

Trait-anxiety and Characteristics of Cognitive Processing in Young Soldiers

【作者】 杨国愉

【导师】 张大均;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 焦虑是军人最常见的情绪反应之一,也是战时军事应激的首发心理反应。特质焦虑是青年军人焦虑情绪反应的一种,是影响军事作业绩效和军人心理健康的重要因素。既往对特质焦虑的研究主要集中在一般人群与临床群体,研究主要针对流行现状、发展水平和影响因素,虽有研究以情绪词、面孔和情绪图片等为刺激材料的认知加工研究,发现了特质焦虑认知的负性偏向。但对军人特质焦虑的研究较少,且以研究方法单一、小样本的描述研究为主,未见对军人特质焦虑的流行现状、发展水平特点及影响因素的系统探讨,很少有从军人特质焦虑认知加工角度进行的研究。因此,系统地探讨青年军人特质焦虑的流行病学现状、发展特点及其影响因素,探讨其认知加工特点,具有现实的军事意义和学术理论价值。本研究以青年军人为研究对象,主要从宏观和微观的角度,采用问卷调查法,探讨青年军人特质焦虑的流行病特点,探讨特质焦虑与人格、应付方式、心理健康和社会支持等因素的相互关系。并在此基础上,利用具有生态效应的国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)为研究材料,采用注意的经典实验范式,立足于特质焦虑的注意和记忆偏向,从注意的空间加工、注意的时间加工、注意转移和再认加工着手,探讨青年军人特质焦虑的认知加工特点。整个研究分为四个部分,共八个研究,主要涉及青年军人特质焦虑的流行率、发展特点及其影响因素的探讨;国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)在青年军人群体中的应用探讨;青年军人特质焦虑注意资源的空间分配、时间分配、注意转移和再认等认知加工特点研究。综合以上研究,得出如下结论:1.青年军人特质焦虑的流行率为70.7%,其中,轻度特质焦虑流行率为39.2%,中度为23.5%,重度为8.0%,且有性别、年龄、军龄、军种和级别差异。2.青年军人特质焦虑水平呈现明显的发展特征:(1)年龄上呈现“先升后降”的发展趋势;(2)军龄上呈“先升后降再升”的发展趋势,两个转折点分别是二年(最高)和五年(最低);(3)性别上女性显著高于男性,而且女性在年龄和军龄上的发展不同于男性,年龄上呈“先降后升”的发展趋势,军龄上呈“U”型的发展趋势;(4)军种上陆军显著高于空军和海军;(5)级别上,军官显著低于士兵和士官。3.人格、应付方式、心理健康和社会支持是青年军人特质焦虑的重要影响因素,其按作用大小依次为:不成熟应对、成熟应对、神经质、心理健康、内外向、精神质和社会支持。4.国际情绪图片系统(IAPS)具有较好的人群通用性,青年军人被试的唤醒度和优势度评分均显著低于大学生。制定青年军人IAPS的评分标准,可以用于青年军人的认知实验。5.特质焦虑青年军人存在注意资源空间分配的负性认知加工偏向,呈现注意早期对负性刺激过度警觉、注意晚期对负性刺激回避的倾向,而且注意早期加工质量较差。6.特质焦虑青年军人存在注意资源时间分配负性认知加工偏向,这种偏向发生在“注意瞬脱”200~250ms的时间内。7.特质焦虑青年军人存在注意转移的负性认知加工偏向,注意资源容易被负性刺激所束缚,注意转移困难。8.特质焦虑青年军人存在再认的负性加工偏向,对负性刺激的再认率明显高于中性和正性刺激。青年军人特质焦虑及其认知加工特点的研究是具有军事应用价值,又有挑战性的课题,涉及军事心理学、认知心理学和健康心理学等众多学科和领域。本研究在以下几方面有所突破和创新:(1)研究对象上,选择军队的主体——青年军人作为研究对象,使研究对象具有较好的代表性。青年军人心理生理处于发展期,具有很强的可塑性,选择他们作为研究对象,使研究更能反应部队的真实情况,更有针对性,研究结果在部队也有较大的应用价值。(2)研究方法上,大胆引入具有生态效应的国际情绪图片系统(IAPS),使研究更具有较好的生态性,而且还在青年军人群体中对LAPS进行了初步的应用评价,使工具的使用更为科学;在研究范式的选择上,立足于特质焦虑的认知加工重点——注意和再认偏向,并对实验范式进行了适当修订,增加了阈上和阈下刺激变量,使得研究可以探讨注意早期(无意识领域)和晚期(意识领域)的青年军人认知加工的特点。(3)研究内容上,对青年军人特质焦虑的流行特点、特质焦虑水平的性别、军种、级别、年龄和军龄发展特点,以及青年军人特质焦虑的影响因素进行了系统的探讨;系统地研究了青年军人特质焦虑认知加工的注意空间偏向、注意时间偏向、注意转移偏向,以及再认偏向特点。本研究不仅有利于军人心理健康的维护,而且在军事人员的选拔、军事活动的管理、军事作业绩效的提高、军人心理健康教育、军事应激的处理、军人情绪障碍的咨询与治疗等领域都有广泛的应用价值。本研究还扩大了特质焦虑的研究领域,丰富了特质焦虑的研究内容,对促进多学科的交叉和融合,也有较大的推动作用。

【Abstract】 Anxiety is one of the common emotional disorders among soldiers and also the preliminary stressful reaction of soldiers in war time. Trait-anxiety is one part of anxiety of soldiers and plays an important role in military tasks and mental health of soldiers. Previous researches of trait-anxiety mainly focused on the epidemic status, developmental characteristics and influential factors among normal and clinical samples. Some researches of cognitive processing also found the negative cognitive bias of trait-anxiety with stimulus such as emotion-words, face and affective pictures, etc. But those previous studies in soldier samples were poor not only in research methods and systematic analysis in the epidemic status, developmental characteristics and influential factors of trait-anxiety among soldiers, but also in the exploration of psychological mechanism of trait-anxiety, especially from the angle of cognitive processing. Therefore, it is of great significance to investigate the epidemic status, developmental characteristics, influential factors systematically and the cognitive processing characteristics of soldiers with trait-anxiety.This study, which employed young soldiers as participants, explored the correlations of trait-anxiety and personality, coping style, mental health and social support, probed into the epidemic characteristics of trait-anxiety in young soldiers using scales from the macroscopic and microcosmic angles. Subsequently, on the base of attention bias and memory bias of trait-anxiety, applying the classic cognitive paradigm of attention and memory, the cognitive processing characteristics of young soldiers with trait-anxiety were explored with the materials of IAPS from spatial processing, temporal course and shift of attention and recognition bias. The whole study, which included 8 researches, can be divided into four parts involving the exploration of epidemic status, developmental characteristics and influential factors of trait-anxiety in young soldiers; the application of IAPS to young soldiers; and the exploration of the cognitive processing characteristics of trait-anxiety in young soldiers including shift, spatial and temporal resource distribution of attention, recognition, etc. Summarizing all researches, the conclusions can be attained as follows:1. The prevalent rate of trait-anxiety in young soldiers is 70.7%, among which 39.2% is in low level, 23.5% in middle level, and 8.0% in high level, and there exist significant differences in sex, age, and service-age.2. The trait-anxiety level of young soldiers displays significant developmental features: (1) "upward-downward" trend in age; (2) "upward-downward-upward" trend in service age with two turning points in the second year (the highest) and the fifth year (the lowest) respectively; (3) significant difference in gender: "downward-upward" trend in age and "U" shape trend in service age among females, which is different from males; (4) significant difference in army services: the land force with a significantly higher level than the air force and the navy; and (5) significant difference in rank: officers with a significantly lower level than soldiers and non-commissioned officers.3. Personality, coping style, mental health and social support are important factors to affect the trait-anxiety in young soldiers. The order of factors with effects on trait-anxiety from high to low is immature coping, mature coping, neuroticism, mental health, introversion/extroversion, psychoticism and social support.4. IAPS can be employed universally. The scores of arousal and dominance in young soldiers are significantly lower than those of college students. IAPS can be used in cognitive experiments among young soldiers with the establishment of the score system.5. Negative cognitive processing bias is found in the spatial distribution of attention resource in young soldiers with trait-anxiety. Namely, there exist over-vigilance to negative stimulus during the early period of attention processing, avoidant tendency during the late period of attention processing, and poor accuracy in the early period.6. There is cognitive processing bias in the temporal distribution of attention resource in young soldiers with trait-anxiety, which happens in 200~250 ms during "Attention Blink". 7. Negative-cognitive processing bias of attention shift can be observed in young soldiers with trait-anxiety, whose attention resource is prone to be tied and hard to shift.8. Negative cognitive processing bias of memory recognition is found in young soldiers with trait-anxiety, and the recognition accuracy of negative stimulus is raised significantly.The study on trait-anxiety and characteristics of cognitive processing in young soldiers is a military valuable and challenging topic, which refers to many subjects and fields such as military psychology, cognitive psychology and healthy psychology, etc. The study has madesome breakthroughs and innovations as follows: (1) The selection of young soldiers------theprincipal part of soldiers, makes the participants to be more typical than before. Young soldiers, whose physiology and mentality are in the developmental period, have strong flexibility, making the result true and military valuable. (2) The introduction and application of IAPS with ecological effect has made the study more scientific and ecological. On the base of the attention and memory bias which are the emphases of cognitive processing in trait-anxiety, the suitable revision of paradigm by adding the supraliminal and subliminal stimulus variables have made the possibility to explore the cognitive processing characteristics in young soldiers in the early period (unconsciousness field) and the late period (consciousness field) of cognition. (3) The study has systematically explored the epidemic characteristics of trait-anxiety, the developmental characteristics of trait-anxiety in gender, army services, rank, age and service-age, and the influential factors of trait-anxiety in young soldiers. Furthermore, the study has explored the cognitive processing characteristics of spatial attention bias, temporal attention bias, attention shift bias and recognition bias in young soldiers with trait-anxiety.The study is not only of benefit to the mental health of soldiers, but also of practical value in the selection of soldiers, management of military activities, improvement of military performance, education of mental health of soldiers, psychological counseling and therapy of emotional disorder in soldiers, etc. The study has not only enlarged the field of trait-anxiety research, but also enriched the content of trait-anxiety research. It is a great promotion to the development and amalgamation of multi-subjects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期