

Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution Since the Late Paleozoic and Natural Gas Formation in the Southern North-China Basin

【作者】 解东宁

【导师】 周立发;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 南华北盆地横跨华北地块、华北地块南缘构造带,同时紧邻北秦岭褶皱带。其形成演化既受秦岭—大别造山带的控制,又受到中国东部中新生代构造演化及郯庐断裂系的影响。近年来,该区的油气勘探陆续发现了一些源自上古生界的油气显示和小型煤成油藏,显示了上古生界良好的勘探前景。因此,为了客观地总结南华北盆地上古生界石油地质条件,本文将南华北盆地群作为一个整体,开展其晚古生代以来构造沉积演化与油气地质条件研究,对于解决制约该区上古生界油气勘探的几个关键地质问题具有重要的指导意义和参考价值。本文以板块构造和大陆动力学理论为基础,以含油气盆地整体、动态、综合分析为原则,通过野外地质调查与室内综合研究相结合,主要开展了南华北盆地构造层序的划分和重点勘探目的层系的多重地层划分与对比,晚古生代以来各个时期的构造背景及其所控制的原型盆地类型及其演化特征,东秦岭-大别山北缘逆冲推覆构造系统以及上古生界成藏系统基本要素与地质作用过程等诸方面的研究工作。主要成果和认识如下:将南华北盆地沉积盖层划分为六大构造层序。将研究区晚古生代以来盆地构造演化划分为以下几个阶段:晚石炭世—中二叠世弱伸展背景下的克拉通坳陷盆地形成阶段;晚二叠世—中三叠世安尼期内陆坳陷盆地形成阶段;中三叠世拉丁期—晚三叠世末挤压挠曲坳陷和背驮式断陷盆地形成阶段;早中侏罗世断陷盆地形成阶段;晚侏罗世—早白垩世裂陷盆地形成阶段;晚白垩世走滑拉分盆地形成阶段;早第三纪断陷盆地形成阶段和晚第三纪—第四纪弱伸展坳陷阶段。东秦岭-大别山北缘逆冲推覆构造在走向上具有分段性,倾向上具有分带性。并经历了5期逆冲推覆作用。其中,洛伊盆地、周口坳陷中北部凹陷主要分布于北支前锋逆断带北侧前渊地区,信阳—合肥盆地等主要位于北支前锋逆断带和南支逆断带之间的逆冲岩席及断夹块上。并指出印支-燕山期的南华北盆地并非前陆盆地性质,而是断(裂)陷型盆地。在南华北盆地构造沉积演化分析的基础上,对上古生界烃源岩条件和成藏条件进行了系统的分析,指出研究区石炭—二叠系是最有勘探前景的层系。油气勘探应以找天然气为主,以找油为辅。岩性或构造—岩性圈闭为其主要勘探目标。上古生界成藏组合划分为5种类型:源内自储式砂岩型成藏组合,源内自储式灰岩裂缝型成藏组合,近储式下生上储砂岩型成藏组合,近储式上生下储灰岩(白云岩)裂缝型成藏组合和跨越式下生上储砂岩型成藏组合。

【Abstract】 The Southern North-China Basin spans the North-China plate and the southern tectonic belt of North-China plate, meanwhile, it is adjacent to the North Qinling orogen belt. Its formation and evolution is controlled by Qinling-Dabie orogen belt and affecting by the mid-Cenozoictectonic evolution of East China and the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone. These years, Indication of oil and gas and small coal-formed oil reservoir which comes from Upper Paleozoic is founded gradually this area, which display good exploration prospect of Upper Paleozoic. Therefore, In order to evaluate condition of oil geology of Upper Paleozoic. The paper consider the Southern North-China Basins as a whole and study the Tectono-Sedimentary evolution since late palezonic and conditions of oil and gas and to solving some key geological issues related to hydrocarbon exploration in the region.The research base on the theories of plate tectonics and Continent geodynamics, use the method that petroliferous basin is analyzed integrally, dynamically and comprehensively, and the investigation in the field was combined with research indoors, Studies are mainly on classifying tectonic-sequence and the multiple stratigraphic division and correlation of important exploration target in the Southern North-China Basin;confirming tectonic environment of every tectonic era and by its control of corresponding prototype basin;analysising the overthrust tectonic system in northern Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt and essential geological elements and various geological processes of Upper Paleozoic hydrocarbon accumulation system. Some conclusions are listed as follows:The plateform cover cap of the Southern North-China Basin can be divided into six tectonic sequences. The tectonic evolution of the Southern North-China Basin can be classified in eight stages: the intercratonic depression formation phase in the setting of weak-extensional (from Late Carboniferous to Mid Permian);the inland depressed basin formation phase(from Late Permian to the Anisian Middle Triassic);the intra-cratonic bending depression and piggyback basin formation phase(from the Ladinian Middle Triassic to Late Triassic); the rift-subsidence basin formation phase(Early-Middle Jurassic);the rifted basin formation phase(from Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous); the strike-slip basin formation phase(Late Cretaceous); the rift-subsidence basin formation phase(Paleogene) and the depression basin formation phase(from Neogene to Quaternary).The overthrust tectonic system in northern Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt in this area has the feather that it can be divided into subzones in the strike tendency and blocks in the dipping direction. which also can be divided into five episodes. LuoYi Basin and sags in the middle-northern of ZhouKou Depression were located in front of the North foremountain zone or foredeep zone,and XinYang-Heifei Basin were located on the median thrust sheet zone,which between the two thrust faults(NTH &STH).and point out that the Southern North-China Basin in Indosinian-Yanshanian is not foreland basin,but rift-subsidence basin.Based on the analysis of the tectonic-sedimentary evolution in the Southern North-China Basin,conditions of source rocks in Upper Paleozoic and reservoir-forming have been carryied on in systematic. Indicate that the exploration should give priority to gas and oil is subordinate. Lithology or tectonic- lithology trap is main exploration aim. There are five patterns of fine play zone have been found out: self-generating and self-preserving sandstone in-source assemblages;self-generating and self-preserving fracture-type limestone in-source assemblages;down-generating and up-preserving sandstone near-reservoir assemblages;up-generating and down-preserving fracture-type limestone near-reservoir assemblages;down-generating and up-preserving sandstone remote- source assemblages.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】P618.130.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1105