

The Interprepation and Comparison Reasearch Betaween Chinese Dreams and Western Dreams

【作者】 张瑞生

【导师】 常存库;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文的终级目标是要搭建一座东西方文明映衬下梦境解读的桥梁。梦境意象无论东方还是西方自古以来就被无数思想家、医学家、占卜师和科技工作者探索求解的题目。由于各自文化背景不同以及哲学、心理学、伦理学、科学史上的视点不同,得出的结果也迥然不同,给人类留下困惑。本文试图从大量中西梦境解读基础入手,加上临床中来访者的访谈和梦境、图画笔记,从几方面寻找走出沼泽、突出重围的思路:尽可能接近西方释梦的鼻祖弗洛伊德的释梦原理,借助精神分析、心理动力学、中西医史、世界史和西方哲学等知识结构,解读出目前国内最多的梦境象征意象近700帧。为我们今后科研和比较研究打下基础。最大限度地搜集整理各版本《周公解梦》和《敦煌解梦书》等书。虽然其中有历代占卜术士、文人墨客的穿凿附会,有些甚至看似荒诞不经,但笔者都一一整理,把它们看成有莫大心理学意义的资料,其中投射着几千年来中国人的恐惧、希冀、危机逃避、焦虑和幻想的文化符号,这是原汁原味的经过历史风吹雨打沉淀下的最深刻的中国人心灵史的一部分,象童话、传说、寓言那样丰富、鲜活、生动有趣,是一部有价值、伟大的心态史。本文试图尝试将东西方(严格说应是中西方)的释梦理论加以解构比较,在不同解读中找其影响和根源。以及对同一象征物的不同诠释却殊途同归。本文试图尝试将东西方(严格说应是中西方)的释梦理论加以解构比较,在不同解读中找其影响和根源。以及对同一象征物的不同诠释却殊途同归。因为人类毕竟拥有共同的命运和共同的“集体潜意识”(荣格语)。在解读梦的基础上,试图将梦在医学尤其是中医学领域的理论和实践加以归类整理。以便今后更好地将梦境解读应用辅助临床诊断、精神分析治疗以及心理咨询中。“理论是苍白的而生活之树常绿”,医学是跟着疾病走的学科,也许理论研究永远跟不上现实,更何况人类对脑科学的理解又是更加苍白。中医梦诊是传统的手段之一,本文也试图将一些西方的梦诊理论同中医梦诊加以对比,以更加丰富中医的梦诊手段。中西医学论争不是零和游戏、也不是谁替代谁的问题,而是重在互相补充、启发和扬长避短的过程。也许是个漫长的过程。但“无论楼梯有多长,总要踏上第一阶”(西谚)。总要有人铺下最底层的路石。医乃仁术,仁者人也。医学是人学,医学史也一定是追问人自身的历史。而医学孰优孰劣的争论无济于事,蒙昧主义和科学至上主义同样充满了危机和偏见。中西都需要敞开胸怀地碰撞和对话。21世纪留给我们的责任是将两大体系从邂逅、相知、争吵、相恋到孕出新生命。那也是神秘的梦开始的地方。本文当然不希望被束之高阁,希望能给21世纪处于矛盾、混乱、不安、浮躁的人们的自我拯救提供一面镜子,让我们通过解读梦境意象来观照自己内心,加深对自身的一点认识、一点启示或是一点温暖慰藉以及应对人类危机的预演。这也是医学理论工作者的责任。

【Abstract】 The main body of this paper end level target is that civilization sets off the bridge that dreamworld understands and explains down in East and West need to hang building one.The imago moves towards dreamworld disregarding the east be still the west down the ages that the examination questions finding the solution is probed by uncounted thinkers , medical scientist , divine division and scientific and technical worker. Background is different because of each’s culture and the viewpoint is different on philosophy , psychology , ethics , history of science, the result reaching also is quite different , gives human being puzzle. The main body of this paper start trying to understand and explain a basis from large amount of Chinese and Western dreamworld, the interview adding the clinical visitor prepares dreamworld , picture note , steps off the swamp , the train of thought breaking through a tight encirclement from searching in several aspects:Approach dream interpretation of the earliest ancestor of west dream interpretation Floyd principle as far as possible , draw support from the psychoanalysis , mentality dynamics , be hit by structure of knowledge such as Western medicine history , world history and west philosophy , be understood and explained out at present domestic the most dreamworld symbolizing that the imago is close to 700 frames. Be that our scientific research the days to come and comparison research lay down basis.High limit field spicilegium arranges every edition "Zhou Gong explains the dream " and "Dunhuang unties the dream book " . But though having the past dynasties divine warlock , the men of letters making a strained interpretation and drawing a farfetched analogy among them, some of them look like that even fantastic, but the author arranges all one by one, consider them as the data having greatest psychology meaning , among them cast on the Chinese’s fear, hopes , crisis escape, feels anxious during the past several thousands of years with the fantasy culture sign, this is stock plain taste’s precipitate lower intelligent the deepest Chinese history part out by that history is battered by the wind and the rain , like children’s stories , legend , allegory are like that rich , fresh work, is vivid amusing,have value , great psychology of a volume history.This paper attempts to compare the dream theory between eastern and western (Strictly speaking is China and the West), in different explanation to find its affection and origin. And different annotation to the same symbol thing takes different courses which nevertheless lead to the common destination. Because of human being owns common destiny and the common "collective after all" (Jungian) .On the basis understanding and explaining a dream, try a dream to be arranged in medical science especially traditional Chinese medical science field theory and practice give grouping. Assist clinical diagnosis , psychoanalysis to treat as well as in the psychological consult dreamworld to be understood and explained much better in the days to come applying. "The theory is pale while the tree of life is evergreen". Medical science is to follow the discipline leaking from the disease , maybe theory studies being unable to keep abreast with forever is real, not to mention human being is especially pale to brain science understanding.The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine dream examines is one of the means being tradition , the dream in this paper is examined also trying to examine theory and the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine dream with a few west dreams contrasting with, to further enrich a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine examines means. That the Chinese and Western medical science debate is not being zero and plays, is not the problem who replaces the the other either, but is the process duplicating each other in complementing each other , enlightening and adopting the other’s good points and avoiding his shortcomings. Maybe be endless process. But "how long be disregarding stairs , must step on the first order " (west proverbs).There must be somebody laying the road stone going to the bottom anyhow.Medicine is indeed benevolence skill , benevolence person people also. Medical science is that person learns , medical science history also must question minutely self’s history about person. But the argument of medical science which is better which is worse is helpless, obscurantism and science Suprematism who gives preferential treatment same have been full of crisis and prejudice. Chinese and Western all needs to open breast the field crashes and has a dialogue. 21 centuries leave for our responsibility is that put the two big system from meet by chance, know each other well, quarrel , feel attached to each other to put up new life to pregnancy. That is also the place that the mysterious dream starts.This paper certainly not being hoped be laid aside and neglected , hopes that the ego who can are in contradiction , chaos, discomposed , flighty and rash people for 21 centuries saves providing a mirror , lets us watch by understanding and explaining dreamworld coming the imago according to self heart , deepens previewing comforting and answering human being crisis to self’s a little cognition , a little enlightenment or a little kindness. This is also responsibility of medical science theory worker.

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