

Ecological Security Assessment of Urban Water Environment in the Pearl River Delta

【作者】 高凡

【导师】 贾建业; 王新明;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 环境科学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 水资源和水环境质量问题是当今科学家和政治家最关注的问题之一。随着社会与经济的高速发展,珠江三角洲地区城市水环境污染不断加重,水质性缺水问题越来越突出,珠江三角洲地区城市水生态安全形势已经变得非常严峻,对该地区城市的社会与经济发展产生了不利影响。因此,研究珠江三角洲地区城市水环境质量和城市水生态安全时间演变特征,对珠江三角洲地区城市水环境质量影响因素的辨识、水资源与水生态环境的保护具有较重要的理论与现实意义。本研究以珠江三角洲中心城市广州市为例,在综合前人研究成果与资料的基础上,运用统计学方法和生态学原理,对城市水环境生态安全进行了研究。论文的主要结论如下:1、珠江广州河段水体有机污染特征的时间动态变化规律分析表明,从1990年到2005年珠江广州河段水体的有机污染状况总体趋势是缓慢恶化,主要原因是随着经济的发展和人口的增加,生活污水排放量大幅增加。水质状况的变化同时受年降水量影响明显。2、长时间序列的城市水环境质量与社会经济发展指标的灰色关联度分析研究表明,广州市水环境质量与人口密度的关联度(0.915)最高,城市化率(0.914)次之,第三产业产值占GDP的比重和城镇废水排放量的关联度也较高,分别为0.899与0.907,这反映了广州市的人口增加和城市化发展过程对水环境质量的变化影响最为显著。3、对2005年广州市水生态系统的服务功能价值进行初步估算,得出其总价值为209.34亿元,占广州市地区生产总值(5115.75亿元)的4.09%。其中水生态系统的直接价值中城市供水的价值最高,达58.4%,水产品生产和休闲娱乐的功能价值比例也较高,分别为20.97%和19.24%,间接价值中调蓄洪水和提供生境的功能价值构成比例较高,分别为44.93%和26.14%。4、影响广州市饮用水安全的主要因素是水资源时空分布不均,水利设施少与跨界污染,农业面源污染,水文条件;广州市区水体年最小生态需水量是广州市区当地多年平均降水量的1.57倍,是广州市区多年平均径流量的6.61%。5、对城市水环境生态安全时间演变特征的综合指数法研究表明:从1990到2005年广州市水环境生态安全状态评价值无明显变化,但广州市水环境生态安全综合评价值缓慢上升。这主要是因为政府对治理污染的投资加大,使得水环境生态安全响应评价值升高较快,加强了广州市水生态环境抵御生态风险的能力。

【Abstract】 Water resource and water environment quality has become crucial problems of great concern among both scientists and politicians. In the Pearl Delta region, with rapid economic and social development in recent decades, water environment quality is getting worse and worse with increasing shortage of source water due to pollution. The situation of urban water ecosystem safety is becoming more and more serious, and thus would lead to adverse impacts on regional economy and social development. Therefore, the study on time series of urban water quality and ecosystem safety in the Pearl River Delta region would be of importance for identifying factors influencing water quality, for protecting water resources and water environment.Based on previous studies and available information and by use of statistical methods and ecological theories, the present paper carried out a case study on urban water environment security in Guangzhou, the central city in the Pearl River Delta region. The main results are listed as below:1. The temporal changes of organic pollutants in the urban water environment indicated that water quality in Guangzhou has been gradually deteriorated from 1990 to 2005; a major reason is the rapid increase of domestic sewage with the economic development and rising population density. Annual rainfall also significantly impacts the water quality.2. Grey correlation analysis on the relationship between the long-term water quality and social and economic development demonstrated that population density and the degree of urbanization were two most important factors worsening the water quality. The share of the third industry in GDP and domestic sewage discharges were also highly correlated with the water quality. The results reflect the significant influence of urbanization and population increment on water quality.3. The total value of water ecosystem services in Guangzhou was estimated to be 20.93 billion Yuan in 2005, and accounted for 4.1% of the GDP in Guangzhou. Among ecological service categories, water supply was the highest in direct services values (58%), and fishery (21%) and recreation (19%) also shared a large portion in the direct services values. Flood control and water resource storage were the most important in the indirect service values of water ecosystem (45%). 4. Main factors threatening the quality of drinking water included the unbalanced temporal and spatial distribution of water resources, lack of water utilization facilities, trans-boundary pollution, no point agricultural pollution and hydrological conditions. The annual least ecological water demand was 1.57 times of the average annual rainfall in Guangzhou, and 6.61% of the average surface runoff of Guangzhou city.5. The temporal trends of urban water ecological security in Guangzhou revealed the state index value of urban water ecological security has not evident change from 1990 to 2005. However, the response index value of urban water ecological security has been rapidly increasing because Guangzhou government increases investment of harnessing pollution and strengthens capacity for resisting ecological risk of water environment. As a result, the complex index value of urban water ecological security in Guangzhou has been gradually rising.
