

Discovery and Liberition

【作者】 陆克俭

【导师】 周洪宇; 熊贤君;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 儿童是历史的也是现代的,他们随着人类的诞生而出现,随着人类的进步而发展。父母生养儿女、子女依赖父母,成人期待孩子;儿童成长于社会,社会造就着儿童,国家存亡、民族兴衰就在乎儿童。在人世间,存在着有意无形的两个世界——成人的世界和儿童世界。我们无不遗憾地看到,今天的中国仍然是一个成人意志下的社会,儿童的权利、权益、天性无时不刻地处于成人意志和行为的侵犯、剥夺、压制的危险之中。要彻底地解决这些紧迫而棘手的问题,就必须打开尘封了一个多世纪的中国近现代儿童观的历史,回顾中国近代社会发现儿童、解放儿童的历程。我们只有在总结中国近代儿童观从萌生到形成的经验与教训的基础上,我们才能准确地把握“儿童的真谛”,才能使儿童本原的“权利与地位”、“自然与天性”、“自由与无邪”得以重生与复归。序论探讨研究中的儿童与生活中的儿童关系;揭示儿童在中国的来龙去脉;探索儿童观的内在结构与发展过程;分析儿童观的研究状况和存在的问题;阐述研究的认识、思想与方法。第一章“中国近代儿童观的启蒙”:登舰船远渡重洋窥探大千之世界;目睹东西方儿童生活;感悟东西方儿童权利。探寻清末众多中国官员、学者、企业家、留学生漂洋过海,远赴欧美、日本,进行公务、学习之余参观、游历、考察东西方社会儿童生活,对其生存、发展状态的感悟,与中国近代儿童观的萌生与社会儿童观萌生之间的关系。第二章“中国近现代儿童权利观”:儿童生命保育权利观;儿童接受教育权利观;男女儿童权利平等观;儿童精神自由权利观。归纳总结中国近代关于儿童权利的不同认识,探寻儿童生存发展与各种权利密切相关。第三章“中国近现代儿童地位观”:儿童家庭地位观;儿童社会地位观。归纳总结中国近代关于儿童家庭地位、社会地位的不同思想、观点,揭示近代中国传统儿童道德伦理变革的原因,以及儿童的国家、民族地位观产生的动机和意义。第四章“中国近现代儿童天性观”:活泼好动天性观;游戏玩耍天性观;好奇多问天性观;涂鸦好画天性观。归纳总结中国近代不同关于儿童自然天性发展认识、思想与观点,探寻中国近代对儿童天性、本能的认知方式、观点特征。第五章“中国近现代儿童成长观”:儿童生理发展观;儿童心理发展观。归纳、总结中国近代关于儿童生理、心理发展的相关认识与观点,研究不同观点在儿童身心发展上的认识动机、观点特征和认识深度。第六章“中国近现代儿童观评价”:儿童观的时代性;儿童观的融通性;儿童观的传承性;儿童观的局限性;当代儿童观展望。以文化的视角,对中国近代儿童观的特点、作用、精神风貌进行评价,分析它的优点和存在的不足,指出当今社会存在的问题,展望未来儿童生存发展的理想,为后续的现代儿童观研究奠基。

【Abstract】 The children being to history, also being to modern times. They being to today, also will being to future. They come along with humanity’s birth and grow along with humanity’s progress. The parents give birth to their children. The children rely on their parents, the adult anticipate their child growing. The children are growing in society, meanwhile society has accomplished children. The national life or death, the national prosperity and decline, care about the child. The world exists two worlds: Adults world and children world. We regrettably see that today China still is a society of adults will, which child’s right, interests, instinct and growth are in the fetter danger of adult’s infringement, deprives. If thoroughly explains these social questions, we have to open dust-laden Chinese modern child development history in more than centuries, reviews the liberated child’s course in Chinese modern times society. Only on the foundation of summarizing Chinese modern child development experiences and teaches, we can accurately understand child’s true meaning, be able to cause children source, such as " right and status", " nature and instinct", "free and is innocent" can return.Preface, discusses the difference and relations of the children in discipline research and real life, promulgates child’s long and short story in Chinese history, give a definition of connotation and structure which the children observes, analyzes present situation and existence question of children outlook, elaborates research thought and method.Chapter One ," Children Outlook Initiation in Chinese Modern Times ": Ascended Ships to Travel to Distant Lands Spies in the big worlds. Observed the east and west child lives and realized the east and west right of the children. I seek realizing to development condition of the East and West child as well as thought initiation process which observes to Chinese modern children, which the end of Qing many China sages crossed seas to cross ocean for go to Europe and America, Japan and carried on in the process of state affair, commerce, study, visit, tour and special education inspection.Chapter Two, "The Outlook of Children Right in Chinese Modern Times": Children life Care Right Outlook, the right outlook for child accept education, the outlook of male and girl education right equal; the outlook of children spirit free right. I induct and summarize each kind of understanding and viewpoint about the right of children in Chinese modern times and inquire each kind of right closely to be connected with the children surviving and development.Chapter Thee, " The Outlook of Children Status in Chinese Modern Times", such as the outlook of child of family status, the outlook of Child social position. I induct and summarize many different thoughts and viewpoints of child family status and social position in Chinese modern times, promulgate the society cultural element of Chinese child’s morals and ethics status changing in modern times, explore motive and significance which the child’s outlook of country and national status produces.Chapter Four, "The Outlook of Child Instinct in Chinese Modern Times": the outlook of lively active instinct, the outlook of game and playing instinct, the outlook of curiously asking instinct, the outlook of liking drawing picture instinct. I induct and summarize each kind of thoughts and viewpoints about child natural instinct development in Chinese modern times and inquire thoughts and emotion characteristics about child instinct in Chinese modern times.Chapter Five,"The Outlook of Child growing in Chinese Modern Times ": the outlook of child physiology development, the outlook of infantile psychology development. I induct and summarize each kind of understanding and outlook about child physiology, psychological development in Chinese modern times, inquire thought motive and different viewpoint of child body and mind development, as well as understanding depth to child physiology and psychology law of development.Chapter Six, "The Appraisal of Child Outlook in Chinese Modern Times": the general characteristic of time progress, idea friendly, cultural inheritance, historical limitation. Significance: carefully examines modern child to survive and development condition, forecast future prospects for child survive and development. By cultural angle of outlook, I made appraisal to characteristic, function and spiritual style of child outlook, point out existence insufficiency and existence question of social children outlook, propose dream of child’s survive and development in future society.

  • 【分类号】D432.7
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