

Operation Optimization of the Subway Train under Moving Block System

【作者】 路飞

【导师】 宋沐民;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 城市轨道交通(地铁)具有快速、便捷、大运量的特点,已经成为缓解城市交通矛盾的主要运输方式,而信号系统是确保地铁列车安全运行及提高运营效率的关键设备。随着计算机及通讯技术的发展,移动自动闭塞信号系统已经成为一种基于现代无线通信技术、计算机技术和控制技术的智能化的列车间隔控制系统,对移动自动闭塞系统的研究和开发代表了21世纪铁路信号发展的方向。近年来,中国铁路组织对移动自动闭塞系统的研究正在逐步深入,如何评估移动闭塞条件下城市轨道交通系统的线路通过能力,以及在此基础上如何优化行车组织,以便充分发挥移动闭塞区间通过能力高、调度指挥灵活大的优势是一个很有研究价值的课题。本文以城市轨道交通一地铁为研究背景,主要研究移动闭塞条件下列车追踪间隔时间的确立、单列列车的运行控制、车组间的控制,以及列车群在受到各种随机扰动而出现偏离计划运行线时,在考虑列车对乘客吸纳水平的基础上,如何对列车群进行运行调整。1.首先在大量阅读国内外有关文献资料的基础上,对移动自动闭塞信号系统的发展历程及国内外研究技术进行了综述,指出在移动自动闭塞信号系统下城市轨道交通主要面临如下技术问题:列车追踪间隔的确定、列车运行组织方式及主要技术参数的确定、系统的抗干扰能力、列车运行图自动调整理论与方法、综合调度管理系统。2.地铁列车运行控制系统的总体目标是保障系统运输能力。本文从线路通过能力和线路输送能力两方面对地铁的运输能力问题进行了讨论分析。指出线路通过能力是影响地铁运输能力的关键因素,而降低列车的追踪间隔是提高线路通过能力的主要方法。在较短的列车追踪间隔时间下,为确保列车的安全运行,必须要对列车进行运行控制,本文对地铁列车运行自动控制系统的组成和结构以及其三个子系统:列车自动监控系统、列车自动保护系统、列车自动运行系统的功能和分类进行了详细分析和比较,指出移动自动闭塞系统是列车自动控制系统的发展目标,对列车自动控制系统进行国产化研究开发很有必要。3.本文详细讨论了固定自动闭塞系统、准移动闭塞系统和移动自动闭塞系统的数字轨道电路的原理、列控方式等内容,在分析列车区间追踪间隔时间、车站追踪间隔时间的基本概念以及影响因素的基础上,建立了城市轨道交通在不同信号系统下的列车区间追踪间隔和列车车站追踪间隔模型。对三种闭塞信号系统下的最小列车追踪间隔时间进行了理论计算和分析,应用MATLAB进行了仿真。仿真结果表明在移动闭塞条件下,区间通过能力较固定闭塞条件、准移动闭塞条件下有很大地提高,但却不是固定的,也不与列车的运行速度成正比,而是在一定的速度上达到最大值。4.研究了移动闭塞条件下地铁列车的运行规律,建立了单列地铁列车的动力学模型,将基于事件的控制技术应用到地铁列车的控制中。通过引入运动参考变量,求出在以站间最小运行时间为目标的单列列车控制中,列车运行速度、加速度关于列车走行距离的表达式,从而可以根据列车走行距离实时调整规划列车的运行。基于事件的控制技术在机器人智能控制领域已经得到了广泛的应用,将这种技术用于地铁列车的运行控制中,是本文的一个创新。仿真结果亦表明,在采用基于事件的控制技术来对列车进行区间运行控制时,相对于其它两种常用的方法:PD控制和神经网络控制,无论在列车实际运行时间上,还是乘客乘坐的舒适性上都有很大程度的改进。5.城市轨道交通系统是一个大的混杂系统,具有“移动”性,每一列列车都是一个自治的智能体。智能体之间的协调、协作是评价智能系统性能的重要指标。本文研究了移动闭塞条件下地铁列车车组间的控制,针对在时间域求解过程中,当列车运行出现干扰时,列车间易出现串联影响的现象,采用基于事件的控制技术和编队思想对列车组进行控制。仿真结果表明,借助于移动自动闭塞信号系统的车—地之间的双向通讯方式、分布式控制结构和基于事件的控制思想,能够方便地实现系统的重新配置以及各子系统间的协调协作,同时还能够有效地解决时间域求解过程中出现的串行不稳定性,降低列车间运行间隔,在保证不撞车以及尽量减少站外停车的前提下,提高系统的运载能力。本论文的这一研究工作具有一定的原创性,并已得到专家的认可。6.正常运行情况下,列车严格按照列车计划运行图运行。但由于存在许多随机因素的干扰,列车运行又难免偏离计划运行图,尤其在以列车间隔时间短为显著特点的城市轨道交通系统上,一列列车的晚点往往会影响其它列车正常运行,有时甚至会影响整个城市轨道交通的有序运营。目前,现行的地铁列车晚点运行调整的性能指标多是尽量降低列车群的晚点时间,尚未涉及晚点列车对于车站“客流吸纳”水平的研究。而对于车站客流的吸纳情况,往往是评价轨道交通系统运营效率的一个重要的指标。本文基于移动自动闭塞信号系统下地铁列车的运行特点,首次研究了由于某些干扰造成某列列车出站晚点时,在考虑相邻列车对客流的吸纳水平均衡的前提下,以降低列车群晚点时间和提高对车站客流的吸纳水平为综合性能指标的晚点列车群追踪运行过程中的运行调整算法设计,并进行了仿真,具有一定的创新性。最后,总结了本论文的主要研究工作,并提出了进一步的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Urban Mass Transit (Subway) has the advantages of flexibility, fastness, and high capacity. It has become the effective way to alleviate the modern heavy traffic. Signaling system is the key equipment to ensure its safety and high efficiency. Moving Block System (MBS) is a new type of intelligent train control system based on modern communication, computer technology and control techniques. The research and development of MBS represent the development trend of railway signaling in the 21st century. In recent years, the research of MBS has got in-depth development in Chinese railway. How to evaluate the carrying capacity under MBS and how to optimize train organization in order to make full use of the advantage of high block carrying capacity and the flexibility on schedule are an important field. We focus our research on the determination of the tracking interval time of the train, the running control of a train, the control between the successive trains and the operation adjustment of the trains after the deflection from the timetable for some stochastic disturbance considering the effective absorption of the random traveler flow. The research is based on subway system.1. Firstly, based on the development history and the research of the MBS, we point out there are five technical problems in the Urban Mass Transit: the determination of the train’s tracking interval, the operation organization and the technical parameters, the performance of disturbance rejection, the theory and method of automatic timetable adjustment and the synthetical schedule management system.2. The object of the subway is to ensure the transportation capacity. It is discussed under the throughout capacity and the carrying capacity of the line. The main factor which affect the transportation capacity is the throughout capacity and the way of improving the throughout capacity is to reduce the tracking interval time. It is necessary to control the running of the train to ensure the safety of the train under short tracking interval time. The function of Automatic Train Controlling (ATC), including Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), Automatic Train Protection (ATP) and Automatic Train Operation (ATO) are analyzed. MBS will be the further development direction of ATC, so it is important to develop our national ATC.3. After the discussion of the principle of the track, circuit and the control way under different signaling systems: fixed block system, quasi-moving block system and moving block system, and the analysis of the concept of section interval and station interval, the models of the section interval and the station interval of the train in the different railway signaling systems are constructed, the calculation and analyses of running interval are conducted and simulated through MATLAB. Simulation result shows that the throughout capacity has been greatly improved under moving block system compared with other two signaling systems. However, it is not fixed, and is not proportional with the velocity of the train, it reaches the maximum value at certain velocity of the train.4. The running performance of the subway train under moving block system is studied, the dynamics mathematical model of subway train is constructed, and the event-based control technology is adopted to the control problems of subway. The velocity and acceleration function with respect to the distance is deduced by introducing the action reference variable in the control problem, which aims to minimize the running time. The event-based theory and technology has been widely used in the intelligent system, while it has not been used to the control of subway. The simulation result shows compared with other method:neural network control and proportion-differential control,not only the running time but also the passenger comfort can be improved.5. Urban Mass Transit is a hybrid system with the character of motion, and each train is an autonomous vehicle. The cooperation and coordination among the agents is an important index to evaluate the intelligent system. Aimed at the series effect among the trains when the disturbance appear in the time field, the the event-based technology and formation theory are adopted to the control among multi trains. The simulation shows that this method can reconstruct the system easily and increase the cooperation among subsystems with the bi-direction communication and the event-based technology, it also can decrease the series instability in time field effectively, the method can decrease the headway and increase the carrying capacity, ensure the safety and avoid the stop out of station. The work presented in this paper is original and appreciated by the specialists concerned.6. Generally, trains’ running obeys arranged timetable strictly, but for some unpredictable reason, it is hard to avoid deflection from the timetable. On urban rail transport system which has character of the short headway, a train’s delay may affect other trains; sometimes, it even affects the whole system’s normal operation. In the current research of operation adjustment, the object of the train’s adjustment is to minimize the delay time of the trains. The problem of the effective absorption of the random traveler flow has not been studied. But the effective absorption of the random traveler flow is very important to the evaluation of the urban mass transit. After the analysis of movement of subway under moving block system, when a train delays out from a station for some uncertain disturbance, a new algorithm is proposed and simulated for the first time, which takes the reducing of train’s delay time and the increasing of effective absorption to the random traveler flow as the synthetical object.Finally, the main work of this thesis is summarized, and the future research directions are proposed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 03期