

On Public Service Provision for Agricultural Production in the U.S., Japan and India

【作者】 乐波

【导师】 程又中;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 对农业进行支持是WTO成立后的大势所趋,也是世界各国通行的重要兴农政策,而向农业生产领域提供公共服务是兴农政策的重要方面。向农业生产领域提供公共服务也是政府的职能之一。但政府如何供给这些公共服务,政府、社会、市场在这些公共服务的供给中分别履行什么样的职能,各国在具体的实践中存在着很大的差异。本论文将研究集中于世界范围内农业生产领域公共服务供给的具有代表性的三国——美国、日本和印度,分析三国在农业生产领域公共服务供给中的具体做法及其供给绩效、不同主体在其中的作用和三国农业生产领域公共服务供给的政治过程。在此基础上,对政府与农民在农业生产领域公共服务供给中的作用进行总结。论文的结构及主要内容如下:“开头语”主要阐述选题的缘由和意义、国内外研究现状、研究方法与结构安排以及论文的创新与不足等问题。第一章“农业生产领域的公共服务及其与经济社会发展”,对农业生产领域的公共服务进行界定和分类,阐明其在农业、农村及整个国民经济与社会发展中的地位,并从理论上对农业生产领域公共服务需求与供给的主体进行分析。第二章“美国的多元参与型农业生产领域公共服务的供给”主要考察美国经验。在说明美国农业生产的自然、经济状况的基础上,对美国的农业科技推广、农村道路、农村电力、农村通讯和农业信息、农业信贷和农业保险供给的具体做法进行介绍分析,论述这些公共服务供给的政治过程,并总结出美国农业生产领域公共服务供给的特点,即:多元参与,有着通畅的公共服务需求表达渠道,有着充分的理论指导和健全的法律保障。第三章“日本的政府与农民合作组织协作型农业生产领域公共服务的供给”主要考察日本经验。在介绍日本农业生产的自然、经济状况的基础上,对日本的农业科研与技术推广、土地改良、农业信息和购销服务、农业信贷和农业保险供给的具体做法进行介绍分析,论述这些公共服务供给的政治过程,并总结出日本农业生产领域公共服务供给的特点,即:政府与农民合作组织协作,有着通畅的公共服务需求表达机制和健全的法律保障机制。第四章“印度的政府主导型农业生产领域公共服务的供给”主要考察印度经验。在说明印度农业生产的自然、经济状况的基础上,对印度的农业科研与技术推广、农村道路、灌溉、农村电力、农村通讯、农业信贷和农业保险供给的具体做法进行介绍分析,论述这些公共服务供给的政治过程,并总结出印度农业生产领域公共服务供给的特点,即:政府主导色彩浓厚,农民参与机制缺乏。第五章“美、日、印三国农业生产领域公共服务供给的比较”是对三国经验的比较。该章主要从政府在农业生产领域公共服务供给中的作用、农民合作组织的发育程度及所起作用、农业生产领域公共服务的需求侧重点、农业生产领域公共服务供给的绩效等方面对三国进行比较,并从自然条件、经济发展阶段与农业在国民经济中的地位、农场经营规模与农业部门结构、社会变迁道路和文化传统等方面对产生差异的原因进行分析。第六章“农业生产领域公共服务供给中政府与农民的角色和功能”,该章论述政府是农业生产领域公共服务的主导者和主要供给者,而农民是农业生产领域公共服务的需求者和合作供给者,政府应大力扶持农民合作组织的发展,使其能在满足农民对农业生产领域公共服务的需求中发挥更大的作用。“结束语”简短地总结了在新形势下,中国政府的兴农政策应大力加强农业生产领域公共服务的供给,建立以政府为主导、农民合作组织协作、私有企业作为补充的供给模式。

【Abstract】 Giving preferential support to agriculture production has been a popular trend since the establishment of the World Trade Organization, and an important boosting agriculture drive policy all over the world. To provide public services is one of the major functions of all governments. However, how to provide those services vary from state to state, so does the role that the government, the society and the market each play in the process. In one word, there is a great discrepancy between states in their concrete measures of public service provision.This dissertation focuses its attention to three typical countries with respect to public service provision for agricultural production—the United States, Japan and India. It analyzes their concrete measures of public service provision, their provision performances and effects. Moreover, the dissertation makes a deep analysis of the role of different actors concerned and the political process involved in the public service provision in these countries. On this basis, the dissertation, furthermore, sums up the function of both the government and farmers in the public service provision in the field of agricultural production. The following is the outline of the dissertation.The introductory part explains the reason for doing such a research and its significance, the current related research both at home and abroad, the research methods, the structure of the dissertation and the innovations and defects of the research.Chapter one is "Public Services Relating to Agricultural Production and its Relation with the Development of both Economy and Society". This chapter gives a definition to and makes a classification of public services in agricultural production, and then illustrates their importance in the development of agriculture and rural areas and even in the national economical and social development. Finally, this chapter makes a theoretical analysis of the demanding actor and providing actor of those services in agricultural production.Chapter two is "The United States Model of Multi-actor Participation in the Public Service Provision for Agricultural Production", mainly focusing on the experience of the United States. To start with, the chapter illustrates natural and economic conditions of agricultural production in the United States. Next, it gives both an introduction to and an exposition of the specific provision ways of the United States in the light of agricultural extension, rural road construction, rural electric power supply, rural telecommunication supply, agricultural credit and agricultural insurance. Then this chapter expounds the political process of public service provision. Finally, the chapter draws a conclusion that the public service provision for agricultural development in the United States is characterized by multi-actor participation, an unobstructed expressing public service demand mechanism, abundant theoretical guidance and a consummate statutory guarantee.Chapter three is "Japanese Model of Collaboration between the Government and Farmer Cooperatives in Public Service Provision in Agricultural Production", focusing on Japan experience. After introducing the natural and economic conditions of Japanese agriculture production, this chapter not only elaborates on the concrete measures of providing public services with reference to agricultural scientific research and extension, soil improvement, agricultural information supply, purchase and sale service, agricultural credit and agricultural insurance but also dilates upon the political process involved At the end of the chapter, it pinpoints the characteristics of Japan public service provision for agricultural production—the collaboration of the government and fanner cooperatives, an unobstructed expressing public service demand mechanism and a consummate statutory guarantee.Chapter four is "Indian Model with the Government as the Dominant Actor in Public Service Provision for Agricultural Production", focusing on India experience. Again after introducing natural and economic conditions of Indian agricultural production, this chapter introduces and discusses not only the specific provision ways concerning agricultural scientific research and extension, rural road construction, irrigation system, rural electric power supply, rural telecommunication, agricultural credit and agricultural insurance, but also the political process involved. It comes out that the characteristic of the Indian public service provision for agricultural production is that the government is the dominant actor in the public service provision, and there is lack of farmers’ participating mechanism.Chapter five is "Comparison between the United States, Japan and India in the Public Service Provision in the field of agricultural production". The comparison is conducted around such aspects as the role of the government in public service provision, farmer cooperatives’ development level and their role in public service provision, the major demands for public services in the field of agriculture production, the efforts and effects of providing public services. What’s more, the chapter probes into the reasons which result in the discrepancy among the three countries from miscellaneous aspects, such as natural conditions, economic development level and the status of agriculture in national economy, agriculture production scale and agriculture structure, social evolution, culture and tradition and etc.Chapter six is "The Role and Function of the Government and Farmers in the Public Service Provision for Agricultural Production". The chapter maintains that the government is the dominant actor and main supplier while farmers are the demander and collaborative supplier in the public service provision system. The government should enhance the development of farmer cooperatives to make them play a more important role in the public service provision in the field of agricultural production.The concluding part is a brief summary, urging that under new circumstances China, in order to build up its agriculture, should devote its major efforts to providing public services in the area of agricultural production. China should set up a provision model with the government as the major supplier, farmer cooperatives as the collaborative supplier and private enterprise as the supplementary supplier.

  • 【分类号】F312
  • 【被引频次】7
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