

Application of the Sol-Gel Technology for Textiles Function Finishing

【作者】 徐鹏

【导师】 陈水林;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织化学与染整工程, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 溶胶-凝胶技术是指金属有机或无机化合物经过溶液、溶胶、凝胶而固化,再经热处理而形成氧化物或其它化合物固体的一种技术。作为一种材料制备的方法,该技术在许多方面得到了广泛应用,如制备玻璃、纤维、粉末、薄膜、涂层、复合材料等,但在纺织上的应用研究刚刚起步。本论文从溶胶-凝胶法的基本原理出发,制备不同的溶胶,采用浸轧、预烘、焙烘等常用工艺,将该方法应用到纺织品后整理上,赋予纺织品多种功能。实验结果表明:溶胶-凝胶技术用于纺织品整理不仅具有可行性,而且有着广阔的发展空间。溶胶-凝胶法处理可在织物表面形成复杂的三维网络结构。利用这一特性,制备不同性质的溶胶。将溶胶-凝胶技术用于织物的功能整理,既能赋予织物抗紫外、抗静电、抗菌、产生负离子、提高染料色牢度等特殊的功能,又能提高了产品附加值,增强我国纺织品在国际上的竞争力。本论文制备了钛溶胶并用于棉织物的抗紫外整理,实验结果表明:经钛溶胶处理过的棉织物拥有优异、持久的抗紫外性能;同时结合荧光增白剂VBL和自制聚丙烯酸酯低温粘合剂的使用,不但可以弥补钛凝胶对UVA区紫外光吸收不足的缺点,使棉织物抗紫外能力进一步大幅度提高,而且克服了织物泛黄现象,改善了织物的强力;一系列处理后,棉织物不但拥有优异、持久的抗紫外性能,且手感、强力、透气性等性能无明显变化。本论文制备了硅水溶胶用于涤纶织物的抗静电整理,实验结果表明:经硅水溶胶处理后,涤纶织物的静电压、静电半衰期、比电阻都大幅度下降,抗静电性能显著提高,且手感、强力、白度等各项性能无明显变化。本论文将制备的硅水溶胶和钛水溶胶按照不同摩尔比复合对直接染料进行固色处理。实验结果表明:当Si/Ti=14:1(摩尔比)时对直接染料有较好的固色效果,湿牢度普遍提高;同时发现硅水溶胶对直接黑GF有着明显的固色和增深作用。经溶胶-凝胶整理后,直接黑GF的各项色牢度显著提高,色深曲线较处理前有较大幅度的提高,增深效果使得用较少的染料染得较浓的黑色成为可能。本论文对溶胶-凝胶技术在纺织上的其它应用进行了初步探索,如抗菌、拒水、产生负离子等。实验结果表明:经钛溶胶处理过的棉织物对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白色念珠菌三种常见菌具有很好的抗菌效果:经钛水溶胶处理后的棉织物具有较好的拒水效果,接触角达130°;经硅、钛溶胶处理的棉织物能够释放大量负离子,起到净化空气和保健人体的作用。本论文对硅水溶胶和钛水溶胶的制备条件,以及溶胶-凝胶技术用于纺织品整理的工艺条件进行了初步探讨,确定了较为合适的溶胶制备条件和整理工艺。本论文利用激光粒度仪对溶胶的粒径进行了表征;采用扫描电镜、原子力显微镜观察凝胶在织物表面的形貌状态;采用红外光谱仪、热失重分析仪、DSC分析仪对经过硅、钛溶胶处理的织物以及硅、钛凝胶粉末分别进行了表征测试,并对溶胶-凝胶法抗紫外、抗静电、固色、抗菌和产生负离子的机理做了初步的研究探讨。

【Abstract】 The sol-gel process is a kind of technology that begins with metal organic or inorganic compounds and solidifies through a solution-sol-gel evolvement, finally resulting very fine particles of oxide. As a method of preparing materials, this technology has been applied to a great many of aspects such as specific glasses, fibers, powders, films, coatings, composite materials, etc. However, the research and application of the sol-gel process on textiles have not been for a long time yet. In this dissertation, a series of sols were prepared based on the principles of the sol-gel process, and then were applied on textiles through traditional pad-dry-cure techniques, endowing textiles with kinds of special functions. Primary experimental results showed that the sol-gel process technology was not only feasible for textiles’ function finishing after treatment, but also had promising and bright prospect.A compound and complex three-dimensional networks could be formed on the surface of fibers after the sol-gel treatment, which may be used to endow the textiles with special functions such as anti-ultraviolet radiation, antibacterial, antistatic, releasing negative ion and enhancing the wash fastness of dyes and so on. Not only the added value of textiles is improved, but also the competitive ability of textiles trade could be strengthened at the same time.Titanium sols were prepared to enhance the ultraviolet protection property of cotton fabrics in the dissertation. The UV transmittance of treated fabrics decreased considerably after sol treatment, assisted with fluorescent whitening agent, the UV resistance was improved further, and the yellowing incurred by the sol treatment was also eliminated. The use of self-developed polyacrylate adhesive could increase not only the washing durability but also the UV resistance of the fabric, and at the same time strength loss also was resolved. The strength, hand, air permeability tests of the treated fabrics showed no negative effects from a series of treatment on the cotton fabrics.Silane sols were prepared with organic precursors to improve the antistatic property of polyester fabrics. The experimental results showed that the inductive static voltage, volume specific resistance and half-time of treated PET fabrics were improved considerably by sol treatment, while there were no negative effects on the whiteness, strengthes and handle of the treated fabrics.Silane hydrosol and titanium hydrosol were prepared and mixed according to different mol ratios, and then used fixing direct dyes and experimental results showed that direct dyed fabrics got good washing fastness after the sol-gel treatment by the mixed sol of Si/Ti=14: 1; It was found that silane hydrosol was used for fixing DirectBlack GF dyed cotton, and good washing fastness and darkening effect were obtained. The colorfastness of treated fabrics dyed with Direct Black GF was improved obviously and the K/S curves rose up greatly compared with the untreated, and the darkening effect made it possible get very full black color with excellent wet fastness with relative small amount of the Direct Black GF dye.Other applications of the sol-gel technology on textiles were discussed in the dissertation as well, such as water-repellency, antibacterial, releasing negative ion etc. Experimental results showed that the cotton treated with titanium sols resulted in good antibacterial property, the cotton treated with titanium hydrosol possessed better water-repellency and contact angle of water exceeded 130°, the cotton treated with silane and titanium sols both can release a lot of negative ion to play a role in purifying the air and do some health to people.The preparation conditions of both silane hydrosol and titanium hydrosol, and the technique conditions for the application of sol-gel technology on textiles finishing were discussed in the dissertation, appropriate conditions were determined approximately.The particle size of the sols and morphology of the gels on the fibers were characterized by Nanosizer, SEM and AFM. The fabrics treated with sols and gels powder were investigated with IR, TG, DSC analyzers. The primary mechanisms of anti-ultraviolet radiation, antibacterial, antistatic, releasing negative ion and enhancing the wash fastness of direct dyes with sol-gel process were discussed in the dissertation.Xu Peng (Textile Chemistry&Dyeing and Finishing Engineering)Supervised by Professor Chen Shuilin

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS195.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】432