

The Key Technology of SCDMA System from Fix to Mobile

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 郭黎利;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 同步码分多址接入(Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access,SCDMA),是采用智能天线技术、同步CDMA技术和软件无线电技术等实现的无线环路系统。SCDMA作为固定无线接入系统具有频谱利用率高、成本低等诸多优势。然而,无线通信系统的生命力在于移动性,在保持SCDMA系统原有优势的前提下,将其提升为无线移动接入系统是SCDMA技术研究的重点。本文研究了SCDMA系统从固定无线接入到移动无线接入的关键技术。主要研究内容和工作如下:以TDD方式的同步CDMA为背景,通过理论分析和实际测试,研究了无线信道在固定和移动应用环境下的主要差异:认为作为移动系统,由于多径的存在,准确的上行同步难以实现,只能做到准同步。针对准同步系统给出了目前工程上的解决方法,将上行的同步精度控制在四分之一码片范围之内;分别针对周期与非周期扩频系统,研究了时空二维处理技术工程实现的方法,针对时空二维处理方法运算量大的特点,给出了适合工程应用的简便算法,并用计算机仿真的手段进行了分析。通过仿真的方法,从理论上分析了影响SCDMA系统组网时性能主要因素,给出了SCDMA系统组网的方法和网络性能分析,给出了SCDMA网络规划的主要参数。针对SCDMA系统的特点,研究了SCDMA系统移动性管理的有关问题,如切换、位置更新及漫游的实现方案。针对SCDMA异频组网的实际情况,设计了语音帧的实现方式,利用特殊的偷帧方案,在不损伤语音的情况下,实现了对邻频的检测,实现了SCDMA系统的移动性管理。针对SCDMA系统在工程实现时所遇到的问题,如异步接入所带来的干扰、系统外部的干扰等,给出了解决的方案。在理论上分析了宽带智能天线系统所应具有的体系结构。

【Abstract】 SCDMA is a WLL (wireless local loop) system, which use the Smart antenna, Synchronous CDMA and Software Radio as the key technology. As a WLL system, SCDMA has the advantages in frequency and cost effective. In order to expand the markets, it is useful to change the SCDMA from WLL to mobile system. Some key technology about SCDMA from WLL to mobile is studied; the main research and achievement are given as follows:For TDD mode, the difference of wireless channel between fix and mobile is studied. Since the multi-path, it is impossible to realize the up link synchronous exactly, but the approximate synchronous can be realized.Consider the approximate synchronous, a new method is realized to increase the system up link quality. Some study results are given by computer simulation about the space-time processing in periodic and non-periodic spreading code system.The advantages of SCDMA at constructing network are given in theory. Some key parameters for constructing network are also given.The hand-over and roam methods, which are suitable for SCDMA, are studied and realized.Some new methods are given to overcome the problems in SCDMA system realization, such as non-synchronous acceding, interference. The smart antenna system architecture is also analyzed for wide band SCDMA system.
