

Historic Construction of Public Space: Political Analysis on Shanghai Community Development

【作者】 翟桂萍

【导师】 吴志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 公共空间作为国家与社会二元分化的产物,是一个国家与社会共同发生作用的场域。现代政治文明的发展,特别是基层民主的发展,使一个国家与社会的对话平台——社区公共空间日渐呈现。中国城市基层社会的转型和社区化发展,使被强国家—弱社会关系下遮蔽的社区不再是政府行政的基层延伸,而逐渐成为人们参与公共事务的平台,成为一个国家与社会共同治理的公共空间。社区公共空间的现实发展,使市民社会或公民社会的发展有了现实的载体,突现了这一建构的历史性价值和意义。本文以社区公共空间为逻辑起点,立足上海社区的发展,对建构社区公共空间的制度基础、功能发展、主体成长、组织推动、资源整合与多元共治等问题进行研究。笔者试图综合运用多种理论,提供一个社区发展演进的新视角,描绘出上海社区公共空间的立体图形。笔者力图以国家与社会关系的演进为基础,以基层民主的发展为动力,以社区社会资本的运用为润滑剂,以社区治理为研究的指向,搭建一个以社区公共空间为分析工具的社区发展研究的理论架构,显现社区公共空间的历史性价值,探求社区发展的未来取向。社区作为人类生存的一种状态早已存在。随着科学技术的进步和经济的全球化发展,特别是二战以后,政府与社会都面临诸多的问题和挑战,使人们重新找寻关于社区的记忆。在联合国的推动下,开启了影响世界一百多个国家和地区的社区发展运动。现代市场经济和现代民主的发展,使社区作为一种人们生活的共同体在社会经济和民主的发展中具有日益重要的地位和作用,并受到越来越多国家的重视,推动社区发展成为一种世界性的潮流。20世纪80年代以来,中国社会的转型和国家与社会关系的变革,使中国政府以社区服务开启了中国城市社区发展的新进程。社会的转型所带来的国家与社会关系的变迁,使中国城市社会打破了原来的一体化体制,城市社区作为一个人们生活的公共空间日益呈现出其多样化的立体面相。街居体制发展的困境使国家必需重新审视城市基层管理体制,重新建构新的管理体制。城市基层社会管理体制由街居制向社区制的演进,为社区公共空间的发展提供了结构支持和制度空间。伴随着“单位人”向“社区人”的转变,各种社会功能的社区化发展和社会问题的社区化沉淀,使社区成为国家和社会进行整合的重要场域,公共空间的建构成为这些功能的集中体现。社区发展的这种功能定位使社区公共空间中政府与社会的角色也发生了相应的转变和调整,以社区服务为媒介,推动了政府与社会以协商和契约为基础的合作关系的形成,为社区公共空间的未来治理提供了基础。社区公共空间作为人们进行各种活动的社会公共领域,为社区发展主体的成长提供了载体。无论是群众性文体活动的开展,还是以社区居委会选举为代表的基层民主训练,都为社区人由居民向公民的成长提供了路径。而社区民间组织所具有的利益聚合和自治参与功能,为社区成员公民精神的成长提供了组织化的空间。无论是社区人的成长还是社区组织的发育,都为社区公共空间的历史性建构提供了活动着的行动主体,而这恰恰是建构社区公共空间的关键要素。而社区公共空间的建构过程,其实也就是一个逐步实现社区资源整合的过程。社区作为一种地域存在,是以一定的资源为基础的。社会的转型推动各种资源逐渐向社区汇聚,使资源的整合在社区发展中具有举足轻重的地位。无论是政府主导的资源整合、政党主导的资源整合,还是社会主导的资源整合,都促进了社区多元主体的行为互动,促进了社区发展合力的形成。而正是这种整合为社区公共空间的多元共治提供了互惠的基础和合作的动力。公共空间的历史性建构,其意义不仅在于为政府和社会提供了对话、交流与合作的场域,而且重要的是为中国城市公民社会提供了成长的机制和平台,为政府改革和社会自治的实现提供了基础。多元力量的成长是中国现代化建设所需要的,而社区发展的实践为这种成长提供了训练场所。特别是在建设和谐社会的今天,和谐社区的建设更具有重要意义。社区公共空间的新型合作共治,将推动中国强国家与强社会关系的建立,为中国现代化发展提供良好的基础和动力。正是公共空间的建构,推动了政治国家、公民社会与第三域的有机统一,为中国国家力量的成长和现代民主的发展提供了基础,是使民主运转起来的重要推动力。社区公共空间的建构为社区发展研究提供了从三元视角(国家—公共空间—社会)而不是二元(国家—社会)视角认识社区的维度,这也正是以公共空间为逻辑起点对上海社区发展进行研究的政治学意义所在。

【Abstract】 Public space, as the result of the differentiation between nation and society, is a field running under the influence of both nation and society. With the development of contemporary political civilization, especially the development of grass-root democracy, community public space (CPS) , as a communicating platform between nation and society, gradually comes forth. With the transition of city administration and the conmmunity development, community that once covered by the strong nation-weak society relationship is no more a foot of governmental administration. Instead, it gradually becomes a stage for people to participate in community public affairs. The development of CPS presents its historic value because it has become a body for the development of civil society. Started with the CPS, and based on the development of Shanghai communities, this article discussed the community system, functions, subjects, community NGOs and the resource conformity for CPS. The author tries to describe the solid figure of Shanghai CPS from a new angle of view, and tries to set up an academic framework for the research on community development. This framework based on the evolvement of nation-society relationship, the development of grass-rooted democracy and the community social capital, and the CPS is also an analysis tool for the framework. The researcher’s aim is to stress the great meaning of community development to CPS.As a kind of life, community has been in existence for a long time. People began to look for their traditional memories of community with the step of scientific technology and economic globalization, especially after the World War II, which brought many new problems and chanllenges to government and society. With the drive from U.N., community development has become a movement covered more than 100 countries. The development of modern market economy and modern democracy gave more important role to community as a public space. More and more countries attach importance to community development, which has become an international movement.Chinese government started the process of community development with community service from 1980s. The change of nation-society relationship broke the integration system in Chinese cities, and community presented its diversified solid sides. Facing developing jam of street-community residents’ committee system, the government has to re-survey and rebuild the grass-rooted administrative system in cities. The evolvement from street-community residents’ committee system to community system has provides structural support and institutional room for the progress of CPS. As more and more people play their roles in community instead of in units, more and more social functions depend on the development of community, and more and more social problems appear in community, community has become an important conformity field to harmonize nation and society. The kind of community function has changed the roles of government and society. By the intermedium of community service, government and society established a negotiation and contract -based cooperating relationship which provides a foundation for the future governance of CPS.CPS as a kind of social public space provides a platform for the development of community members. Both the mass cultural and physical entertainment and grass-root democratic training in community can foster people’s civism. The community NGOs, who can aggregate interests and self-govern, provides a kind of organization path for the growth of civism. Both the growth of people in community and the development of community organizations provide active subjects for the historic construction of CPS, and which formed the essential element for the growth of CPS. The construction of CPS substantially is a process to conformity the resources in community. Social transformation promotes resources to flow into community, so the conformity of resources is much important. No matter community resources conformity dominated by government, Party or by society, it can promote the mutual response among multi- subjects and form a resultant force for community development. This kind of conformity supplies reciprocal basis and cooperating drive for the mulitl-governance of CPS.The historic foundation of CPS not only provides platform for government and society to communication and cooperation, but also supplies system and room for the growth of Chinese citizen society, and which also prepares conditions for governmental reform and social self-governing. The growth of all kinds of subjects is important to the modernization of China, and the community development is a good learning process for the subjects. A harmonious community is the foundation to the harmonious society construction. So the constrction of community is of great value in today’s China. The co-governance in CPS will promote the establishment of strong-nation and strong-society relationship, and will provide foundation and drive for Chinese modernization. The construction of CPS accelerates the organic unification of government, citizen society and the third field, and also is a kind of forces to make democracy work. The construction of CPS will provides a tri-view ( nation-public space-society ) , not a dualistic-view ( nation-society ) for conmmunity development reseach, which is the meaning of political science to research on Shanghai community in virtue of the public space theory.

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