

【作者】 拜琦瑞

【导师】 聂华林;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 区域经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放二十多年来,工业在西部地区农村经济社会发展中扮演着重要的角色。农村工业化是西部农村由传统经济形态向现代经济形态转变的关键。以市场为导向的农村非农产业的发展趋势也越来越明显。纵观几十年来国内学者对农村工业化问题的研究,可以发现其研究数量虽然众多,但对发达地区农村工业的研究较多,而对于西部地区农村工业的研究比较薄弱。本论文首先回顾了中国西部地区农村工业化的历史进程与现状,对西部地区农村工业化中存在的诸如投资不足且融资难、市场体系的发育迟缓、地理条件与环境束缚等问题进行了综合分析。接下来,论述了西部地区城乡工业二元空间结构的突出表现形式,在此基础上实证检验了农村工业化与区域经济增长的关系。在分析国内外农村工业化模式的实践的基础上,简要探讨了发达国家与发展中国家农村工业化的差别,在上述分析的前提下,得出了国内外农村工业化模式的基本启示。第四章是“西部地区农村工业化的支撑力量”。在分析这一问题时,笔者着重强调了要素集聚是西部地区农村工业化的重要支撑力量,而不是拘泥于一般性分析,就资本说资本,就劳动力说劳动力,而是把各种要素看作为一个“聚合体”,来推动西部地区农村工业的发展。就西部地区农村工业化的成长路径来讲,笔者认为应在借鉴发达地区已有农村工业化成功经验的基础上,结合西部地区的实际,来构建成长路径。有关农村工业化布局方面的讨论集中于两个方面,先阐明了工业园区作为西部县域经济增长极的内在经济要求,探讨了西部县域工业园区的布局重点,分析了产业集群对西部工业园区的内在启示与内在关系。上述分析表明在某一区域范围内,当工业各行业对空间区位的特殊要求与特定空间所提供的综合环境相适应时,这一区域内的工业布局就达到最优状态,工业化进程将进一步加快。第七章是“西部地区农村工业化的发展方向”。本章认为西部地区可以建立起沿海地区无法与之竞争的农产品加工业。选择农产品加工业与拓展农产品贸易(或者说是以农产品为原料的轻工业)作为一个主要的发展方向,有利于发挥西部地区的优势,也符合产业布局中的地域分工原则。在前述章节分析的基础上,对西部地区农村工业化做出了七大理论总结。同时,基于我国西部地区农村经济发展的要求和农村工业的健康发展,提出了西部地区农村工业化的发展思路,包括从农业入手延长产业链,实现农业产业化;体制创新促进西部农村工业化发展和二元经济结构的转化;积极创造西部农村工业化健康发展的政策环境;引导城乡工业合理分工;适度政府干预,进行制度创新合理引导农村工业化等方面。

【Abstract】 Over 20 years since reform and opening up, the industry has been playing an important role in the society and economy of in the western rural area. The industrialization is the key from the trational condition to the modern. There has been an obvious tendency of emergency of non-agricultural rural industry by taking market as an orientation. This paper finds that the studies on the eastern region are more than the western region about rural industry. The studies on the western region are not only few, but also narrow.In the beginning, the paper firstly recalls the developmental history, situation and question in the rural industrialization of the west. Comprehesively analyzing the questions, such as the less investment, not perfect growing-market system, bondage of environment and location. Then demonstating the form and relationships between the rural industrialization and the city industrialization with double space structure. The third chapter discusses the model of the rural industrialization in the civil and foreign. Simply analyzing the differences between the developing countries and the developed countries. At the same time, generating the main experiences of rual industrialization in the world. The forth chapter mainly talks about the strength of the rural industrialization in the west. The writer emphasizes that the fators aggoration are the very important up-strength, not generally study , just capital is capital, just labor is labor, but all factors are viewed a body. The fifth study the road of the rural industrialization. The writer considers that the rural industrialization of the western region should connact with the fact of the western region, use for reference the experiences of the rural industrialization of the eastern region. As for the distribution of the rural industrialization in the western region. Firstly, it is the necessary that industry park is taken as the increasing pole of the western country economy. Probing into the distribution of the rural industrialization in the western region. The ideas on the two ways. On the one hand in the country, on the other hand in the town, especially in the small centre town. Meanwhile, discussing the relationships between the industry cluster and the western industry park. The seventhly chapter studies the development object of the rural industrialization in the western region. This chapter has a question, namely how to take what the rural industrialization in the western region should do? Then analyzing the instruction and ability which the rural production manufacture become the leading content of the rural industrialization in the western region, studying the questions in the rural production of manufacture in the western region.A new way to coordinate the regional development between the east and the west has been explored in the regional economics. In order to speed up the process of rural industrialization, western region must stick to the market-oriented rural reform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期
  • 【分类号】F327;F427
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】912
  • 攻读期成果