

On Regional Environment and Culture of Ancient Sichuan

【作者】 付顺

【导师】 王成善; 田景春;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文以古蜀区域环境与古蜀文化关系为研究对象,通过自然科学与人文社会科学的结合,用多种现代科学技术手段尝试性重建古蜀地区环境要素(包括沉积环境、气候环境、生物环境、矿产资源环境),并将古蜀史前文化(主要包括社会组织、工具、技术要素)作为一个整体,对文化事件序列与环境事件序列进行系统性地对比分析,来综合探讨环境演变与文化变迁两者之间的关系。对环境演变对古蜀文化变迁的作用机理及相关性作出了较系统的探索,深化和推进古蜀地区人地关系研究。对古蜀地区环境考古研究提供有益参考。(一)本文所作的主要工作(1)收集、分析整理了大量前人对茂县营盘山、宝墩古城、广汉三星堆、成都金沙为代表的古蜀文化遗址研究资料,在此基础上对古蜀文化(文明)及演进特点进行了再认识。(2)收集、分析并尝试性复原了岷江上游(茂县营盘山遗址)和成都平原(宝墩古城、广汉三星堆遗址、成都金沙遗址)主要包括沉积环境、气候环境、生物环境、矿产资源环境状况,并对其特征进行总结归纳。(3)系统地初步建立了较高分辨率的古蜀文化事件序列(古蜀文化发展脉络),并对营盘山文化、宝墩文化、三星堆文化、十二桥文化(成都金沙遗址阶段)文化特征进行了梳理。(4)运用多学科研究方法和手段,系统地初步建立了较高分辨率的古蜀环境事件序列,特别是对营盘山文化、宝墩文化、三星堆文化、十二桥文化(成都金沙遗址)不同文化阶段的环境事件特征及演化进行了归纳和总结。(5)系统地分析了各环境要素及其演变对古蜀文化变迁的作用机制。探讨并揭示各环境要素及其演变与古蜀文化变迁、发展的相关性。(二)本文获得的初步认识和成果(1)新构造运动控制着古蜀地区自然地理、地貌格局、地层沉积特征,是古蜀文化演变和古蜀先民活动空间变化的深层次背景;地貌特征和水系变化的规律主要受新构造运动的影响。中晚更新世——全新世古蜀区域沉积环境直接制约着古蜀先民的生存空间的选择,它是古蜀文化产生发展的重要基础。古蜀地区新构造运动以阶段性、小幅度差异升降并伴有河流改道迁徙为基本特征。(2)古蜀文化发展的阶段与气候的变迁序列有着比较明显的相关性,气候变迁贯穿于古蜀营盘山文化——宝墩文化——三星堆文化——十二桥文化发展的始终。气候温湿期也正是上述诸文化快速发展或繁荣时期;而诸文化的突然中断则正对应着气候冷干事件的出现,清晰展示气候环境演变史与古文化变迁强相关的特点。同时,古蜀地区全新世6000aB.P.以来气候变迁是全球性气候变化的反映。出现凉干——温湿——冷干的4个气候短周期冷暖波动旋回。表现为5000aB.P.、4000aB.P.、3000aB.P.、2400aB.P.分别出降温事件。(3)古蜀文化对环境变异的响应:栖息地和资源的波动驱动古文化发展,即不同区域对居址的选择变动体现着对环境和资源的变异性的一种反应;古蜀文化栖息地交替变化意味着并没有完全适合人类的“最佳”环境。古人生存环境并非是稳定不变的状态,也不是简单的几次波动,环境的波动是一系列冷干——暧湿多次反复,是冷干和暖湿波动的序列,并非是单纯的冷干事件。(4)本文认为宝墩古城、三星堆古城、十二桥文化(金沙遗址)的中断,是成都平原环境变冷干事件、洪水事件、古河流频繁改道事件、新构造运动抬升事件等多种因素作用的结果,仅仅片面地强调其中某一种或几种因素是不能客观的反映古蜀文化本来面目的。(5)新石器时代至青铜时代,史前古蜀地区考古学文化的空间分布与自然资源有相关性,特别是与生物多样性资源密切相关;史前古蜀经济形态的确立,生业模式的选择与当时、当地所处气候和资源空间配置有密切关系;石器原料的选择性和利用能力影响到石质工具的功效,进而影响到石器时代至青铜时代人类对环境恶化的适应能力;笔者认为适度环境压力是诱发文化快速进步的原因(即文化“适度环境压力进步”动力机制)。(6)古蜀文化多元一体化趋势特征与古蜀地区独特的自然地理环境密切相关。古蜀先民经历了从山前高地和丘陵地带逐渐向平原腹心地带迁徙流动的过程,其原因与环境背景息息相关。在7.0-5.5kaB.P.期间,成都平原地处于盆地中部,地势较低而沼泽密布,不适宜古人类居住或适宜古人类居住地点十分有限,古蜀先民们只有居住在地势较高且较干燥的盆周山区(岷江上游地区)。这时,高阶地、高台地开始成为古人类居住和生产的地带。在原始粗放农业生产水平的制约下,迅速增长的人口与土地资源关系很容易达到饱和。因此,山前高地固然可以维持古蜀先民的生活,却难以形成成规模的文明。约5.5-5.0kaB.P.左右,古蜀地区气候出现冷干事件的重大转变。岷江上游地区旱作农业受此影响,农业经济支柱逐渐衰退。而与此相反,此时的成都平原以前密布的沼泽开始变干,而成为地肥水美,动植物繁盛,古蜀人类十分理想的居所。(7)新石器-青铜器时代古蜀文化演进特征:“流动迁徙型断续进化”的发展模式,呈现“时间维上的续”与“空间维上的断”链式衔接发展。这有别于张光直先生提出的中国文明化进程“连续性发展模式”说。实质上这只是就中国的中心区域所提取的蓝本,并不能也难以涵盖中国全境。换言之,犹如文化关系的“多元一体”结构一样,“断续相伴”才可能是中国文明化进程的基本模式。高蒙河博士也认为,长江下游考古时代的聚落演化存在以断裂型的进化模式为主,跳跃型的异化模式为辅,连续型的进化模式极少,反映出在特定地理环境下,长江下游文化发展过程是一种非连续进化的模式特征。而古蜀文化这种“流动迁徙型断续进化”的发展模式与各文化阶段遗址所在的地理环境变化息息相关。

【Abstract】 The thesis focuses on the relationship between regional environment and culturein ancient Sichuan. A variety of modern technologies have been applied to tentativelyrebuild the environmental elements of ancient Sichuan region(sedimentaryenvironment, climatic environment, bioenvironment, environment of mineralresources). Integrating the pre-historical culture into it (including social organization,tools, techniques), it makes systematical comparison and analysis between the seriesof cultural events and environmental events to elaborate on the relationship betweenthe environment evolution and culture changes. Based on the action principle ofancient culture changes from the environment evolution, it intends to push forwardthe research on the relation between human being and region in ancient Sichuan. Inaddition, it is supposed to offer the support to the archaeological research on theregional environment in ancient Sichuan.Main tasks(A). Collecting and sorting out the researching materials from yingpanshan,Baodun ancient city, Sanxingdui historical site, jingsha heritage site representingancient culture of Sichuan, based on this, giving a new vision to the ancientcivilizations and evolutionary characteristics in Sichuan.(B). Collecting, analyzing and tentatively restoring upper reaches(Yingpanshanof Mao county) and Chengdu Plain(Baodun Ancient City, Sanxingdui Heritage Siteand Jingsha Heritage Site) involving sedimentary environment, climatic environment,bioenvironment and environment of mineral resources as well as summing up thecharacteristics.(C). Sorting out a series of ancient culture events in Sichuan and thecharacteristics of the.(D) Multi-disciplinary approaches have been implemented to map out a series ofancient culture events and analyze their characteristics and evolution at differentstages.(E). Systematically explaining the action principle of various environmentelements and evolution on culture changes in ancient Sichuan as well as analyzingtheir relationship. Initial achievement(A). New tectogenesis controls the natural geology, morphological texture andstratigraphic sediment, which are the in-depth factors on changing culture andpeople’s activity space of ancient Sichuan, meanwhile, it affects the morphologicalproperty and drainage. The sedimentary setting of Pleistocene and Holocene inChengdu Plain directly restricts the option of living space and brings about thedevelopment of ancient culture in Sichuan. It is characterizes by the slight elevationand subsidence and river diversion.(B). The ancient cukure development in Sichuan is closely related to the climaticchanges, which displays in ancient culture of Yingpanshan, Baodun, SanxingduiHeritage Site and Shi’er qiao. The period of mild climate is just the period of rapiddevelopment or prosperity of the culture mentioned above. The interruption of thecultural development, however, appears in the cold and dry climate. It sees the closerelation between evolution of climate and culture changes in ancient Sichuan. At thesame time, the climate changes of Holocene at 6000aB.P. is the reflection of theglobal climatic changes. Four climate periods of wave cycle(cool & dry period, warm& damp period, cold & dry period) alternatively change, which show the events oflowering temperature about 5000aB.P.、4000aB.P.、3000aB.P、2400aB.P..(C). The response of environmental variation to the ancient culture: the wave ofliving place and resource drive the ancient culture; namely, the choice on living placein different regions mirrors the variation of environment and resource. The alternatechange of living place means it can’t adapt to the best living surroundings. Theancient living surroundings is neither stable nor waving only several times, the waveof environment is not the unique event of clod and dry climate but the sequence ofrepetition including cold and dry climate, warmer and damp climate.(D). The interruption of cultural development in Baodun ancient city, Sanxingduiand Shi’erqiao has been caused by the flood events, frequent fiver diversions, theIitt of New tectogenesis and so on. The original picture of ancient Sichuan can not beshowed by only one or several factors.(E). From Neolithic age to Bronze age, the space division of culture in prehistoricarcheology has good bearing on the natural resource, especially the biodiversity. Theprehistoric economic mode is closely related to the local climate and distribution ofnatural resources at that time. The choice and utilization of artifact has an effect onthe usefulness of artifact tools, then on the adaptation to the environmental deterioration. The right pressure of environment gives rise to the prompt developmentof culture.(F). The integration of culticulture of ancient Sichuan is closely related tothe unique natural environment. The migration of ancient people from themountainous area to the center of plain is due to the relationship between them. About7.0-5.5kaB.E, the plain is located at the center of the basin, covered by marshes ,which is not suitable for living or limited. They have no choice but live in the moredrier place. At that time, they take the highland as their living area. Due to the weakproduction of agriculture, the increasing population is easy to arrive at high level.Although highland can support them, it is difficult to form the civilization in a largescale. About 5.5-5.0kaB.E, the big change on climate takes place, which shows theclimatic zone moves south. It affects the agriculture at the upper reaches of Mingjiangriver and the power of agriculture degraded. On the contrary, the chengdu plain,covered by the marshes in the past, now becomes the place where there is abundantresources and species. Meanwhile, it gets to be their desiring living place.(G). The features of cultural evolution from Neolithic age to Bronze age: themode "flow displacement interrupted evolution" shows the chain developmentbetween the time constancy and space interruption, which is different from theconsistent development mode of Chinese culture proposed by Mr.Zhangguangzhi.Virtually, it is just the blueprint of China’s central region and can’t cover the wholeChina. That is to say, like the structure of the integration of diversified cultures, themode of interrupted evolution is the basic one of Chinese civilizations. PhD. GAOmenghe believed that the rift evolution plays dominant role on the settlementevolution in the lower reaches of Yangtze river, leap variation mode is auxiliary andcontinuous evolution mode hardly happens, which shows the interrupted evolution ofculture of lower reaches in special environment. However, the flow displacementinterrupted evolution is closely related to the geography of the heritage sites.

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