

Research on Theory and Methodology of the Evaluation of Enterprise’s Competitiveness

【作者】 李卫东

【导师】 刘延平;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 企业竞争力对企业的生存和发展具有决定性的作用。与国外企业相比,我国企业竞争力总体状况不容乐观,因此如何提升企业竞争力成为我国目前企业所面临的现实问题。从国内外已有的研究成果来看,尚未形成公认的、系统的企业竞争力评价理论与方法。建立系统的企业竞争力评价理论方法体系,科学评价我国企业竞争力的现状,对于企业了解自身定位,识别自身的优势劣势,制定发展战略,为我国企业改进和提高竞争力水平具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。特选择了此主题进行研究。本文首先对企业竞争力的文献进行了系统的回顾,剖析了基于外部环境因素、企业内部资源因素和企业内部能力因素的相关理论的优缺点。然后,从知识在企业中的活动出发,基于经济学理论、管理理论、企业理论、竞争力理论原理,构建出知识价值链动态网络模型,分析了企业知识价值链对企业竞争力的影响,认为企业知识的流动呈网络状态。在需求分析-研究开发-生产制造-市场营销职能价值链中,伴随着一个知识创新的过程,但这一过程不同于传统理论所认为的创新是一个单向线性的过程,而是呈现互相反馈、相互交流的网络化状态。然后,在不同国家企业竞争力资料基础上,运用主成分回归方法对企业竞争力的形成机理进行了实证分析。然后,利用指标体系设计理论,在对已有企业竞争力评价指标体系评述的基础上,结合企业现有的会计、统计指标,构建企业竞争力评价指标体系。其后,对不同企业竞争力评价方法进行了介绍,并进行了系统的对比分析,对单一评价方法存在的问题进行了分析,认为组合评价是未来的发展方向。并初步构建了基于统计的组合评价方法体系框架,对评价方法的相容性进行了分析,提出一致性指数最大化的理论规划模型,并对组合评价结果的有效性进行了分析。再有,对我国物流企业的现状和特点进行了分析,利用综合指数法、TOPSIS、功效系数法、因子分析法等方法对物流业上市公司数据进行了分析,并在其基础上进行了组合评价分析。最后,通过对全文关于企业竞争力评价研究的理论归纳与总结,提炼出本文的基本结论与创新性结论。

【Abstract】 Enterprise’s competitiveness is essential to the survival and development of enterprise. Compared with foreign enterprises, the situation of Chinese enterprises’ competitiveness is not optimistic. So how to enhance the competitiveness of China’s enterprises has become an important problem facing by the enterprises. At present the study on the enterprise’s competitiveness of domestic and foreign scholars is rather rich and the scholars has carried out a lot of useful work in this field. Until now the theory and method of evaluation of the competitiveness of enterprises are not recognized as systemical yet. To construct the evaluation System of the enterprise’s competitiveness is very important for the enterprise to understand its position, identify its own advantages and disadvantages, formulate development strategies and improve the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. Here the theme is chosen for this study.At first, the systematic review of literature for competitiveness of enterprise is conducted. The different views of enterprise’s competitiveness based on analysis of the external environment, internal factors and enterprise resource and capacity are dicussed. Based on economics theory, management theory, enterpise theory and competitiveness theory, from the knowledge activities in the enterpise, the theoretical framework of knowledge vlaue chain dynamic network model is constructed. Then the influence of enterprise’s knowledge value chain to enterprise’s competitiveness is analyzed. It is reckoned as the flow state of enterprise’s knowledge has the features of a network. Knowledge innovation process occurs in the vlaue chain of demand analysis - R&D- production - marketing. But the process is different from the traditional theory that the innovation process is a linear one-way, but is in a mutual feedback network status. Then, based on the information of enterprise’s competitiveness in different countries, principal components regression method is taken to the empirical analysis of formation mechanism of enterprise’s competitiveness. Then, based on the index system designation theory and comparison of the different existing evaluation index system, we construct the competitiveness evaluation index system in light of existing accounting, statistical indicators, Subsequently, the different evaluation methods for the enterprise’s competitiveness are discussed. After the existing problems of single evaluation method is analyzed, the combinational evaluation method is discussed. Combinational evaluation method represent the futural development trend. Then the framework of combinational evaluation system based on the statistics is constructed. We take the analysis of the compatibility of different evaluation method. The maximum theoretical model of consistency index is proposed. The effectiveness of the analysis results is discussed. Then the status and characteristics of China’s logistics enterprises are described. Then Composite index method, TOPSIS method, factor analysis and other methods are chosen to evaluate the listed companies in logistics industry. Based on above results, the combinational evaluation is taken. Finally, Through theorical and explorative analysis, the basic conclusions and the innovation conclusions are summarized.
