

Criticize to the Tablet-Calligraphy Theory of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 马新宇

【导师】 丛文俊;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 康有为所著《广艺舟双楫》既是清代碑学理论的集大成者,也是近现代书法理论承前启后的关键环节。无论是立足于当代的书法研究与创作,还是重新审视清代碑学以来的书法发展历程,对《广艺舟双楫》的研究都具有重要的学术价值和借鉴意义。因此,本课题研究试图以《广艺舟双楫》为中心,从清代碑学理论阐释的基础材料入手,对其中涉及的碑刻拓本的基本属性、作品类型及其选取角度、新名家楷模的确认、碑刻作品的经典性及其审美批评原理等若干核心问题,首次进行较为深入系统的学术研究。旨在正本清源,从书法研究方法论的角度检讨清代碑学理论的种种得失利弊,并对碑刻书法的研究方法,以及书法艺术人文传统的继承与发展等问题提出一些个人的见解。

【Abstract】 The calligraphy is an important artistic fashion of ancient persons who studied art or improved themselves. It has the evident feature of graceful cultures. After Qianlong and Jaqing of Qing Dynasty, bronze, stone and tablet relics from Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and Six-Dynasty began to infiltrate into the study about the calligraphy from the history little by little. So the Tablet-Calligraphy theory came into being. Now we find that persons of Qing Dynasty paid more attention to artistic spirit of tablet carvings from the cultural sight, and there are many defects on recognizing opus. But the theory of the Tablet-Calligraphy and the impulse brought by it directly resulted in the destruction of“the Pith-Strength”on which traditional Tie-Calligraphy lived. At the same time, the calligraphy art formed a kind of complexion that was short of truthful apotheosis. The writing of <Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji> written by Kang Youwei is not only the concentration of Tablet-Calligraphy theory about Qing Dynasty, but also the crucial stage of recent Tablet-Calligraphy theory. There are important academic value and helpful purport by Studying < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji>, whether we study current Tablet-Calligraphy theory and creating, or we look at the course of calligraphy developing since Qing Dynasty.This article bases on the current Tablet-Calligraphy theory and the developing of calligraphy art, and < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji> is the core of the study. Beginning with the stone curving calligraphy of South-North Dynasty on which Tablet-Calligraphy theory of Qing Dynasty is based, this article combines with traditional calligraphy theory and relative literature, and expounds the specific surrounding of Tablet-Calligraphy beginning and developing of Qing Dynasty. It is most important that this article first scientifically studies on some central problems of < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji> and Tablet-Calligraphy theory of Qing Dynasty, for example replicating stone curving, choosing opus, famous persons, and criticizing opus, etc. The specific content includes several aspects:Firstly, it is the historic and cultural surrounding of beginning with the Tablet-Calligraphy of Qing Dynasty. This past discusses the historic meaning of“Zhuan-Li handwriting resurgence”in early Qing Dynasty, the cultural space of stone curving in Han Dynasty, Wei Dynasty and Six-Dynasty, calligraphy study and the changing of calligraphy value, etc. This part also discusses the academic surrounding of Qing Dynasty, artic evaluation, and tablet-tie collecting, which leads to theTablet-Calligraphy coming into being.Secondly, it is the theory structure and teaching purport of < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji>. This part has several comparisons, including“Ancient-Learning”,“Current-Learning”with historic viewpoint about the calligraphy by Kang Youwei,“Tablet-Calligraphy”,“Tie- Calligraphy”with the thinking of respecting tablets by Kang Youwei,“Shape-Learning”with bronze and stone opuses. It embodies the same era feature from the thinking of the society innovation in late Qing Dynasty and the thinking of < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji> written by Kang Youwei. It also discusses the thinking of the society innovation affecting historic viewpoint about the calligraphy, and which leads to some deflections of Tablet-Calligraphy theory in < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji>.Thirdly, it is the study of Tablet-Calligraphy theory in Qing Dynasty basing on the stone curving relics from Wei-Jin and South-North Dynasty. This part discusses the cultural quality of the tablet curving from Wei-Jin and South-North Dynasty, famous persons of North Dynasty, the important problems about the calligraphy, the tendency of respecting Wei Dynasty, defying Tang Dynasty and the Tablet-Calligraphy of reflecting tradition, the art view of tablet and technology of curving opus, etc. It deeply studies the benefit and loss of the Tablet-Calligraphy theory of Qing Dynasty, using the method of the calligraphy study. Furthermore, for deep studying the benefit and loss of < Guang YI Zhou Shuang Ji> and the Tablet-Calligraphy theory of Qing Dynasty, it expounds“normal writing”and“unmoral writing”,“primitive habitus”of the stone curving, stationary analysis, mobile recuperation and the handwriting of tablet curving opus. Under the premise of“basing on persons”that is the art and humanity tradition of the calligraphy, it discusses the method of studying the tablet curving. If there are unsuitable viewpoints and discussion, I sincerely hope that specialists can criticize and modify them.

【关键词】 清代碑学书法
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期