

Utopia Writing on Near and Modern Chinese Novel

【作者】 周黎燕

【导师】 许祖华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 论文通过爬梳和归纳中国近现代小说文本中有关乌托邦思想特质的文学现象,探察乌托邦作为一种思想类型,进入小说文本后所呈现的叙事形态及其想象方式的差异性和复杂性,以期从文学的角度切入乌托邦功能和意义的研究。论文由五个部分组成,主要内容如下:绪论在重新厘定“Utopia”概念内涵的基础上阐述作为一种精神倾向,乌托邦与人的存在的内在联系,以及作为文学想象的另类方式乌托邦具有的特殊叙事模式。“Utopia”一词潜藏着看似悖论的复杂意味,“美好”和“乌有”并存的双关义常为人忽略。而词义在跨语际旅行中发生的变异以及马克思主义创始人的严厉批判加剧人们的“误读”。乌托邦是“暂时被现存势力阻挡却有可能实现”的“趋向”或“热望”,是人类对超越自身有限和孤独存在境遇的追求和向往,是人之为人的本质表现。“世俗化”是中西乌托邦的共性特征,“乡”与“城”是它们各自寄寓理想社会结构的表现形态。另一方面,作为一种具有丰富形态的文类,乌托邦文学业已形成特殊的叙述要素和结构。空间架构和时间流程是两个最基本的要素。乌托邦大多设定在一个与世隔绝或远离现世的某一处地方,在时间上则另辟了一个新异的维度,使人们从现时横跨到自己所梦想的时间中。而克利杉·库玛有关“中国从来没有形成乌托邦文学的传统”一说,其立论的前提及对乌托邦概念的界定都存有相当的主观性。乌托邦不应当限定在过于狭隘的意义上,而应着重考察其作为一个社会构成概念的内涵。中国的乌托邦与西方相比,虽说称谓有别,内容有异,但就其“寓意”或“内容”而言,仍是颇具人文主义理想色彩的文化想象。第一章阐述二十世纪初近代时期“向前看”的政治乌托邦叙事形态,它是现代时期乌托邦的前奏和萌芽,也是中国古典向现代乌托邦转型的重要表现形态。作为中国古典乌托邦思想的重要表现形式,大同思想在康有为的《大同书》中得到了新的阐述与言说。对大同世界美丽远景的热情向往和注目于“人”的世俗生活的现代理念,使之突破与超越中西古典乌托邦固有的静止和僵持状态,并凭借想象显示的力量赋予现实以“新的力量”。继之,近代知识分子借助小说放飞个人的奇思玄想,勾画出一幅幅政治乌托邦和科技乌托邦的未来蓝图。乌托邦思想的意义不在于对实有社会的客观描述,而在于对理想世界的主观发抒。在有关未来民族国家政体“新中国”的文学想象中,寄寓着近代知识分子振兴中华、改造国体的宏伟理想和迫切期望。不过,由于太过峻切的救国热望,晚清乌托邦常常充溢着恢复“天朝上国”的昔日荣光,以及复仇雪恨、称霸全球的民族主义意识,这使小说的时间观呈现出一种回到“未来”的复杂形式。而由于无法自如地适应“新小说”体例的范式转换,科幻乌托邦具有某些不够成熟的前现代特征,太过沉重的感时忧国精神和不合时宜的神魔意识削弱了乌托邦本应具有的批判精神。第二章探讨现代时期“向后看”的乡土乌托邦叙事形态。以京派作家为代表“向后看”的乡土乌托邦通过对已逝过去的追念与缅怀表达“重塑民族品德”的文学理想。乡土是他们用以寄寓漂泊灵魂、构建乌托邦“乌有之乡”的重要场所,“边城”、“桃园”、“果园城”等俨然构成一个有关家园的叙事谱系。乡土乌托邦之梦源于写作者的边缘意识以及由此所持的文化立场。可贵的是,在构筑乡土乌托邦如诗境界的同时,理性作为反乌托邦的力量潜在地规约并解构着这些美丽的“旧世界”。不论在沈从文纯净、幻美的“边城”乌托邦,还是在废名看似自我沉迷的“桃园”乌托邦里,作家都以清晰的笔墨书写着导致乡土乌托邦瓦解的种种“异质”因素。这些既远离现实又影射现实的田园世界,不仅以乌托邦的形式承载读者本能的幸福苛求、对内在压抑的升华以及对于现代文明的批判,而且唤起人们足以摧毁恐惧、“具有合乎逻辑的、确实的纠正能力以及头脑敏锐之能力”的“希望”之力。而老舍以反乌托邦的手法从“他者”的视阈书写有关现代中国形象的小说《猫城记》,从另一侧面回应和补充现代京派乡土乌托邦的叙事形态。它集合讽刺、调侃、嬉戏、滑稽于一身,嫁接中国古典小说和西方反乌托邦小说的写法,成就了中国现代文学史上颇具“另类”色彩的反乌托邦小说体例。第三章分析现代时期“向前看”的革命乌托邦叙事形态,至此,乡土乌托邦和革命乌托邦完成现代时期乌托邦文学叙事的表现形态。社会主义革命乌托邦之所以能在中国扎根、生长,有赖于左翼作家对未来新兴政权的热切想望。“革命是暴动,是一个阶级推翻另一个阶级的暴烈的行动”,裹挟着“以暴制暴”意识形态的强劲势力,农民和女性,这两个长期处于社会底层、被各种力量压迫的群体成为承载革命乌托邦文学想象的最佳对象。作为中国无产阶级革命“最广大最坚决的同盟军”,农民一改往日落后、卑贱而麻木的国民形象,焕发出从未有过的高大无私、敢作敢为的动人光彩。农民集体暴动和个体成长的文学叙事成为塑造革命神话最便捷、最有效的途径。同时,革命为不安于传统性别角色的现代女性提供了个性解放的历史契机。茅盾对革命女性的乌托邦想象富有复杂意味。孙舞阳、章秋柳等以新时代的圣女气质遮蔽妩媚诱人的荡妇形象。叶紫小说《星》是一个有关女性革命的独特文本,其中塑造的女革命者梅春以生动而丰富的个性彰显出“革命的某些本质的方面”。在热烈的情爱面前,圣洁而崇高的“革命”遭到无情的挤兑,但正是这种叙事裂隙使小说得以传达永不为革命遮蔽的美丽人性。余论部分对现代时期乡土、革命乌托邦在当代文学中的延伸与发展作了描述与归纳。十七年时期的文学从一开始就是按照一种激进的文学理想模式进行,它是胜利者站在时代的新起点对历史“本质”的“重构”。不论在革命历史题材小说还是农村题材小说中,都洋溢着响彻天宇的革命英雄主义精神,这种愈演愈烈的乌托邦冲动终于伴随“文革”的到来走向极端。另一方面,新时期以来,随着中国社会的转型,乡土乌托邦再度成为作家苦苦寻觅以安妥灵魂的场所。在汪曾祺、贾平凹、张炜等乡土小说中,道德理想主义和审美乌托邦作为批判现代性的重要力量出现。而新世纪初先锋小说家的反乌托邦小说更卓显中国乌托邦文学的内在动力,结合中国乌托邦思想和二十世纪革命实践的反思丰富和深化近现代小说乌托邦书写的形态及意义。

【Abstract】 Combing and inducing literature phenomenon related to Utopia thought special characteristic in the Chinese modern novel texts, the paper researches that as one kind of thought type the Utopia presented difference and the complexity when it entered the novel texts, which can cut into the Utopia function and the significance from the literature angle. The paper is composed by five parts; the main content is as follows:On the base of Analysising the connotation of "Utopia", the introduction elaborated the inner link amony Utopia and person’s existence as one kind of spiritual tendency, as well as the special narrative pattern with the way of literature imagination. "Utopia" hides the paradox meaning looking resembles which "happy" and "nowhere" in the double meaning righteousness is often neglected. The significance deviation which occurred in the language crossing border travel and Marxism founder’s severe critique intensified the people’s "toread by mistake".Utopia is "trend" or "hope" which is "temporarily prevented by the extant influence but actually has the possibility of realization". It is also one kind of pursue of human surmounting own limite and lonely existence. It is the manner of essence displays as a person. "Common custom" is general character characteristic, and "Village" and "city" is respectively performance about the ideal form of society of China and Western Utopia. On the other side, as one kind of article class with rich shape, Utopia literature already formed special narration factor and structure. Spatial construction and time flow are two basic essential factors. It mostly established in some place secluded from the world or the present world in addition to a new dimension in time, which caused people to arrive the hoped time .English scholar Krishan Kumar proposed that "China has not formed Utopia literature tradition", which had the suitable subjectivity to argument premise and Utopia concept limit. Utopia shouldn’t define in the too narrow significance, but emphatically inspect its connotation as a society constitute concept. Although China and western Utopia are different in name and content, they also are the cultural imagination of human with ideal color speaking of " implication" or "content".The first chapter elaborated " looked front" Political Utopia at the beginning of 20th century, which was the prelude and seed of Utopia in the modern time. It was also the important performance shape which classical Utopia reformed to modern Utopia. As the important manifestation of Chinese classical Utopia , Datong thought obtained new elaboration in Kang Youwei’s "the Datong Book". The enthusiasm yearned for beautiful prospect and the modern idea of custom life gazed to "the person" caused it breakthrough and surmount inherent static condition of Chinese and Western classical Utopia. Moreover, it made the reality to be full with "new strength" relying on literature imagination. Continues it, intellectual outlined future blueprint of the political or technical Utopia with the aid of novel. The significance of Utopia thought does not lie in objective description about reallity, but subjectively expresses about ideal world. In literature imagination related future nation-state regime "new China", intellectual reposed grand ideal and urgent expectation of promoting China and transforming state system. Because fervently hope of saving nation , late-Qing Utopia frequently was fulled with nationalism consciousness as the former honor about restoration "old big country", revenge, and domination over global world, which caused time view of the novel to present one kind of the complex form returning to "future".Because the science-fiction Utopia was unable freely to adapt model transformation of "the new novel", it presented certain insufficiently front-modern characteristic mature.The second chapter discussed "looked after" Local Utopia narrative shape in modern time, which took Jing-style writer as represent and expresses literature ideal of "remolding national character" through reminiscing the pass memory. The village was the important place where they used to stay drifting soul and constructed Utopia dream, "Border Town", "Peach Garden", "Orchard City" and so on just constituted a narrative evolution related homeland. Edge consciousness and cultural standpoint were the resource of Local Utopia. While constructing poetic Local Utopia, the rationality with the strength of counter- Utopia latent decomposed these beautiful" Old World". No matter "Border town" carefully constructing by Shen Congwen or "Peach garden" looked indulging oneself by Fei Ming, the writers all wrote "negative" factor which caused Local Utopia disintegrated with clear words. These countryside world both far away and insinuate the reality, bore instinct happiness of the readers with Utopia form , the sublimation from intrinsic constrains as well the critique to modern civilization, which aroused the people "hopes" strength sufficiently destroying frighten and "has logical, truly correction ability as well as keen brains ". With counter- Utopia technique from "him" angle, Lao She wrote the novel " the Records of Cat City " related modem China image, which responded and supplied Local Utopia narrative shape of modern Jing-style from another side. It gathered satire, tease, play, funnily to one body, which grafted the mode of Chinese classical novel and western counter-Utopia novel , and then achieved " Special varity" counter-Utopia novel style on Chinese modem literature history.The third chapter analyzed "looked front" Revolutionary Utopia narrative shape in the modern time, and then Local Utopia and Revolutionary Utopia constituted main Utopia narrative performance shape in modern time. Socialist Revolution Utopia could root and grow in China healthy and strong depended on left-wing writer’s earnest hope to the future political power. "The revolution is a rebellion, a motion of which one social class overthrows another social class ". Carrying " Conquering storm by storm "of strong ideology influence.Farmer and female, who were in the social first floor and oppressed by kinds of strength for a long time, became the best object loading Revolution Utopia literature imagination. In the novel of left-wing, as "the most general and allied forces" in Chinese proletariat revolution, the farmer were changed from the former image, who glowed brave and selfless moving brilliance. Literature narrates of the farmer’s collective rebellion and individual growth concerned farmer were the most convenient and effective way transmitting revolutionary faith as well as molding revolutionary myth. At the same time, revolution provided modern female who were not be ease to traditional sex role the best historical choice of individual emancipation. Mao Dun’s Utopia imagination to revolutionary feminine had rich complex meaning. Sun Wuyang, Zhang Qiuliu and so on quietly removed old image in Chinese literature narrative. Their saint revolution feminine covered attractive and immoral woman image. Ye Zi’s novel "Star" was a special text concerned female revolution, in which Mei Chun showed " some essences aspects of revolutionary "with the vivid and rich individuality. In front of warm love, holy and lofty "revolution" heartlessly encountered oppression, but precisely this narrative crevasse enabled the novel to transmit beautiful human nature which will not forever cover by revolution.The odd made the description and the induction that Local Utopia and Revolutionary Utopia in modern time extended and developed in contemporary literature. 17 years-literature was carrying on one kind of radical literature ideal pattern, in which the victor stood at the beginning of time and "newly constructed" to "the essence" of the history. No matter in revolutionary history theme novel or in countryside theme novel, revolutionary heroism spirit was all brimming over the university, and this increasingly fierce Utopia impulse finally moved towards the extreme with the arrival of "the Great Cultural Revolution". On the other side, since new time, along with Chinese society’s reforming, Local Utopia became the area where the writers searched with hardship to perch their soul once again. In the novel related countryside of Wang Zengqi, Jia Pingwa, Zhang Wei and so on, moral idealism and esthetic Utopia appeared as important strength criticizing modernity. Counter- Utopia novels wrote by Cutting-edge writer outstood intrinsic power in Chinese Utopia literature, and it enriched and deepened shape and significance of near and modern novel about Utopia writing , which reconsidered Chinese Utopia thought and 20th century revolution practice impulse.

【关键词】 近现代中国小说乌托邦政治乡土革命
【Key words】 Near and Modern Chinese novelUtopiaPoliticsLocalRevolution
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1759