

【作者】 王露璐

【导师】 王小锡;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 乡村是中国社会的基础。考察乡村经济发展的伦理维度,至少包括了两个相互关联的方面,一是揭示乡村经济发展带来的伦理变迁,二是探寻伦理文化对乡村经济发展的推进与支持或者抑制与阻碍。本文选择“苏南”地区为研究对象,运用建立在跨学科的多维视角透视和道德生活史基础上的道德社会学研究方法,通过对大量史料文献和田野调查资料的分析整理,提炼和梳理了苏南乡村经济伦理的历史传统和传承变迁过程,描述和分析了苏南乡村经济伦理的实存状态及其双重作用,进而建构了一种具有典范意义的“地方性道德知识”。苏南地区耕织结合、耕渔结合的农业生产方式和较早开始的经营性农业的发展,以及吴文化勤劳节俭、精明理性、阴柔秩序、崇文重教的伦理传统,使苏南传统乡村经济伦理在家族伦理、交往伦理和劳动伦理等诸多方面呈现出自身的地域特色。近代以来,苏南乡村经济的发展突破了传统的生产方式和生活方式,改变了乡村经济关系和利益关系,苏南现代乡村经济伦理也正是在传统乡村经济伦理的传承和变迁中生成的。“苏南模式”的形成、发展和“终结”过程,体现了苏南乡村经济伦理动力与阻力双重作用的并存。“新苏南模式”的产生,是一种伦理精神的扬弃和超越,是基于理念创新基础上的制度创新。总体上看,在“承继传统”与“吸收外来”的平衡中不断提升和优化的苏南乡村经济伦理,给苏南乡村经济发展注入了强大的精神动力,并因此造就了苏南乡村在长期历史变迁中不断延续的区域经济比较优势。

【Abstract】 The countryside is the foundation of the Chinese society. Generally, an ethical approach to the survey of the development of a rural economy includes at least two interrelated aspects: (1) to reveal ethical changes and transitions in the development of the rural economy; (2) to explore how an ethical culture or morals could be conducive to or an obstacle to the development of the rural economy. I choose the situations and matters of economic ethics in the "South of Jiangsu" as the subject matter of my dissertation. I apply an interdisciplinary and moral-life-based methodology of ethics and sociology to have an analysis and synthesis of a great deal of literature and field survey data. Based upon the analysis and the synthesis of the data, I outline the historical tradition of economy and ethics and its transition in the rural areas in the South of Jiangsu and try to describe and explain the current situations and double-function of economic ethics in the rural areas of Southern Jiangsu. The agricultural production means of cultivating-weaving and cultivating-fishing in the South of Jiangsu, the beforehand development of agricultural business, and the ethical tradition of hardworking and thrifty, prudence and reason, flexibility and orderliness, and emphasis on education in Wu Culture, all have formed the particularities of the rural economic ethics in the South of Jiangsu. Since the early 20th century, the development of the countryside economy in the South of Jiangsu has broken through the traditional production means and living style, and has changed the economic relations and the relations of interests among the people in the rural areas. The current countryside economy and ethics come out as a result of the changes and transitions of the traditional economy and ethics. The formation, development and termination of the "mode of economic ethics in the South of Jiangsu " embody the co-existence of the double role of impetus and resistance of economic ethics in the countryside of Southern Jiangsu. The new mode of the economic ethics in the South of Jiangsu will come true as a result of the institution innovation based upon the ethical innovation. As a whole, succeeding to the traditional and absorbing the foreign will continuously optimize the economic ethics in the South of Jiangsu, and this will advance the economic development in the South of Jiangsu and will help this area keep its relative preponderance in China.
