

On the Sitting Documents of House and Grave of Dunhuang Manuscripts

【作者】 金身佳

【导师】 陆庆夫;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 历史文献学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 敦煌写本宅经葬书是指在中国甘肃敦煌藏经洞发现的文书中有关宅经和葬书的这部分文书,它弥补了中国风水术发展史及其史料链中的一段空白,具有重要的学术价值。因此,曾引起中外学者的浓厚兴趣,并对其进行了有益的探讨,取得了丰硕的成果,但在深度广度上尚显不足。本文拟在前人研究的基础上进一步展开讨论,力求全面深刻地解读敦煌写本宅经葬书的内容。全文分为十章,第一章是序言,概述敦煌写本宅经葬书的范畴、研究价值、研究状况及本文的创新点。第二章为敦煌写本宅经葬书文献分类定名,尤其是分出一个敦煌写本宅经中的五姓阴阳宅杂抄类,让读者更清醒的认识“杂抄类”的特性。第三章解读阴阳宅相宅术,包括阴阳宅的辰南戌北斜分一界之图,阴阳宅的刑祸福德方,天道运行与阴阳宅修造吉日的关系、太岁与修造忌日的关系等,剖析当时流行的阴阳宅经的一整套相宅手法。第四章对敦煌写本宅经中的五姓宅经进行全面的研究,对五姓宅、五姓阴阳宅派及其占断手法作全面深入的探讨,对五姓与五音的关系予以追本溯源,弄清来龙去脉;将原来的法藏、英藏图版文献中的五姓宅图一一转绘出来,使读者能一目了然;对五姓宅图的名称、意义、绘图视图原则、干支八卦标示方位及图中神煞等作全面的分析。第五章全面地研究八宅经,对八宅派从八宅经到《八宅明镜》的流变作一梳理,使读者对八宅派及其占断手法的发展脉络更为清晰。第六章比较系统地解读敦煌写本宅经葬书中有关修造的诸神煞(如天道、土公、太岁等),解析敦煌写本宅经P.2964中的黄黑道十二神,解读写本宅经P.3594中的九方色图。第七章对敦煌写本宅经葬书中的形法相宅、相墓归类总结,并联系汉代的图宅术和明代的《阳宅十书》中的宅外形,对传统的形法相地术做一个梳理,期望对传统的形法相地术及其流变有一个更为完整的认识。第八章利用传世的《地理新书》和《大汉原陵秘葬经》解读六甲八卦冢,认为其名称与六十甲子和八卦有关,其墓穴要刚好放在满、成、定、开与麒麟、凤凰、章光、玉堂四吉神所在的位置上,这正是百姓所能用的人分四穴。第九章全面揭示敦煌写本宅经葬书中的房屋修造风俗与丧葬风俗史料。第十章深入剖析敦煌写本宅经葬书中的阴阳五行、天人合一哲理思想,揭示其中追求人类理想环境的深刻哲理与开发、利用、保护生态环境的智慧,揭示人们通过象天法地的住宅建筑以通天通神、求得天助天佑的趋吉心理。

【Abstract】 Dunhuang manuscripts of Zhaijing and Zangshu, which means the documents about how to choose the sites of houses and graves discovered in Dunhuang China, have made up the interval of the development and the chain of historical materials in Chinese geomantic omen and have important academic value. Thus, scholars domestic and overseas have been aroused great interest and have made much progress in its beneficial research, while their deficiencies are in the span or the depth. The dissertation, having made up of ten chapters, has been striving to further the discussion by unscrambling their substance fully and profoundly, on the basis of my predecessors. The introduction, the first chapter, deals with the category, the importance and status in the research, and my innovations about Zhaijing and Zangshu. Chapter two classifies and denominates for the geomantic documents, in which the classification of the mixed copy of Wuxing Yinyangzhai gives special prominence to the characteristic of such category. Chapter Three gives a textual interpretation of siting Yinyangzhai, including the map of the diagonal dividing line of South Chen and North Xu, and the directions of punishments and rewards of Yinyangzhai and the relation between the heavenly circulation and the lucky days for building Yinyangzhai, and analyses the popular citing methods of the whole series. The full-scale research to Wuxing Zhaijing is arranged for Chapter Four, which discusses the schools and the technique in divination of Wuxing Zhai and Wuxing Yinyangzhai and traces to its source to make the origin and development clear about the relation between Wuxing and Wuyin. The transferred drawing of the maps of Wuxing Zhai collected in France and Great Britain makes readers clear at a glance. The analyses of its denomination, meaning, principle in plotting and viewing, direction indicating with Ganzhi and Bagua, and gods and evils are also in this chapter. Chapter Five deals with Bazhaijing, such as the combing of the development and change from Bazhaijing to Bazhai Mingjing, which gives a clear thread of thoughts of Bazhai School. In chapter Six, the issues such as the divinities and devils in building, the ecliptic twelve divinities in P.2964, the colored diagram of nine directions in P.3594.Chapter Seven classifies and concludes the skills to siting houses and graves by examining the land. The carding of traditional skills of siting, together with that of Han and Ming, is expected to a more integrated understanding to the skills and their evolvement. The interpretation to the grave of Liujia and Bagua, which name is relative to Liushi Jiazi and Bagua, making use of Dili Xinshu and Dahan Yuanling MiZangjing, is discussed in Chapter Eight.Chapter Nine unveils the custom materials in building and burying in Dunhuang manuscripts of Zhaijing and Zangshu. Chapter Ten analyses the conception of Yinyang Wuxing and harmony between human and nature, opens out the philosophy of human being in pursuing ideal environment and the wisdom of exploiting, utilizing and protecting environment, interprets human lucky-oriented mind to seek help from and connect with Heaven and God through buildings imitating Heaven and Earth.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期