

Research on Poverty and Anti-Poverty Problems in Contemporary Chinese Rural Areas

【作者】 王俊文

【导师】 俞思念;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高尔基曾说:人类生活一切不幸的根源就是贫困。贫困是发展中国家普遍存在的世界性难题。消除和缓解贫困,促进人类社会全面发展、进步和繁荣是国际社会共同的价值追求,同时也是中国共产党和各级政府义不容辞的历史责任。我国自1978年改革开放以来,特别是实施《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划》以来,农村贫困现象明显缓解,贫困人口大幅度减少,农村贫困发生率由1978年的30.7%下降到2000年的3%左右,贫困人口温饱问题基本解决,但目前我国农村仍有2800万人尚未脱贫。这些地方地域偏远、交通闭塞,资源匮乏,生态环境恶化,文化教育落后,经济发展缓慢,农民素质低下,脱贫难度越来越大。中国是农业大国,也是农民大国,农村人口占全国总人口的百分之八十,所以可以这样说,没有农村现代化就没有全国现代化,没有农民小康就没有全国小康。农村稳则全国稳,农民兴则国家兴。如果说民主革命时期的农民问题主要是土地问题,即改革不合理封建土地制度,调动农民积极性,那么社会主义建设时期的农民问题,则主要是发展生产力,实现农民的共同富裕。邓小平同志说过:“贫穷不是社会主义,社会主义要消灭贫穷”。中国共产党领导全国人民为之奋斗和所追求的就是要消灭贫困,使人民过上民主文明、幸福富裕的生活。当前随着我国全面建设小康社会进程不断深入发展,随着社会主义新农村建设全面展开,贫困问题已越来越成为我国现代化进程中的制约因素,因此消除贫困,实现社会公正和公平已成为我国社会发展的核心目标和战略要求,关注贫困问题、研究贫困问题,解决贫困问题则具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。本文分六章对当代中国农村贫困与反贫困问题进行研究,主要内容及观点简述如下:第一章是导言,由六个部分组成。第一部分主要阐述了本文选题缘由;第二部分主要阐述了当代中国农村反贫困问题研究意义,即中国反贫困进程,充分体现了社会主义制度优越性,是社会主义本质的内在要求;中国反贫困进程为区域经济协调发展、民族和睦团结和社会安全稳定创造了条件;中国反贫困进程,具有广泛国际影响和良好示范效应;中国反贫困进程为我国全面建设小康社会奠定了物质基础;第三部分主要从文献学角度重点阐述了国内外反贫困理论研究现状;第四部分对当代主要贫困理论进行了阐析,即贫困的经济学解释;贫困的人口学解释;贫困的社会人类学解释;贫困的政治学解释,尤其重点阐述了马克思主义贫困学说;第五部分界定了众说纷纭的贫困基本内涵与反贫困要义,提出了贫困类型的划分,对贫困测定的价值取向及我国贫困人口数量变化、贫困地区分布及其社会经济特征进行了分析,并对贫困区域进行了释义;第六部分主要确立了本文研究方法,即理论与比较分析相结合;实证与规范研究相结合;静态与动态分析相结合;共性与特性分析相结合;定性与定量分析相结合。第二章由四个部分组成,主要阐述分析了当代中国农村贫困问题形成的多维原因。第一部分主要阐析了形成贫困的环境原因,即对我国贫困地区资源环境与经济发展进行考察;对我国贫困地区区域环境条件与经济发展进行考察;对我国贫困地区环境与人口的相关性考察;第二部分主要阐析了形成贫困的历史原因,即“大跃进”和“人民公社化运动”是导致我国农村贫困的政治性根源;城乡“剪刀差”是导致我国农村贫困的经济性根源;城乡“二元”社会经济结构是导致农村贫困的社会性根源;我国区域经济发展及政策差异性是导致我国地区贫困的基础性根源;第三部分主要阐析了形成贫困的文化原因,即文化贫困对形成贫困的影响;民族文化对形成区域贫困的影响。第四部分阐析了形成贫困的体制、机制原因,主要有政府经济行为的缺位与错位对我国贫困的影响;基层组织作用虚化对我国贫困的影响;基层组织作用虚化对我国贫困的影响。第三章由五个部分组成,主要对我国反贫困绩效评价、历史经验及其轨迹演进进行了阐述。第一部分主要阐述了中国共产党三代领导集体对我国反贫困的贡献;第二部分主要对我国反贫困历史进程及其轨迹演进进行了梳理;第三部分是正确认识我国反贫困绩效及其评价;第四部分对我国反贫困基本经验和做法进行了归纳和总结;第五部分分析了我国反贫困过程及其政策存在缺陷,并提出了市场经济条件下我国反贫困面临的机遇和挑战。第四章由三个部分组成,主要阐述了国外反贫困经验及对我国农村反贫困启示。第一部分对发达国家贫困特征及反贫困措施进行了阐述,并以美国、意大利、日本反贫困政策措施为例;第二部分对发展中国家的贫困特征及反贫困实践进行了阐述,并以印度、巴西、孟加拉反贫困政策措施为例;第三部分主要阐述了国外反贫困经验对我国反贫困的当代启示。第五章由六个部分组成,主要探讨了构建具有中国特色的反贫困治理结构框架。第一部分主要解读了反贫困治理结构内涵;第二部分主要分析了反贫困治理结构要素及相互关系,即反贫困目标体系和战略实施;反贫困政策、制度制定及法规;反贫困组织机构网络及管理体系;贫困人口参予与组织;利益相关者的主动参予。第三部分主要分析了反贫困治理结构监督机制及其作用;第四部分对反贫困治理结构内容进行了阐析;第五部分主要探讨了制定反贫困法,走依法反贫困发展之路;第六部分主要阐述了“可持续发展”是贫困治理结构的基础和前提,内容包括四个方面:“可持续发展”含义;“可持续反贫困发展”的基本理解;贫困地区(区域)的“可持续发展”;扶贫项目本身的“可持续发展”。第六章由七部分组成,主要对当代我国农村反贫困战略选择进行论述。第一部分主要阐述了我国农村反贫困战略的形成;第二部分对我国反贫困战略特点进行了分析;第三部分对我国反贫困战略进行了反思,即在反贫困主体确定上,过高估计政府对地区(区域)经济增长利益分配中的作用;在反贫困客体确定上,重视宏观区域贫困,忽视微观层面的贫困村、贫困户;在反贫困方式上,注重物质资本输入,相对忽视人力资本开发和塑造;在反贫困内容上,重视改善供给,轻视剌激需求;第四部分主要阐述了我国农村反贫困战略选择指导思想;第五部分主要阐述了21世纪我国农村反贫困战略的宏观选择;第六部分对我国农村反贫困战略具体操作进行了实证分析,即建立坚强农村基层党支部,带领群众脱贫致富;加强我国贫困地区基础设施建设;走农业产业化之路,消除或缓解贫困;信息扶贫;政策扶贫;人力资源开发扶贫;提高扶贫资金使用效率。

【Abstract】 Golgi has ever said that poverty is the root of all misfortunate in human life.Poverty is a world-wide problem in developing countries. Eliminating and alleviating poverty, and promoting all-round development, progress and prosperity of human society are not only a common pursuit of international society but an unshirkable historical mission of Chinese Communist Party and governments at various levels. Since the reform and opening to the outside world in 1978, especially since the enforcement of the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program, rural poverty has explicitly been alleviated; the number of poverty-stricken people has been greatly reduced; the impoverishment rate has decreased from 30.7 percent in 1978 to about 3 percent in 2000 and the problem that poverty-stricken people in rural areas have enough to eat and wear has basically been resolved, yet there are 28million people in rural areas who are not shaken off poverty. These areas are remote and inaccessible areas with poor natural resources, worse ecological environment, backward cultural education and slow economic development, and people there are in low quality, which enable the elimination of poverty to become more and more difficult.China is a big agricultural country and a big country with rural population occupying 80 percent of the total population, so to speak, without rural modernization, the whole nation cannot be modernized; without peasants’ comfortable level of living, the whole country cannot be well-off. Only when rural areas are stable, the whole country will be stable; and only when peasants are rich, the whole country will be prosperous. In the time of democratic revolution, the problem of the peasants was the problem of land, namely, reforming implausible feudal land system and arousing the enthusiasm of the peasants, then in the age of socialist construction, the problem of the peasants is mainly to develop productivity and realize common prosperity of the peasants. Comrade Deng Xiaoping has ever said: "Poverty is not socialism; socialism must eliminate poverty". What Chinese Communist Party has struggled and has pursued are to eliminate poverty and enable Chinese people to lead a democratic, civilized, prosperous and happy life. At present, with the deep development of all-round construction of a well-off society, and with socialist new rural construction being in full swing, the problem of poverty has gradually become an obstacle to modernization of our country. Therefore, eliminating poverty and realizing social fairness and justice have already been the core goals and strategic demands of our country’s development. Paying close attention to, studying and solving poverty problems are of theoretic and realistic significance. This dissertation on the research of poverty problems and anti-poverty strategies in contemporary Chinese rural areas has been divided into six chapters, whose main contents and views are summarized as follows:Chapter one is an introduction, including six parts. In the first part the author has mainly expounded the reasons why he chose the topic. In the second part, the author has mostly elaborated the significances of the research on anti-poverty in contemporary Chinese rural areas, such as the process of Chinese anti-poverty has fully reflected the advantages of socialist system and it is the essential requirement of socialism as well; the process of Chinese anti-poverty has created conditions for regional economic development, national harmony and solidarity and social security; the process of Chinese anti-poverty has produced a world-wide influence and has set a good example; the process of Chinese anti-poverty has laid a material foundation on all-round construction of a well-off society. In the third part, the author has put a key emphasis on current situations of theories of anti-poverty at home and abroad from the angel of bibliography. In the fourth part, the author has analyzed main contemporary theories of anti-poverty, including definitions of poverty from economics, larithmics, social anthropology and politics. He has particularly elaborated Marxist theory of poverty. In the fifth part, the author has demarcated numerous basic implications of poverty and essential factors of anti-poverty, divided poverty into different types and analyzed the value orientation of measuring poverty, the change of the number of poverty population, distribution of poverty-stricken areas and social economic features. In the sixth part, the author, methodologically, has combined theory with comparative analysis, empirical research with normalized research, static analysis with dynamic analysis, generality with particularity, and qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis.Chapter two has four parts, in which the author has elaborated and analyzed multiple reasons for the formation of poverty problems in contemporary Chinese rural areas. In Part one, he has mainly expounded and analyzed environmental reasons, that is, he has studied resource environment and economic development of poverty-stricken areas; he has studied regional environmental conditions and economic development of poverty-stricken areas; and he has also studied the correlation of environment and population in poverty-stricken areas. In Part two, he has mainly expounded and analyzed historical reasons, such as "Great Leap Forward" and "People’s Commune Movement" are political root leading to rural poverty; "the scissors gap" of city and countryside is economic root; dual social economic structure of city and countryside is social root; the difference between regional economic development and policy is the fundamental root leading to regional poverty. In Part three, he has mainly expounded and analyzed cultural reasons, which contain the influences of cultural poverty and national cultures on regional poverty. In Part four, he has expounded and analyzed the system and the mechanism, mainly including the influences of dislocation and omission of economic behavior of governments and the influences of nominal roles that organizations at the grass-roots level play on poverty.Chapter three involves three parts, in which the author is mainly concentrated on performance evaluation, historical experience and evolution. In the first part, he has mainly expounded the contributions to Chinese anti-poverty that the Communist Party’s three-generation leading collectives have made. In the second part, he has summarized the historical processes and the revolution. The third part is about correct recognition of anti-poverty performance and its evaluation. In the fourth part, he has summed up basic anti-poverty experience and practice. In Part five, he has analyzed is the inadequacies in the anti-poverty process and in anti-poverty policy, and has put forward the chance and the challenge that anti-poverty in our country has to face under the condition of market economy.Three parts constitute chapter four, which is mainly about anti-poverty experience in foreign countries and their enlightenments to Chinese rural anti-poverty. In the first part, the author has elaborated features of poverty in developed countries and their anti-poverty measures. In the second part, he, taking anti-poverty measures in India, Brazil and Bangladesh for an example, has touched upon the characteristics of poverty in developing countries and their anti-poverty practice. The third part is mainly about contemporary enlightenments from anti-poverty experience in foreign countries.Chapter five, in which the author has discussed the construction of the framework for anti-poverty control structure with Chinese characteristics, has six parts. In the first part, the author has interpreted the implications of anti-poverty control structure. In the second part, he has mainly analyzed the key elements and their relationships, namely, anti-poverty goal system and strategic practice; anti-poverty policy, establishment of systems and laws and regulations; network of anti-poverty organizations and institutes and their government system; poverty-stricken population participation and its organization of participation, and active participation of stakeholders. In Part three, the author has mainly analyzed the supervision mechanism of anti-poverty control structure and its role. Part four is the elaboration and analysis of the contents of anti-poverty control structure. In Part five, the author has concentrated on the exploration of making laws of anti-poverty and the promotion of development based on the laws. In the sixth part, he has mainly expounded that sustainable development is the basis and prerequisite of anti-poverty control structure, including four aspects: the definition of sustainable development, basic understandings of sustainable anti-poverty development; sustainable development in poverty-stricken areas (or regions) and sustainable development of poverty-relief program proper.Chapter six consists of seven parts, in which the author has mainly discussed the anti-poverty strategic choices in contemporary Chinese rural areas. In Part one, he has mostly expounded the formation of rural anti-poverty strategies. Part two is the analysis of the features of anti-poverty strategies. In the third part, the author has made some rethought on anti-poverty strategies. He thought that in the definition of anti-poverty subject, the role government plays in the distribution of area or regional economic benefits has been highly evaluated; in the definition of anti-poverty object, importance has been attached to regional poverty while poverty-stricken villages and families have been ignored; in the manners, more emphasis has been put on the input of material capital, but less attention paid to the exploitation and moulding of human capital; in the contents, great attention has been paid to the improvement of supply, but the stimulation of demand has not been taken seriously. In Part four, the author has mainly set forth the guiding thoughts of Chinese rural anti-poverty strategic choices. In the fifth part, he has mentioned the macro-choices of rural anti-poverty strategies in the 21st century. Part six is the positive analysis of concrete operations in rural anti-poverty strategies which include building strong rural Party branches at the grass-roots level and leading the peasants to cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity; strengthening infrastructural construction in poverty-stricken areas; promoting agricultural industrialization and eliminating or alleviating poverty; relieving poverty via information, relieving poverty via policy, and relieving poverty via the exploitation of human resources and improving the efficiency of using poverty relief funds.

【关键词】 当代中国农村贫困反贫困
【Key words】 contemporary Chinese rural areaspovertyanti-poverty
  • 【分类号】F320
  • 【被引频次】52
  • 【下载频次】6428