

The Dissemination and Influences of Chinese Classical Novels in Thailand

【作者】 黄汉坤(Surasit Amornwanitsak)

【导师】 廖可斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中泰两国人民已有数百年的友好往来。中国古代小说随着文化交流而在泰国传播并产生影响。中国古代小说很早就在泰国流行,受到泰国各阶层人士的热烈欢迎,故事流传后在诸多领域产生一系列影响。在泰国,最受欢迎的中国文学样式则是明清时期的通俗白话小说,它们以多种形式如口传、戏曲、文本等传播于该地。泰国曼谷国家图书馆藏有39部清代刊本中国古代小说典籍具有一定的文献价值,它除了能证明中泰两国的图书事业方面的交流外,还能对中国境内古代小说典籍及出版情况的史实予以补充说明。泰国曼谷王朝第一世王期间,由于政治上的需要,中国古代小说被翻译成了泰文,《三国》、《西汉》是先声,是奠基之作。之后又掀起一股翻译历史演义小说的热潮,至今已有数十种泰译本中国古代小说作品陆续问世,发展成一支具有特色的文学体系。公元1835年西方印刷术传入到泰国后,对中国古代小说在泰国的传播与影响功不可没。泰译本中国古代小说从此得到前所未有的兴盛,短短几年间就有上百本泰译本中国古代小说流传于市面,出现抢购一空的热闹场面。这些书籍虽是当时的奢侈品,但因为译法鲜明,节奏明快,故深得泰国各阶层人民的喜爱。泰国作家、艺人也都纷纷叫好,把中国古代小说视为新的血液,融入到本民族文学创作的形式与内容当中。例如,在泰国伟大诗人顺吞蒲的《帕阿派玛尼》长篇故事诗里就有不少中国古代小说的成分。之后泰国歌舞剧、傀儡戏也都吸取了中国古代小说的精华,将它们改编成泰文版的演艺剧本,它们增加了中国古代小说的传播途径,使泰国人加快了解中国文化。随着中国古代小说广为流传,许多故事中的人物造型都被民众所接纳,并视为神灵,如《三国演义》中的关羽和《西游记》中的孙悟空等。当中国人向外移民时,他们把家乡的神祗带到了迁居地。在泰国,只要有华人居住的地方,就有中式寺庙。在寺庙里不仅能祈求无限的愿望,还能欣赏到中国传统建筑物及优美图案。这些图案大多取材于中国文学、民间传说、古代神话等,具有一定的文化内涵。居住在泰国的中国人借用这些图案来传达美德与心愿,进行训诫与教导,通过它们继承中国灿烂辉煌的文化传统。泰国统治者也对中国文化情有独钟,故命中国画匠在泰国佛寺的墙壁上绘制《三国演义》、《西游记》等故事壁画图像。中国古代小说在泰国的传播与影响是一个值得研究的重要课题。它是中泰文化交流史上的一道重要人文景观。它不仅是两国间友好往来的重要证明,而且展示了中华文化在异国他乡的泰国落地生根,与当地文化融会、升华后,成为泰国文化重要组成部分的情况,对研究不同民族之间的文化交流具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 The people of China and Thailand have established a close, reciprocal relationship for a long time. Chinese classical novels have been disseminated and exerted significant influences in Thailand via cultural exchanges. I have discovered that Chinese classical novels have enjoyed popularity in Thailand for several hundreds years, and received a warm welcome from readers of different castes. Their popularity has represented steadying influences, on several aspects of Thai culture.The Chinese classical novels in Ming and Qing Dynasty were interested by Thai’s. They came to Thailand by narration, passed from generation to generation, such as Chinese Opera and various important books. From long studying and research found out that at the Thailand National Library in Bangkok (Tha Wasukri), compiled about 39 books about Chinese classical novels. Among these documents are precious. They reviewed the past editing and important the document relating the past influence in Thailand.King Rama I , Chakri Dynasty (Bangkok), he came to realize, that literature would play a big role. He later thought about the translation of books and writings from various countries. Among these books translated were "Romance of the Three Kingdom" and "The west Han", They were the first translated book. Since then until now, they have translated more than 10 stories into Thai language. In 1835, high technology in printing from abroad came into Thailand and thus enabled the printing continuely. From this point, the Chinese writing were mentioned by Thai’s authors. More or less they were well supported by Chinese writings, such as the masterpiece of Sun Thorn Phu "Phra Apaimanee". The drama plays and the marionette plays were involve in them. Through these translations made the Thai people well aware of Chinese thoughts, traditions and customs.The old-fashioned main character in many stories were the Chinese Gods, such as Guan Yu in "Romance of the Three Kingdom" and Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West". Since the Chinese began immigrating into Thai, these believes pay a part into Thai society. We can find these Chinese Gods were well kept and worshipped in Chinese temple and Chinese joss-house.Otherwise the Chinese paintings were drawn in the Chinese temple, depicted to the Chinese stories. People who went to the temple to pray and made for blessing in one way and get moral support in the other way. More than that they can absorb the mural paintings. The king appreciated the Chinese customs. He gave orders to the painters, to draw Chinese themes on the walls of Thai temples too.The study to publicize the influence of Chinese literature in Thailand, still have a lot of topics need to be researched. Of these studies we can understand the good relations in many aspects, and get to the core of the factor in Chinese literature correctly.With the above in mind, 1 am certain that the dissemination and influences of Chinese classical novel in Thailand are worth studying. They are an important milestone in the history of Chinese-Thai cultural exchanges. They not only demonstrate the strong relationship between the two countries, but also prove that Chinese culture has a firm position in a foreign country like Thailand. It can harmoniously blend into Thai culture, raise its value and become an important part of Thai culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.41
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1267