

On the Jiangnan Camp of Qing’s Troops

【作者】 纪振奇

【导师】 谢俊美;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 1851年(清咸丰元年)中国爆发了洪秀全领导的太平天国农民起义。1853年太平天国定都南京,改名天京,直接形成了同清王朝对峙的局面。为了扑灭太平天国农民起义,清政府设立了江南大营和江北大营。论文通过江南大营的组成、同太平军的作战,分析了清政府镇压太平天国的军事过程,从一个侧面展示风云变幻的太平天国时期的历史情状,以及晚清的军事制度的变更,把握近代历史的脉搏,认清近代历史的变迁。全文共分七章,分别为:第一章为江南大营的概述,从其成立、存续、灭亡的过程,分析其军事作用。第二章探讨江南大营存续时期与太平军作战的经过,主要战役的组织、进行,分析清王朝太平天国起义过程中的战略决策和战术。第三章主要论述了江南大营后勤供应和筹饷活动,分析厘金产生的必然性以及太平天国起义对清王朝财政带来的严重困难。第四章通过对江南大营的军事统帅、将领的分析,揭示江南大营失败的人为因素。第五章对江南、江北大营进行综合比较研究。分析清王朝对抗太平天国的战略意图以及两大军事集团对太平天国首都的“钳形”攻势及失败原因。第六章论述江南大营与湘军集团的关系,多侧面的分析江南大营的历史地位。第七章为江南大营的历史作用以及影响。

【Abstract】 The peasants’ uprising of Tai ping Heavenly Kingdom led by HONG Xiu-quan broke out in 1851. Two years later, Nianjing was chosen as the capital of the Kingdom and renamed as Tianjing, which symbolized the confrontation between the Qing Dynasty and Tai ping Heavenly Kingdom. In order to eradicate the uprising, the Qing government set up Jiangnan Military Camp and Jiangbei Military Camp. Based on the discussion of the organization of the Jiangnan Military Camp and the battle against Tai ping armies, the present thesis analyzed the process that the Qing government suppressed the Tai ping revolution with military forces, uncovering the changeable period of history in Tai ping revolution, presenting the alternation of the late Qing’s military institution, providing a clue for understanding the historical events in the Qing Dynasty. The whole thesis is composed of seven chapters.The first chapter is the introduction of Jiangnan Military Camp, which discusses its construction, development, withering and function in military affairs.The second chapter probes into the battles between Jiangnan Camp and the Tai ping army, concerning the organization and process of some major battles, analyzing the strategies and tactics that the Qing government used to suppress Tai ping army.Chapter three addresses the logistic support, payment and rewarding of Jiangnan Miliatry Camp, analyzing the inevitable appearance of the Lijin (taxation) system and the acute financial difficulty that Tai ping revolution brought to the Qing government.Chapter four posts the unique elements in the withering of Jiangnan Camp based on an analysis of the captains and generals in the camp.Chapter five makes a comparison between Jiannan and Jiangbei Military Camp, discussing the Qing government’s strategy against Tai ping army, the "clamp-shaped" offensive to the capital of Tai ping Heavenly Kingdom and its failure.Chapter six discusses the relationship between Jiangnan Military Camp and Xiang Army, presenting varied perspectives for the analysis of the historical influence of Jiangnan Military Camp.Chapter seven concludes with the historic significance and influence of Jiangnan Military Camp.

  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】611