

A Study on Corporate Social Responsibility of China’s Township Enterprise

【作者】 李钟植

【导师】 蒋云根;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以企业社会责任为视角,探讨中国乡镇企业发展中存在的问题及其发展趋势。论文的初步判断是:在经历了从过去社队企业到现在的企业转制发展过程中,乡镇企业的社会责任的内容结构和责任形式也处于不断地变化之中,具体表现为有些社会责任领域得到了加强,而有些领域则已经或正在削弱。论文试图通过探究这一发展规律,寻找乡镇企业发展的道路。在分析了乡镇企业社会责任的结构和功能的基础上,结合乡镇企业社会责任的现状,论文认为企业自身的内在机制固然是促进企业履行社会责任的根本动力,但制约乡镇企业履行社会责任的两个外在机制,即政府机制和社会机制的作用也同样不可缺少,并会影响到企业内在机制作用的发挥。论文的结论是:乡镇企业履行社会责任的程度决定着企业发展的方向和企业的被认同度,而政府机制和社会机制发挥的程度则直接决定着乡镇企业履行社会责任的绩效。论文分别从乡镇企业的社区责任、环保责任和人文责任等方面,研究了乡镇企业的发展和履行社会责任的关联程度。在乡镇企业的社区责任中,论文从乡镇企业履行对农业、农村和农民,以及对农村社会弱势群体的责任状况,总结了乡镇企业履行社区责任的成就和存在的不足,指出乡镇企业的社区责任范畴还可作进一步拓展,并分析了承担社区责任对乡镇企业发展的影响。在关于环保责任的研究中,通过分析乡镇企业污染的特征和表现,结合环保的普遍规律,论文认为由于政府机制和社会机制的双重作用不力,乡镇企业履行环保责任总体上是缺失的,并据此提出了相应的对策;在关于乡镇企业人文责任的研究中,论文发现农村公共事业的责任最为迫切,而从更加深远的意义思考,以企业文化为纽带的企业发展是促进乡镇企业履行社会责任的精神动力。在乡镇企业社会责任的结构中,论文认为企业对人的责任是最根本的,在企业发展的角度衡量,人本责任是乡镇企业社会责任的价值归宿。企业发展的终极目的是为了人的发展,因此促进包括乡镇企业员工、当地农民和其他利益相关者在内的所有人的发展,应该是乡镇企业的价值追求。

【Abstract】 This paper explores the growth of China’s Township Enterprise (CTE) from the perspective of corporate social responsibility. The author contends that, while the composition and form of corporate social responsibility are ever-changing, especially given the recent movement away from the collective ownership of CTE, the underlying environmental forces that drive corporate social responsibility have remained constant. Currently, the forces, particularly those from the government and society, work against the promotion of corporate social responsibility. The author concludes that the extent to which CTE takes corporate social responsibility correlates to its growth and social identity.The paper develops CTE’s social responsibility in community responsibility, environmental protection and service for human. For community responsibility, the author, based on what has been done for agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, especially those socially vulnerable groups, points out the limitations as well as the achievements of CTE, and suggests that a broader sense be taken as to CTE’s social responsibility, such as the promotion of community participation for building democracy at the community level. For environmental protection, the author, based on the study of the pollution caused by CTE, particularly its features and indications, combined with the general principle for environmental protection, contends that CTE does poorly in general, as a result of undue driving mechanisms from government and society respectively; and then policy suggestion is made. As to service for human, the author contends that the commons in rural areas should top the agenda; corporate cultural construction is supposed to lead CTE to take social responsibility as a spiritual motivation, in pursuit of its growth, if measured profoundly.CTE structures its social responsibility with humans at its core, taking people-centered development as its goal in value, including its employees, local farmers, and all the other stakeholders.

  • 【分类号】F276.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1535