

Research on Transport Prptocols of Next Generation Internet Architecture

【作者】 李骐

【导师】 刘允才;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 移动和无线通信技术及设备的飞速发展正在推动信息社会的变革。随着无线通信理论和技术的迅速发展,移动计算设备和无线网络产品开辟了新的市场,基于有线介质的计算机网络正在向有线—无线混合网络转变。各种无线网络形式和应用成为研究和开发的热点,如WLAN,蓝牙,UMTS,卫星通信网,第三代蜂窝系统,无线传感器网(WSN)等等。移动装置体积越来越小,价格越来越便宜,使用越来越方便,功能越来越强大,同时,可以运行的应用和网络服务越来越多,这些来自制造商和运营商的有利因素进一步推动无线通信网络的发展。由于无线通信技术不可比拟的优势,传统的互联网正在逐渐向无线方向发展,最终的目标是将各种独立的无线网络整个有线Internet相互联,形成覆盖范围更广,应用更丰富,服务更完善的下一代无线互联网络。传输协议(Transport Protoc01)作用于计算机网络OSI七层模型的中间,是OSI七层模型中最重要,最关键的一类协议,是唯一负责总体数据传输和控制的一层协议。传输协议的主要功能是对一个进行的会话或连接提供端到端的传输服务,服务类型包括面向连接和无连接的服务,同时,传输协议还负责实现连接复用,流量控制,差错控制及恢复等多种服务。传输层协议的理论研究,产品研发和技术标准制定一直是计算机网络尤其是Internet发展中的热点和重点。在当前网络产品中普遍使用并已经成为工业标准的传输协议主要有可靠数据传输协议TCP,非可靠传输协议UDP,实时传输协议RTP/RTCP,此外,还有很多的传输协议正在被研究完善,逐步在实际中使用,如流媒体控制传输协议SCTP,数据报拥塞控制协议DCCP,TCP友好速率控制机制TFRC等等。随着新的网络形式和业务类型的不断出现,传输协议必须要不断改进,以保证整个网络端到端的传输服务质量。无线互联网络的出现给现有网络技术及协议带来了新的挑战,由于传统的Internet协议是基于有线网络基础设计的,而现在在与各种无线网络形式融合的过程中,这些现有的协议和技术通常被直接移植到无线互联网中,这便带了一系列的问题,包括网络协议的性能,效率,稳定性,以及安全,管理等多个方面。其中无线网络的传输协议研究就是一个热点问题。无线链路具有不稳定性和移动性的特点,通信过程中容易出现多径,干扰,衰减,切换等多种破坏传输的现象,从而造成较高的误码率。这对于传统的传输协议带来新的挑战。无论是可靠数据的传输协议还是实时多媒体业务的传输协议,其共同的基本思想是将丢包作为网络拥塞的唯一标志,从而采取相应的窗口调节或速率调节。因此对丢包检测和反应是互联网中实现拥塞控制的最主要的行为,直接影响整个网络的性能。在有线链路中,链路的误码率很低可忽略不计,导致丢包最主要的原因是中间路由器出现拥塞情况,传输协议中加性递增,乘性递减(AIMD)的方式在有线链路中是成功的:但是在无线移动网络中,大量的由于无线链路造成的随机丢包并不意味着网络中的资源不足,而传统的传输协议不能分辨丢包的原因,只是简单的按照拥塞丢包进行处理,发送端需要降低发送速率,很长时间才能恢复,这严重降低了数据业务的发送速率,影响了连接的性能。本文首先在第二章概括总结了当前无线和移动通信网络,分别介绍了构成下一代无线互联网的几种重要的无线网络形式:无线局域网,卫星通信网,无线个域网和3G蜂窝通信网,研究了其各自的结构,协议和应用领域;同时,研究了对于模拟无线网络行为和协议设计有着重要意义的无线互联网中端到端路径的链路状态模型---四状态马尔可夫状态模型。本文的第三章和第四章分别对当前互联网中基于有线网络所设计的可靠业务传输协议和实时多媒体业务传输协议进行了研究。其中,第二章概括了可靠传输协议的基本思想和功能,研究了互联网中主流的可靠传输协议TCP系列,包括传统的TCP Tahoe和Reno版本和其他TCP的改进版本如SACK,NewReno,Vegas等等。其中,重点研究了TCP协议中的核心机制---拥塞控制机制的思想和实现算法,包括慢启动、拥塞避免、快速恢复和快速重传。然后总结了模拟和刻画TCP流行为的两种TCP吞吐量模型:简单模型和复杂模型。其中前者只考虑了快速重传的情况,因此不适合于丢失率高的网络环境;而后者完整地考虑数据包丢失既可能导致快速重传,同时还可能导致超时进入慢启动阶段,因此其估算精度更高。研究吞吐率模型的意义在于为其他评估和设计互联网其他传输协议提供参考。第四章讨论了基于有线网络设计和使用的实时多媒体业务传输协议系列,其中RTP/RTCP协议栈为传输音频、视频、模拟数据等实时数据供了一个框架,与传统注重高可靠数据传输的传输层协议相比,它更加侧重数据传输的实时性,提供的服务包括时间载量标识、数据序列、时戳、传输控制等。由于RTP为了简化运输层处理,提高该层的效率而没有运输层协议的完整功能,不提供任何机制来保证实时地传输数据,不支持资源预留,也不保证服务质量,其部分运输层协议功能需要其他层次辅助实现。由于TCP的速率波动性和UDP的缺乏公平性,它们对于承载RTP/PTCP包都不是很理想,因此,流控传输协议SCTP和数据报拥塞控制协议DCCP分别被提出作为TCP和UDP的替代协议,用来与RTP/RTCP配合使用。此外,研究讨论了实时传输协议中的一种重要机制---TCP友好速率控制协议TFRC,分析了其吞吐率模型,包结构,速率控制及其与TCP流竞争是的性能。无线网络中传输协议性能和改进是本文的重点,第五章和第六章分别对无线TCP和无线速率控制机制进行研究。第五章分析了无线网络自身的特点对于可靠传输协议的影响,以及传统基于有线的TCP协议所存在的问题,研究了各种无线TCP的设计思想和比较,重点研究了一种基于可用带宽预测(ABE)和拥塞警告(CW)机制的无线TCP协议——TCP-Jersey。针对TCP-Jersey中,反向ACK拥塞和数据突发的问题,对其中的可用带宽公式以及慢启动和拥塞避免过程进行改进,通过在无线局域网和有线-无线混合网两种仿真环境中的实验,验证了改进协议良好的性能。在第六章,我们研究了无线网络实时多媒体业务传输协议的核心---无线速率控制机制,首先研究了一种基于模型的分析速率控制机制ARC,并推导出无线链路中的TCP吞吐率模型。ARC机制利用无线链路TCP吞吐模型作为速率调节的参考,在丢包时对发送速率做出控制,吞吐率公式中的变量:总丢包率,回环时间在接收端测得并反馈,而无线链路丢包率可由MAC层根据统计的误码率近似求得。其次,研究了基于低优先级Dummy包的速率控制机制RCS,分析其工作原理,提出一种将改进后的RCS与DCCP相结合的新的无线实时传输协议,仿真实验验证了其比较传统的CCID2和CCID3性能有明显的提高。最后,研究了无线TFRC机制,提出一种新的基于延迟抖动的TFRC改进方法TFRC-Jr,仿真实验证明了该方法具有良好的吞吐率性能和对TCP的友好性。下一代无线互联网的范围更广阔,网络形式更复杂,应用业务更丰富,这都对传输协议的设计和实现带来了挑战。本文在深入研究无线网络特点和传统传输协议原理的基础上,全面总结和分析了下一代无线互联网中的可靠数据业务和实时多媒体业务传输协议,创新性的提出并验证了几种无线传输协议方案,如:TCP-Jersey-M,DCCP+RCS和TFRC-Jr等新的传输协议方案,同时,提出今后该领域的研究方向。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of mobile and wireless communication technologies is driving the great transformation of modern information society. New markets for mobile computing equipments and wireless network products are increasing and the traditional computer networks are changing into wired-wireless hybrid network. The developments and researches are focused on various wireless network systems and applications, such as WLAN, Bluetooth, UMTS, Satellite, 3G cellular, WSN etc. Mobile terminals become more and more smaller, more and more cheaper, more and more easy-using. At the same time, plentiful applications and services are provided for wireless networks. All these factors are inspiring the development of wireless systems. The incomparable advantages of wireless communication technologies lead the traditional Internet merging various wireless network systems into next generation wireless Internet.Transport protocol layer lies in the middle of OSI seven-layer protocol architecture which plays the most important role of the OSI seven layers. It is the only layer that is responsible for data transmitting and controlling as a whole. The main function of transport protocol is to provide end-to-end transmission services to a session or a connection. There are types of transmission services: connect-oriented service and non-connect-oriented service.. Transport protocols are also responsible for multiplex, traffic control, error control and recovery. Some transport protocols have been standardized and used in the majority network equipments, such as TCP, UDP and RTP/RTCP while some protocols have been proposed and researched such as SCTP, DCCP and TFRC. New network systems and applications require the current transport protocols be modified or improved.Wireless Internet brings great challenges on the current network technologies and protocols. Because Internet protocols are designed for wired computer network originally, there must be some problems when implanting the traditional technologies and protocols to the nowadays wireless environments, such as performance, efficiency, stability and security .The wireless transport protocols is one of the key research issues.Wireless link has two main characteristics: instability and mobility. During the period of wireless communication, it is easily to encounter multi-path, interference, eclipse and handoff with the result of high bit error rate. Either the reliable data transport protocols or real-time multimedia stream transport protocols have the same basic idea that packet loss event in the connection is the only symbol that congestion happens and the decrease of sending rate or window is triggered by the packet loss detection. It is the major congestion control behavior in Internet. In wired links, bit error rate is so low that can be neglected and the major reason of packet loss is the congestion in Routers. The AIMD congestion control scheme has been proved to be effective in wired networks. But in wireless environment, the large amount of random packet losses due to wireless link error does not mean the deficiency of network resources. The traditional transport protocols such as TCP have no ability to distinguish the reason of packet loss so that they treat all the packet losses as the congestion signals and decrease the sending rate simply. The unnecessary rate decreasing can seriously deteriorate connecting performance.In this thesis, we firstly generalize the outline of the current wireless and mobile communication and networking, introducing some major wireless network systems i e. WLAN, Satellite network, WPAN and 3G cellular system which constitute of the architecture of Next Generation Wireless Internet (NGWI). The network structure, protocol details and applications of these different wireless systems are discussed in charter 2. We also conduct and analyze the four-state Markov state model which works as the end-to-end wireless path model in wireless Internet.Charter 3 and 4 respectively discuss the current transport protocols including reliable data and real-time multimedia used in wired Internet. In charter 2, we firstly introduce basic ideas and major functions of reliable data transport protocols. The most popular reliable data transport protocols in Internet are TCP series such as Tahoe, Reno, Sack , New Reno and Vegas etc. The core function in TCP----congestion control is discussed with its theories and algorithms. The basic four TCP congestion control algorithms including Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Recovery and Fast Retransmit are studied and then we introduce two TCP throughput models: simple model and complex model in details. The TCP throughput models characterize the TCP behavior in Internet which is meaningful to evaluate and design other transport protocols.In charter 4 real-time multimedia transport protocols are discussed. RTP/RTCP protocol stack is architecture for transfer of real-time applications such as video, audio and analog data flows. It can provide many real-time services such as payload type, data sequence number, timestamp and transmission control etc. But RTP/RTCP is not a complete transport protocol because it simplifies its behavior by leaving some functions such as rate control and synchronization in other layers in order to improve its efficiency. So RTP/RTCP segments are usually carried by other transport protocols. The traditional TCP and UDP are not fit for transferring RTP/RTCP segments because of rate fluctuation of TCP and unfairness of UDP. To solve these problems, Stream control transport protocol (SCTP) and Date Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) are proposed to replace TCP and UDP as the transport layer for RTP/RTCP. Furthermore, we discuss an important rate control scheme for real-time application ----TCP-friendly Rate control (TFRC) by analyzing its throughput model, packet structure and rate control process.The performance analysis and improvement of transport protocols in wireless networks are major tasks of this thesis. In charter 5, issues of wireless TCP are studied including the problems suffered from wireless environment and the comparison of various wireless TCP schemes. We focus our research on TCP-Jersey which makes use of available bandwidth estimation (ABE) and Congestion Warning (CW) mechanism. We modify TCP-Jersey and verify its good performance by NS-2 simulation in WLAN and wired-wireless hybrid environments. Charter 6 talks about the some rate control mechanisms of real-time multimedia stream in wireless networks. Firstly, we study an analytical rate control scheme ---ARC which is based on wireless TCP throughput model generalized in this charter. RCS is another wireless rate control scheme that consists of four states during a connection and use low priority packet Dummy to probe network and distinguish packet loss. In order to eliminate the unnecessary payload of Dummy packets, we modify RCS and embed it into DCCP. Simulation shows our proposed method has good performance in wireless network with high bit error rate and long communication delay. At the end of this charter, wireless TFRC schemes are discussed and a novel wireless TCP-friendly rate control scheme based on jitter ratio measurement is proposed. Extensive simulations verify that the TFRC-Jr has good throughput performance and reasonable TCP friendliness in wireless environments.In this these, based on deeply research of wireless network systems and transport protocols, we give a comprehensive generalization and analysis of reliable data and real-time stream transport protocols in the next generation of wireless Internet. New mechanisms such as TCP-Jersey+M, DCCP+RCS and TFRC-Jr are proposed and verified. At last, the future research goal and direction are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 04期