

Customs and Law-Two Social Rules Systems and Their Relationship

【作者】 张镭

【导师】 龚廷泰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文的写作主要是考察和研究习惯和法律这两种社会规则系统的相互关系,尤其是从习惯到法律演变的内在规律性,并且将这种研究延伸到当代中国二元社会秩序的治理实践中,试图为解决习惯与法律两种规则系统的冲突关系提供理论上的方案。习惯是指国家法之外,在主体的生产生活中逐步形成,长期存在于民间,并为某一社区或者整个社会普遍遵从的行为规则的总称,它包括民间习俗、社会风俗和市场惯例等等,有别于社会个体之间迥然相异的生活或者生产习惯。习惯是一种与法律相分殊的社会规则系统,表达了主体基于客观经济生活而形成的法权要求,具有直接反映主体法权要求的特性,因而能够满足主体的利益需求,引起主体对于这类行为规则的普遍认同。习惯的生成主要是社会主体的经济生活决定的,是主体的经济生活在社会制度层面的反映,同时习惯也受到早期信仰、政治控制以及自然环境的影响。从习惯到法律的演变是人类社会文明发展的主要表征,是社会规则系统发生变迁的直接表现,本文认为,从习惯到法律的规则演进包括三个方式,一个是纳入、一个是转化、一个是分化。从过程的特性表现来看,本文提出了从习惯到法律演变过程中具有过程上的渐进性、进程上的交互性、方式上的多样性、程度上的差异性、范围上的扩展性这样五个方面的特征。本文认为,虽然世界各地的文明演进中,从习惯到法律的具体过程存在这样那样的差异,但是有几个共同的的规律:(一)从习惯到法律的演变决定于习惯内部矛盾的发展;(二)习惯向法律的演变应当符合社会的总体发展方向;(三)习惯向法律的演变要经过统治集团公开认可或者默认;(四)习惯的认可或默认必须以社会主体的普遍认同为前提;(五)能够向法律演变的习惯必须是社会主体普遍遵从的习惯。法律形成以后的社会秩序都是一种二元的社会秩序,这种二元的秩序随着社会经济基础的不同而表现为一元经济模式下的二元秩序与二元经济模式下的二元秩序。中国传统经济是一元的农业经济形态,它决定着社会主体之间大量的利益纠纷能够通过习惯,而不是通过法律予以解决,这种规则选择的偏好对于传统社会的秩序稳定是非常有利的。鸦片战争以后,中国社会秩序的变迁并不是从经济变迁开始,而是从政治变迁发端,从而造就了中国近代以后社会秩序的多种因素共生的共性化的发展状态,传统经济与现代经济并存的二元经济现实直接导致了社会秩序的特殊样式。从社会规则的角度而言,就是传统的习惯与现代的法律共同承担着社会秩序的现实治理。然而,在统一的政治权力下,国家的政治理想是建立一元化的经济结构和以市场秩序为主导的二元社会秩序,因而表现为通过立法制定并强制推行法律的制度建构模式。从社会规则系统的关系而言,这是一种替代型的规则交往理念,本文认为这是当前社会秩序内在矛盾的重要成因之一。所以,本文提出了当代中国二元社会秩序治理的实践方案,此种方案的提出主要是基于善治理论而证明的共治型的规则交往模型,并将该模型运用与当代中国的传统一现代的二元社会秩序的治理中,在实践中应当做到这样几个方面:兼容性的立法工作;灵活性的司法活动;区域性的规则共治以及多元性的解纷机制。

【Abstract】 Abstract: My thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between two social rules systems, i.e., Customs and Law, especially the internal regulation of Customs’ evolution into law. I have also extended my study into the Chinese Dual- Social- order governing practice in order to provide a theoretic support for the resolution of conflicts between customs and Law."Customs" is a comprehensive system of the rules beyond the law of the state that a community or the whole society shall follow, which was formed in the daily life and manufacture process of the subjects and existed among the citizens for a long period of time. "Customs" include citizens’ habits, social habits and market customs, etc, which are divergent from the different individuals’ habits formed in the daily life and manufacture field. "Customs" is a social rule system that is divergent from law, which is indicative of the legal requirements of the subjects and consequently satisfies the interests’ requirements of the subjects. As a result, the subjects shall recognize these acting rules. The formation of the customs was decided by the subjects’ economic life and is the reflection of the economic life in the social system level, and at the same time was influenced by the early beliefs, political control and natural environment. The evolution from customs into law is a main indication of the development of the human’s civilization and is a direct result of the transformation of the social rules’ system. In my thesis, I think that the evolution from customs into law includes three types: adoption, transfer, and division. In terms of the characteristics of the process, I have put forward five characteristics, i.e., progressiveness of the process, mutuality of the advance progress, multiplicity of the forms, divergence of degree, and expansion of the scope. Although the concrete processes of the evolution in the world have different aspects, they have several points in common: first, the evolution from customs into law is decided by the development of the internal contradictions; second, the evolution from customs into law should comply with the development trend of the society; third, the evolution should be recognized expressly or implied by the authority; fourth, the recognition of the general public is the premise of the express or implied recognition; finally, the customs that will transfer into law must be generally conformed by the social subjects.The social order after the formation of law is a dual- social- order, which is divided into two types based on different social economic foundations, i.e., dual- order under single- economic- mode and the dual- order under the dual- economic- mode. Chinese traditional economy is single agriculture economic mode, which has decided that plenty of contradictions of interests can be resolved by customs, instead of law, and this preference seems to be more advantageous for the traditional society stability. After the opium war, the transformation of the Chinese society did not start from the economic transformation, but from the politics, which resulted in a development state in which multiple elements simultaneously exist in Chinese post- modem- era society. The co- existence of the traditional economy and modern economy led to the special type of the social order. From the perspective of the social rule, traditional customs and modern law assume the task of governing the social order together. However, under a unified political power, the state political idea was to establish a single- economic- infrastructure and a dual- social- order oriented by the market order, consequently the state tended to establish a system-constructing- mode to implement the legislature by force. From the perspective of the relationships between types of social rules systems, this is a substitutive rules inter- active idea, which is believed to be a main reason that led to the internal contradictions in social order in my thesis. As a result, I have put forward a practicing plan of contemporary Chinese dual- social- order governing, which is based on the common- governed rule model that developed from the conscious- governing rule. In order to utilize this model in the Chinese traditional- contemporary dual- social- order, we should emphasize on the following aspects: multiple legislature; flexible judicial activities; regional rules common ruling; and a multiple dispute settlement mechanism.

【关键词】 习惯法律秩序
【Key words】 CustomsLawOrder
  • 【分类号】D90
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1266