
秦岭金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana的社群结构及其日活动规律

Daily Activity Budget and Social Structure of Rhinopithecus Roxellana in Qinling Mountains

【作者】 吕九全

【导师】 李保国;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 古生物学与地层学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 2004年2月至2005年8月,我在陕西省周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙村对西梁群金丝猴进行了为期一年半的研究,该群在投食期间分为投食群和非投食群两部分活动,常年活动于的西梁海拔1400-2400m之间的落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林中。通过个体识别,将研究对象划分为不同年龄-性别组,依研究内容和客观条件分别采用随机取样法、扫描取样法、焦点动物取样法,应用瞬时记录法和全事件记录法,对投食时和非投食时猴群的社群结构及其活动规律进行数据收集。结果如下:西梁群由一雄多雌社会单元(One-male unit,简称OMU)和全雄单元(All-male unit,简称AMU)两种基本结构单元组成,全群包括12个OMU和2个AMU,总计150余只。2004年全群由12个OMU、1个AMU组成,总数130余只,成年性比(雌∶雄)约为3.58∶1(0-8∶1),成年雌猴与婴猴的比例(雌∶婴)为2.53∶1;2005年全群由11个OMU、2个AMU组成,总数150余只,成年性比约为4.91∶1(3-11∶1),成年雌猴与婴猴的比例约为2.25∶1。社群中各OMU的大小不等,最小的只有4只,最大的达28只,平均为11.3只。OMU的组成是相对稳定的,但不是固定不变的。OMU的平均大小2004年为10.17±4.24只,2005年为12.55±6.05只。引起OMU变化的因素主要有个体的出生和死亡、个体在社会单元间的迁移、单元解体及新单元形成。发生迁移的个体包括青少年雄猴、亚成年和成年雌猴。OMU的变化最终导致社群大小和结构的变化,主雄替换、青年雌猴在OMU间的迁移可能是近亲繁殖避免机制的行为表现。AMU常活动于猴群外缘。AMU成员常靠近OMU内的雌猴,OMU主雄对AMU成员有警戒与驱逐行为,阻止AMU成员的靠近。研究期间观察到一例青少年AMU形成,根据观察结果,描述了该AMU的形成过程。通过个案描述,分析了西梁群AMU与OMU间的相互关系及AMU的形成。西梁群金丝猴的日活动节律和各种行为的时间分配规律反映了其秦岭生境的适应。其昼间各种行为依所占时间比例依次为:取食(34.64±1.70%)、休息(26.83±1.69%)、理毛(11.58±0.96%)、移动(18.93±1.08%)和其他行为(8.02±0.82%)。金丝猴群在清晨醒来就开始活动,经短距离(约100-500m)移动后开始第一次取食,直至中午;中午时分进入集体休息期,大约休息2小时;之后开始第二次取食,边觅食边移动,直到近黄昏时停止移动并选择夜宿点,天黑后进入夜间睡眠。取食和休息是昼间活动的主要行为类型,在每天的上、下午各有一个取食高峰、每天中午有一个较长时间的集体休息期。昼间各行为类型所占时间比例在不同年龄-性别组间,及同一年龄-性别组的个体在不同季节之间均存在显著差异,反映了金丝猴为适应栖息环境,形成了相应的活动时间分配对策。

【Abstract】 This study was conducted on a Qinling golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) troop ranged in the West Ridge of Yuhuangmiao Village (named WRT), Zhouzhi National Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Province of China from February 2004 to August 2005. The WRT lived in deciduous broadleaf forests and mixed coniferous broadleaf forests, from 1400m to 2400m above the sea level. One part of this troop was provisioned whereas the other part not. The sex-age category was classed according to the individual identification. The social structure and time budget of the WRT was carried out in this study. The related behavioral data were collected by ad lib sampling, scan sampling, focal animal sampling, instantaneous sampling and all occurrence recording according to the different research purpose on study subject. The result in this study showed that: Two types of its basic social organization, One-male unit (OMU) and All-male unit (AMU), formed the Troop. The whole troop consisted of 12 OMUs and 2 AMUs, which is about 150 individuals at total and the rate of different sex-age class was adult males: adult females (3.58:1) (0-8:1) and adult females : infants (2.25:1) respectively.The mean individual numbers within the OMU was 11 (range: 4-28). The composition of OMU was relatively stable although it varied from seasons and years. The variation of OMUs’ composition came from infant birth, infant mortality, individual migration, unit dismissing and unit buildup. The subjects involved in migration include juveniles males, sub-adult females and adult females. Such variation on OMUs’ makeup influence the composition of troop. Male replacement and inter-unit juvenile female migration might serve as mechanism of inbreeding avoidance to some extent.AMUs moved around the edge of the WRT and their members often attempted to approach females within OMUs whereas the resident male of OMU kept AMU’s males from their females. The diurnal activity budgets in the WRT was: monkeys moved a short distance after waking up and foraging in the morning; they rest for 2 hours after noon then forage again, and stop moving until evening, finally they chose a place for sleeping. The subjects spent the majority of their time feeding and resting, (34.64±1.70%) and (26.83±1.69%) of all activities respectively. The other activities were grooming (11.58±0.96%) , locomotion (18.93±1.08%) and other behaviors (8.02±0.82%). Time, season and age-sex class were observed to influence the activity budgets of the subjects. Feeding activity of the study group showed two peaks, one in the early morning (8:00-10:00), and another in the afternoon (16:00-18:00). A resting peak was observed around noon (12:00-14:00). The behavior category varied significantly among sex-aged classes in different seasons. The adaptation on the local habitat and climate in Qinling Mountains was considered as one of thoese reasons on such behavioral change in this monkey troop.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】386