

A Study on the Price Model of Cable Digital Television Products in China Based on Hedonic Price Theory

【作者】 李贵孚

【导师】 蔡莉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目前,我国有线电视正处于从事业向产业转变、由模拟向数字转换的关键时期,如何确定有线数字电视业务(特别是基本业务)的价格成为有线数字电视发展亟待解决的问题。因此,从定量的角度研究与基本业务价格相关的诸多特征及其相互关系,对于指导相关部门确定有线数字电视基本业务的价格具有重要的现实意义。本文经过对传统特征价格理论进一步完善,构建了适合我国有线数字电视市场的特征价格理论模型。利用我国49个开展有线数字电视业务试点城市调研数据,对目前我国有线数字电视基本业务市场进行了实证研究,对理论模型进行了评估和检验,提出了影响我国目前有线数字电视产品价格的6个主要因素。从特征价格角度,我们把目前我国有线数字电视基本业务产品特征确定为三大类,即产品属性、市场力和需求特征,共13个变量。其中,产品属性包括节目类型、节目数量、服务方式等。市场力主要是从运营商的垄断市场力对价格控制的角度进行评价,包括市场竞争状况、市场潜力和市场竞争能力等。需求特征反映的是不同市场的需求差异对价格的影响,包括人均可支配收入、消费偏好和相关联产品状况等。经过回归分析和模型检验,本文确定模拟电视维护费、模拟电视节目数、中央台节目数量、专业频道数量对目前我国的有线数字电视基本业务价格有正的影响,西南地区、付费频道数量对目前我国的有线数字电视基本业务价格有负的影响。根据分析检验结果,本文认为,现阶段,我国有线数字电视正处于由模拟向数字转换的关键时期,业务内容还不丰富,业务定位尚欠准确。基本业务包定价主要受原来模拟电视节目数量和维护成本的影响,数字广播、信息服务等新的业务形式目前还未成为影响业务价格的主要因素。基本业务和付费业务定位混乱,付费频道对数字转换的推动作用受到影响。我国有线数字电视基本业务的产品特征并不明显,市场控制力仍然是价格主导因素,需求特征也难以形成特色。我国有线数字电视发展还不平衡,距离市场化要求仍相距甚远。

【Abstract】 This situation in the world today, technology progress become an important force promoting economic and social development, technology innovation is the one of the most active factors in technology progress, is the process by which science technology transform to part of the productive forces. Technology innovation made constant efforts to promote the creation of new industry and reconstruct traditional industries, to promote the development of economy and society, to change in the management system and operation mechanism.Digital television(DTV) is one of the most important technology innovation in the history of broadcasting television, is the application in all processes of collection of television show, production, transmission and take-over, is also the trend of development of broadcasting television all of the world.After three years experiments, the works of cable digital television have been carried out in all-round way. At present, the cable digital television industry has became the culture and information industry, can supply the comprehensive business, including video or audio broadcasting, television programs, information, and services on line; the cable television system has been built by program base, transmission base, services base and monitoring base; the new idea of cable digital television development which is informationization, localization, and individuation, has been formed. The model of“adding services, adding charges, operating by market, transforming as the whole”is extended all of the country.The market of cable digital television in the stage of the whole transformation is similar to the market of abroad while transformation from wireless to cable television, the programs of informationization, localization, and individuation are the mainstream, and the products are more heterogenous. So the paper applies the hedonic price theory in the research of cable digital television price based on the abroad research. In terms of the necessary and situation of the problem about the pricing of cable digital television of China, building a cable digital television hedonic price model, which can reflect the situation of China, and test the model with the data which is collected on the experimental units, and discuss further the effect of factors on the price of cable digital television and effect mechanism. The objective of this paper is building a new theory and method which are suitable to the cable digital television pricing of China, and providing a theory basis for the pricing of the cable digital television of China, and then push the implementation of the whole transformation of the cable digital television of China.The study of the paper includes the following aspects. Firstly, reviews the relative literature about the theory of hedonic price and research of cable television.Secondly, chooses and measures the hedonic variables of cable digital television. Confirms the factors which affect the price of cable digital television, codes and measures the data of cable digital television, builds a good foundation for structure the model of cable digital television. According the characters of the cable digital television of China market, there are 13 character variables which affect the price of the cable digital television of China.Thirdly, analysis of the model of cable digital television, uses SPSS software to analysis the model, and gets the hedonic prices of cable digital television products, and analysis the effect of price of cable digital television products, confirms the main factors which affect the price of the cable digital television products.The results of the paper is as following, Firstly, the hypothesis of perfect competition of the hedonic price theory is difficult to satisfy, especially to the cable digital television market. So the modification to the cable digital television hedonic price model is necessary, the method of modification is add a variable of market power of monopoly firm to build a hedonic model to suit the monopoly market. Secondly, the characters which affect the price of the cable digital television can classify in three categories, such as products characters, market power and need characters. The characters of products include program types, program numbers, and modes of services. The market power is evaluated from the control of monopoly firm to the price, including make-up of price and other substitute business. The need characters reflect the effect of difference of consumers on the price, including the per-capita disposable income and taste, and so on.Thirdly, the results of analysis impact that there are 6 variables which affect on the price of the cable digital television of China, they are the charge of simulate television, the program number of simulate television, areas, special channel numbers, pay channel numbers and program numbers of CCTV and CETV. The effect of the charge of simulate television, the program number of simulate television, special channel numbers, program numbers of CCTV and CETV on the price of the cable digital television of China is significant positive, and the effect of areas, pay channel numbers on the price of the cable digital television of China is significant negative.The results impact that the charge of simulate television, the program number of simulate television, play a great role to the price of the cable digital television of China, the effect of digital broadcasting and information services on the price of based tier are not significant. The orientation of base tier and pay tier is confusion, so the positive role of pay network channel is limited seriously. The characters of the base tier price of the cable digital television of China is not significant, market power is an important factor which affects the price, and the features of need characters are difficult to identify.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期