

【作者】 王立梅

【导师】 甄小英;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 党的学说和党的建设, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 全面建设小康社会和构建社会主义和谐社会的新时期,中国共产党如何改革执政方式,提高执政能力是一个亟待研究解决的重大问题。本文以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,紧密联系中国共产党执政方式的历史和现实,运用比较研究等方法对中西政党权力运作方式进行系统深入的比较分析,从而提出改革和完善中国共产党执政方式的主要途径。论文共分四章。第一章从现代政党执政的基本原理、执政方式的理论内涵和现代政党执政的基本模式三个方面论述现代政党执政方式的一般理论。一是以政治学国家和国家权力原理为导入,分析了政党获取国家权力的途径和现代政党执政的基本内容。二是界定执政方式的基本内涵,分析了执政方式的类型和影响执政方式的主要因素。三是提出现代政党执政的三种模式:党政职权分开型执政模式、党政职权混合型执政模式和党政职权合一型执政模式。第二章以史为线对中国共产党执政方式的探索、形成和创新进行了历史考察。第一阶段回顾局部执政时期中国共产党执政方式的探索和实践,并分析了局部执政时期党执政方式的特点。第二阶段回顾了建国后至改革开放前党执政方式的形成与发展,并指出这一时期党执政方式的特征。第三阶段论述改革开放以来党执政方式的创新和发展。随着经济体制和政治体制改革的深入,党的执政方式正在向民主化、法治化和科学化方向转变。第三章运用比较研究的方法对中西政党权力运作方式进行比较分析。本章包括五个方面的内容:一是比较中西政党控制和监督国家权力的方式;二是总结中西政党执政方式的共性,即中西政党执政共同遵循合法性原则、法治原则和利益整合原则;三是分析中国共产党执政方式的特点;四是分析中国共产党执政方式的比较优势与弊端;五是揭示西方政党执政方式的启示,以期根据我国国情吸收借鉴,洋为中用。第四章论述改革和完善党执政方式的基本途径。党政关系方面,提出正确处理党与人大、党与政府、党的领导和司法独立关系的主要措施。党群关系方面,在剖析党群关系障碍性因素基础上,提出落实科学发展观、加强社会保障工作,发扬社会主义民主,加强党的先进性建设特别是党风廉政建设,构建社会主义和谐社会。党法关系方面,重点构建党的职权和领导程序法治化模式。党际关系方面,主张发展协商民主,完善多党合作和政治协商制度。最后,依法构建执政权力监督制约体系并发挥其整体效能。

【Abstract】 In the new period of building a Well-off Society in an All-Round Way and Harmonious Society, it is an important problem that how the CPC can improve the style of governance in order to enhance Party’s governing capability. The thesis takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and The Important Thought of“Three Represents”as its guide, combines the history and realization of the Party’s style of governance, compares the Party’s style of governance with western Party by the compared way. At last, the author puts forward the main measures of reforming and improving the Party’s style of governance.The thesis is composed of four chapters.Chapter One dissertates the basic theory about modern Party’s style of governance in the world. It includes the basic theory that how modern party leads the power, the basic intension of the Party’s style of governance, the governance mode of modern party. Firstly, the chapter analyzes the ways that modern party get the state power, basic contents that modern party controls the state power by using the relationship between party and state power in Politics. Secondly, the chapter gives the basic intension about the Party’s style of governance, analyzes the types of the Party’s style of governance and the impaction factors. Thirdly, the chapter analyzes three modes of the modern party governance. Party and the government is divided, Party and the government is divided partly, Party replaces government in terms of function and power.Chapter Two reviews the history that the CPC explored, formed and reformed the Party’s style of governance. The first stage reviews the exploration and practice which the CPC leads the state power in the period of local governance, and also summarizes the characteristics. The second stage reviews the formation and development about the Party’s style of governance from the foundation of China to reform and opening, and also put forwards the features during the period. The third stage analyzes the creation and development about the Party’s style of governance since the reform and opening. With the development of economic and political system reform, the Party’s style of governance is changing to democracy, rule by law and science.Chapter Three compares the ways between the CPC uses the state power and western party uses power. The chapter includes five aspects. First, the chapter compares the style that the CPC controls and supervises the state power with that of western party. Second, the chapter summarizes the common characteristics of the governance style both the CPC and western party. The three principles that the modern party has to follow are legitimacy principle, rule by law principle and interest integration principle. Third, the chapter summarizes the characteristics of the Party’s style of governance. Fourth, the chapter analyzes the advantages and disadvantages about the Party’s style of governance. Fifth, the chapter reveals the enlightenments aiming at the reform and improving of the Party’s style of governance.Chapter Four discusses the basic ways that reform and improve the Party’s style of governance. In terms of the relationship between party and state power, the chapter puts forward some measures which can deal with the relationships between the CPC and National People’s Congress,our government, judicial independence. In terms of the relationship between party and people, the chapter analyzes the impaction factors. Then, the author demands that we must practise scientific development concept. We have to strengthen the work of Social Security and build a Well-off Society in All-Round Way. In terms of the relationship between party and law, we must build the mode that makes Party’s function and power change to rule by law gradually. In terms of the relationship among partys,We should develop Deliberative Democracy and improve the System of Multi-Party Cooperation and Political Consultation. At last, we should build a system that can supervise and limit ruling power effectively.

  • 【分类号】D25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1401