same time, this tectonic inversioncaused the prelude of the Qingshan rift prototype. After this pulsative acceleration, lower crustwas delaminated perhaps because of the subsequent continuing subduction, so the Qingshan rift prototype was generated. Almost 100 Ma ago, the subduction pacific plate began to speed up andmade the Qingsha rift prototype inverted because of the possible induced compressive stress field.The subsequent continuing fast subduction of pacific plate in high angle perhaps caused thedelamination of lithosphere root and made the forming of the Wangshi prototype. At the end ofthe Wangshi stage, the Wangshi prototype began to be in tectonic inversion possibly because ofthe joint process of the compressive stress from NE to SW generated by the forming of hotcentral mantle plume under Japan sea at that time and the withstanding caused by long distancegentle compressive stress field that came from SW direction. After the Wangshi stage, with thegradual northern movement of the pacific plate, the extensional activities caused by high anglesubduction of the pacific plate moved norwards too and stepped out of study area, so the Jiaolaibasin hasn’t developed rift prototype again since then.

【关键词】 胶莱盆地白垩纪构造演化
【Key words】 Jiaolai basinCretaceoustectonic evolution
  • 【分类号】P548
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1210