

The Logic of Practical Critique

【作者】 杨长虹

【导师】 孙正聿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国马克思主义哲学界以“实践”为核心范畴重新理解马克思主义哲学,乃至用“实践转向”来概括马克思在哲学史上实现的革命性转变。实践本身表征着人与世界的否定性统一关系,在马克思这里,它展现为“对现存的一切进行无情的批判”,在理论内涵上是实践批判的逻辑。本论文试图论证这个逻辑,以深化对马克思哲学革命的理解。从实践批判的逻辑来解读马克思哲学革命,在本论文中展开为三个维度:在历史—生成的维度上,马克思从“现实的人”和“现实的人的生存状态”出发,把人看作是实践—历史—生成的过程,将传统哲学对自由的承诺实现为对人类解放的现实道路求索;在实践—反思的维度上,马克思从人的实践活动出发,把传统哲学理性自由的形上之思转向人的实践活动的批判反思,赋予实践以能动性和超越性,进而深入到人及人类社会历史的内在结构,成为人的存在本身的实践批判;在批判—建设的维度上,马克思从人的自由解放和全面发展的价值理想出发,把理论反思的辩证法转变为实践批判的辩证法,“在批判旧世界中发现新世界”,把资本批判内在于实践批判的“总体性逻辑”之中,把“资本”的独立性和个性变为人的独立性和个性,实现人的全面发展。“从自由的承诺”到“解放的追寻”,从“神圣形象批判”到“非神圣形象批判”,从“理论反思的辩证法”到“实践批判的辩证法”,构成了马克思哲学革命的理论逻辑。

【Abstract】 Based on the practice turnaround as a philosophy backdrop, the paper tries to unscramble Marx’s philosophical revolution from the logic of practical critique, and considers that practice itself is a token of the either nugatory or uniform connection between man and the world, which represents“unmercifully critique on the existent whole shoot”and its theoretical connotation is the logic of practical critique. The paper tries to demonstrate the above logic in order to deep understand Marx’s philosophical revolution. Throughout three basic dimensionwhich are history-creating, practice-reflection and critique-construction, practical critique exhibits three kinds of logic conversion: from“promises for freedom”to“search for liberation”, from“sacred image critique”to“non-sacred image critique”, from“the dialectic of theoretical reflection”to“the dialectic of practical critique”.The paper divides into three parts.The first part discusses how Marx’s philosophy exceed traditional philosophy in“theoretical critique”and the difference between Marx’s philosophy and“social critique”theory, which makes the history creating dimension of practical critique as the master clew. First, discuss the difference between Marx’s practical critique and Feuerbach’s people-oriented theorycritique. Above the practical human, Marx regards free and self-conscious man as the activity that create from history, from sensible object to sensible activity, Marx not only exceeds Feuerbach’s intuitionistic materialism, but also exceeds Hegel’s abstract main-body principle, thereby it is based practical critique on the history principle. Second, discuss the difference between Marx’s practical critique and Hegel’s theoretical critique. Based on the double critique to the abstract labourof Hegel’s philosophy and the abstract labourof classical country economics, Marx brings forward labour alienation theory and open out the history-creating dimension of practical critiqueby the way of making the theory as the essence to analyze“practical man’s activity”in capitalism condition. Third, discuss the difference between Marx’s practical critique and thesocial critique theory ofFrankfurt School. Above the immanent contradiction of thesocial critique theory of Frankfurt School, open out its logic paradox of either affirming advancement or disaffirming advancement, which doesn’t exceed the logic of theoretical critique however.The second part makes an approach to the basic dimension of practical critique and its logic conversion, which makes the connotative logic of practical critique as emphases. On the history-creating dimension, Marx resorts human’s dualisic contradiction to the creating and clearing up course of history; on the practice-reflection dimension, Marx resorts the metaphysical thought of traditional philosophy to the man’s practice and the critique reflection on it; on the critique-construction dimension, Marx actualizes the transcendental presupposition to freedom of traditional philosophy the inauguration of human’s liberation path. From“promises for freedom”to“search for liberation”, from“sacred image critique”to“non-sacred image critique”, from“the dialectic of theoretical reflection”to“the dialectic of practical critique”, those above constitute the theoretical logic of Marx’s philosophy revolution. By the double critique to the capital logic, at one side affirm its advanced action of“historical civilization”, and on the other hand critique its“historical conditionality”to human’s free development, and resorts it to“revolutionary”“practical critique”to inaugurate the realistic path of exceeding the capital logic.The third part explores that the logic of practical critique provides the comprehensive and profound consistency with modernization practice rationality, and with the social development rule of China on the present age. By critiquing the practice concept on utilitarianism and pragmatism that brings on global problem, advance the important problem of times about practical critique for discussion constructing scientific and logical practice concept. By critiquing and reflecting about industrial civilization practice, explain the fateful significance that build up the theoretical self-consciousness of scientific development and harmonious development, fully implement a scientific outlook on development, to construct a socialism harmonious society, make great efforts to create the practical condition in favor of all-round development of man, and all of above constitute the practical problem of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期