

【作者】 朱西周

【导师】 龚学增;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 中华民族精神是中国社会主义现代化进程中的精神驱动力量,是实现传统性与现代性、民族性与世界性辩证统一的精神基础。本文拟从中华民族精神纵向和递进的发展过程,探寻中华民族精神发生、发展和演变轨迹,总结中华民族精神发展的不同历史时期和历史阶段的不同特点,同时结合新世纪新阶段我国改革开放新的伟大实践,阐述中华民族精神的时代价值。全文包括导论、正文和结束语三部分。导论部分主要说明选题的依据,介绍、评析本课题的研究现状,阐明其理论意义和实践意义,并说明本文的主要研究方法。正文共分八章,分别论述中华民族精神的不同历史阶段的发展演进规律及中华民族精神对当代社会的意义和价值。第一章《民族精神概说》从总体上简要介绍民族精神和中华民族精神的内涵、概念、民族精神的性质等,从而在理论上科学把握民族精神和中华民族精神实质,为后文的写作奠定良好的基础。第二章《古代民族精神》古代民族精神是中华民族精神的重要组成部分,也是整个中华民族精神的起始和基础。本章探讨中华古代民族精神的萌芽、产生、形成和发展演变过程,总结古代民族精神的内在特征。提出中华古代民族精神的基本特质,指出古代民族精神是“中华传统文化的传承与发展”的历史事实。第三章《近代民族精神》重点分析近代民族精神的形成过程和表现特征。近代民族精神表现出两方面的主题,一是以救亡图存为主体的爱国主义运动,一是以吸收和借鉴西方文明的革新运动。近代民族精神表现出与古代民族精神的背离与承接,与西方文化融合与冲突的矛盾现象。近代民族精神是由古代民族精神向现代民族精神转换的过渡期,起着承前启后的历史作用。第四章《现代民族精神》现代民族精神是在古代民族精神和近代民族精神的基础上产生和发展起来的。中国共产党始终是民族精神的继承者、开拓者和创新者,在承接中华民族古代民族精神和近代民族精神的同时,不断结合变化着的实际,丰富和发展了中华民族精神,使中华民族精神焕发出崭新的内涵和特征。现代民族精神是传统精神与革命精神的融合与创新。第五章《当代民族精神》当代民族精神是现代民族精神的直接产物,是中国共产党领导全国人民进行社会主义革命和社会主义建设的革命精神和建设精神的凝练与升华。当代民族精神是以社会主义为核心、以革命精神为主导,以集体主义为原则的民族精神,充分体现其革命性、集体性和奉献性的特点。第六章《新时代民族精神》新时代民族精神是对当代民族精神的扬弃和发展。新时代民族精神具有强烈的时代特色,是顺应时代潮流而产生的。改革精神、开放精神、科学精神和创新精神是新时代民族精神的主要内涵。新时代民族精神体现出鲜明的特征:即理想性特征、主体性特征、和谐性特征和社会性特征。第七章《中华民族精神与当代社会》探讨中华民族精神在当代社会中的作用和价值及当代社会对中华民族精神的机遇和挑战。具体论述中华民族精神与全球化进程;中华民族精神与小康社会建设;中华民族精神与社会主义和谐社会的构建等。第八章《弘扬和培育中华民族精神》分析在新世纪、新阶段弘扬和培育中华民族精神现实必要性,并在此基础上提出弘扬和培育中华民族精神的路径选择。结束语展望在全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中中华民族精神的建设和作用。一是要以“古为今用,洋为中用”的科学态度,辩证地对待古代民族精神及国外民族精神,吸收和弘扬古代民族精神和国外民族精神的精华;二是要从现代民族精神、当代民族精神中汲取革命精神的有益元素,把革命性与时代性有机地结合起来;三是要在新的实践中不断重塑和提升新时代民族精神,使之成为社会发展的不竭精神动力。

【Abstract】 Chinese National Spirit is the spiritual actuation strength of Chinese socialism modernization advancement, which is dialectical unification foundation of realizing the tradition and modernity, the national characteristic and worldwide. The paper draws up from the longitudinal and the progressive developing process of Chinese National Spirit, inquiring about the development and the evolution path of Chinese National Spirit and summarizes the different characteristics of Chinese National Spirit in the developing different historical period and the historical stage. The paper elaborates the time value of Chinese National Spirit in the new century new stage.Full text includes three parts: Introductory remarks, Main text and Concluding remark. The introductory remarks part mainly shows the basis of selected topic, evaluates the research present situation of this topic, expounds its theory significance and the practice significance, and shows the main research technique of the paper. The main text is divided into 8 chapters, separately elaborating the development-evolution law of Chinese National Spirit in different historical stage and the contemporary society’s significance and value of Chinese national spirit. Concluding remark forecasts the great function of the Chinese the National Spirit in the historic course of building an overall well-to-do society and structuring harmonious society of socialism. Firstly, we should treat the Chinese tradition national spirit dialectically by the manner of "making the past serve the present", absorbing and developing the essence of the tradition national spirit; Secondly, we should derive the beneficial element from the revolutionary spirit, unifying organically the revolutionary nature and the modernity; Thirdly, We should remould the national spirit of new times unceasingly in the new practice, turning it to be an inexhaustible drive of the social development.Chapter 1, Prevue of the Chinese National Spirit It gives a whole brief introduction on the national spirit and the spirit of the Chinese nation, the concept, the nature of the national spirit, etc. which builds the good foundation for the following writing.Chapter 2, National Spirit of the Ancient Times National Spirit of the Ancient Times is an important component of the Chinese spirit, which is the start and foundation of the whole spirit of the Chinese nation. This chapter explores the process of evolution of the National Spirit of the Ancient Times, summing up the inherent characteristics of National Spirit of the Ancient Times. This chapter also puts forward the basic qualities of National Spirit of the Ancient Times, and points out that National Spirit of the Ancient Times is the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese culture.Chapter 3, Neoteric national spirit Chapter 3 focuses on the analysis of the formation of Neoteric national spirit and performance characteristics. Two themes are shown in Neoteric national spirit: Firstly, it is a national survival as the main patriotic movement; Secondly, it is to absorb and learn from the movement of Western civilization. On the one hand , Neoteric national deviates from the traditional spirit of the Chinese nation, on the other hand ,it inherits the traditional spirit of the Chinese nation. At the same time Neoteric national spirit and Western cultural are in the paradox of integration and conflict. Neoteric national spirit is the period of transition National Spirit of the Ancient Times to Neoteric national spirit.Chapter 4, Modern National Spirit Modern national spirit are on the basis of National Spirit of the Ancient Times and Neoteric national spirit. The Communist Party of China is the successor, pioneer and innovator of National Spirit all the time. In the meanwhile, while carrying on the Chinese nation tradition national spirit and the national spirit the modern times, the Communist Party of China has enriched and developed the Chinese nation spirit according to the changing practice, has made the Chinese nation full of vim and vigor. The modern national spirit is integration and originality of National Spirit of the Ancient Times and the revolutionary spirit.Chapter 5, Contemporary National Spirit The contemporary spirit of the Chinese nation is the direct product of the Modern national spirit, which is the condensation and sublimation of the revolutionary spirit and the spirit of building. Contemporary National Spirit is centered on socialism, take revolution spirit as leading factor in the spirit of the revolution led by the principle of collective national spirit and takes collectivism as principle, demonstrating its characteristics of revolutionary, dedication and collective.Chapter 6, New Era of National Spirit New era of national spirit is the inheritance and development of spirit of contemporary spirit of the Chinese nation. New era with a strong national spirit of the times, which conforms to the trend of the times. Spirit of reform, spirit of opening up, spirit of scientific and innovative spirit are the main content of new era of national spirit. New era of national spirit embodies distinctive characteristics:ideal characteristic,main body characteristic, concordance characteristic and social nature characteristic. Chapter 7, Chinese National Spirit and Contemporary Society The Chapter expounds the role and values of the spirit of the Chinese nation in modern society. Contemporary Society brings about the opportunities and challenges to the spirit of the Chinese nation. Specifically address the spirit of the Chinese nation and the process of globalization, spirit of the Chinese nation and the building of well-off society in, spirit of the Chinese nation and building of socialist harmonious society.Chapter 8, Promoting and Cultivating Chinese National Spirit It is very indispensable to promote and cultivate the spirit of the Chinese nation in the new century. On this basis, This chapter also puts forward the methods and paths to promote and cultivate the spirit of the Chinese nation.

  • 【分类号】D647
  • 【被引频次】22
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