

Research on Relationship between Agricultural Culture and Regional Environments Based on Cultural Ecology in Qingyang

【作者】 苗红

【导师】 李吉均; 陈兴鹏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 文化是人地相互作用的产物和综合表现。研究文化与自然及人文环境的响应,探索文化在人类与环境相互作用下的形成过程是了解人地关系的重要途径。庆阳农耕文化具有悠久性、多元性和连续性,是研究文化与环境响应的典型“剖面”。因此,本文选取庆阳农耕文化为研究对象,从文化生态学(Cultural Ecology)的视角,综合借鉴、运用多学科理论和方法,对地理环境在庆阳农耕文化的形成、发展及传承过程中的复合作用,以及文化对其的响应进行了研究,从当今农耕文化要素和表象中寻找自然和人文环境影响的时空烙印,旨在从文化层面考察人地关系之演变。本文首先从定居条件、地貌、土壤、气候、水文和发展空间等五方面分析了自然环境对农业及农耕文化产生、形成和发展的影响,即本文的第三章:1)特殊的黄土结构、地理景观的边缘效应、围合与尺度效应以及隔离效应,从居所、食物获取和安全保障三个方面为人类提供了理想的长期定居条件,为农业和文明的起源和发展提供了最佳环境;2)疏松、肥沃的黄土为原始农业起源提供了基本条件;3)适宜的气候促成了定居农业的产生和发展;4)密布的河网与众多的湫池为原始人类生活用水和农业灌溉提供了方便,在一定程度上弥补了庆阳地区春旱及初夏旱的不利气候因素,促进了农业和农业文明的发展;5)豁口与走廊效应为农耕文化进一步发展提供了交流通道和拓展空间。其次,本文从地缘因素、历代农业与人口政策、中国农本思想和生产技术等四方面分析了人文社会环境对庆阳农耕文化的影响作用,即本文的第四章:1)长期处于农牧经济交错带和边疆地区的地缘区位特点,决定了庆阳一直位于中原农耕文化与少数民族游牧文化直接接触的最前沿,也是古代战乱时期前方粮草、被服、战马等军事物资供给地和兵源补充地,受到游牧与军事文化的双重影响。庆阳农牧交错互动的经济方式和“耕时为农,战时为军”生活状态,在庆阳人的生活方式、民俗文化、思想意识和社会心理层面都留下了“农”与“牧”,“耕”与“战”的多重特征;2)历代政府采取的农业发展与人口管理政策,以及多次的移民活动,为保护庆阳一带的经济秩序、缓和社会矛盾、维护边远地区的稳定发挥了积极作用,推动了古代农业经济的发展,也影响着庆阳的经济格局和农耕文化特征;3)重民、富民、稳国、强国而王天下是中国农本思想的核心。对农业生产的重视强化了农耕文化稳定和谐的价值取向,促进了文化的延续和传承。农耕经济土壤滋生了重农思想,重农思想也推动了农耕经济的发展,促进了庆阳农耕文化的繁荣;4)生产技术的革新和发展在促进庆阳生产力水平提高和社会经济发展的同时,也促使着政治制度、生活方式和社会意识等不断发生相应的变化,从而推动着庆阳农耕文明在发展、变异和传承中不断繁荣昌盛。第三,从气候变迁与社会变动的相关性、民俗事象、行为与心理特征等三个层面分析了文化与自然及人文环境复合作用的响应:1)气候变迁与社会变动正相关,自然灾害的增多导致了社会事件的增多,环境变迁引发社会变动,从而影响着作用于农耕文化的人文环境,进而影响着农耕文化的特征;2)民俗在其形成、发展和演变的过程中,与政治、经济、宗教等人文环境和地貌、气候等自然地理环境都密切相关。民俗的各个层面都隐藏着文化对环境作用的响应;3)庆阳人畏惧风险、推崇经验的行为特征,重视亲缘、地缘关系的心理意识和勤俭务实、热情纯朴的性格特点,都反映出农业社会是一种建立在资源制约基础上,以互利合作为目的的秩序平衡的经验型社会。媒体环境正在影响和改变着庆阳人的行为、心理和观念意识,出现传统与现代的冲突与融合。最后,即本文的第六章,笔者对农耕文化的本质、价值演变以及可持续发展提出了自己的观点和建议。认为:农业社会的制衡是建立在资源约束前提下人与自然之间的平衡,这种平衡的理想状态即是“天人合一”的和谐。农耕文化在不同时期有着不同的价值体现,在当今社会对培养个人品德、构建合理的生态伦理观和满足审美、娱乐需求方面都有着重要意义。意识创新是农耕文化可持续发展的关键,旅游产业是实现农耕文化可持续发展的最佳途径。

【Abstract】 Culture is the result of inter-action of human beings and nature. It is an important channel to study the relationship between man and nature by illustrating cultural response to the impacts of geographical environments. Qingyang City, the cradle of agricultural civilization, is the typical section plane to study the cultural response to geographical environments owning to long-standing, variety and continuity of its agricultural culture. On the view of Cultural Ecology, the origin, development and evolvement of agricultural cultural in Qingyang were analyzed, and its response to the impacts of regional humanity and natural environments were explained in this thesis, which is an interpretation of change of relationship between man and nature on the point of culture.First, the impacts of natural environment on origin, form and development of Qingyang’s agricultural culture were analyzed from 5 aspects of settlement conditions, landforms, soil texture, climate and hydrological conditions, including: 1) special texture of loess, geographical marginal effect, enclosure and scale effect, and segregating effect supplied hominid with ideal settlement conditions, abundance foods and safety, which afforded a suitable environment of settlement and farming; 2) loose and fertile soil was one of the premises of origin of agriculture; 3) warm and humid climate caused the origin and development of primeval agriculture; 4) densely covered river-net and lakes made water-carry and irrigation convenient for daily life and farming, which counter-acted the regional droughts in spring and early summer; 5) opening and corridor effect supplied agricultural culture with developing space and information exchange channel.Second, the impacts of humanity and social environment on Qingyang’s agricultural culture were analyzed from 4 aspects of geo-location factors, historical migration and agricultural policies, China’s traditional physiocracy and technology, including: 1) in ancient, Qingyang had been located in the agriculture and nomadic Interlaced-Area, and near the border area over a long period of time, therefore, its culture was influenced by agriculture, nomadic and military cultures; 2) repeated migration and supporting policies of agriculture in history played an important role in society stabilization, agriculture development, and culture prosperity;3) economic pattern of agriculture formed the thought of China’s traditional physiocracy, on the other hand, it gave deep impacts on today’s daily life, folklore, as well as people’s action and psychological features;4) improvement of technology and sciences pushed productivity and society forward, consequently, promoted diversity and flourish of culture.Third, cultural response to impacts of geographical environment was illustrated from 3 aspects of correlativity between climate changes and social events, agricultural folklore, as well as action and psychological features, including: 1) climate is an important factor of agriculture and its alternation of warm and cold had great influence on ancient agricultural production, thereby, caused the changes of the relationship between man and nature, and accordingly caused the changes of the relationship between man and man, man and society; 2) the form, development and evolvement of agricultural folklore were affected by geographical environments such as politics, economic type, religion, landform and climate, etc.. Therefore, the folklore can reflect the cultural response to environments; 3) Qingyang people have an action feature of fearing risks and canonizing experientialism, psychological feature of attaching great importance to kindred and regional relationships, as well as realistic and concrete, hardworking and thrifty character, which reflect that agricultural society is an order and empiristic society aiming at mutual benefit and cooperation based on resource restriction. Besides, media environment is affecting and changing Qingyang people’s action, mind and ideas, thus, there appear the conflicts and amalgamation of traditional and modern cultures.Last, the essence, value evolvement and ways to achieve sustainable development of agricultural culture were stated. The author thinks that the balance of agricultural society is an order balance based on resource restriction, whose ideal state is the harmony of man and nature. In different times, agricultural culture has different values and function. Nowadays, it still has great role in individual culture and moral character training, building ecological ethics viewpoints, and meeting people’s aesthetic and entertaining needs. Innovation of idea and thoughts is the key to achieve sustainable development of agricultural culture. To development tourism industry is a feasible way to achieve cultural sustainable development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期