

Information Technology and Social Transition: A Case of East European Countries

【作者】 杨艳

【导师】 杨烨;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 冷战后综合国力竞争由以军事实力竞争为主转向以高新技术和经济竞争为主。而以网络为主的信息革命不仅在改变着科技与经济,也在改变着政治、军事和社会生活。信息优势正在成为综合国力竞争的制高点。在越来越增强的信息推动的世界上,转型中国家的竞争力将依赖于它们的“在全球获取和交换信息的能力”。商业贸易越来越多地采用先进技术,更多地依靠现代通信服务,如:数据传送、在线数据库存取、电子邮件、表格形式的数据交换和视频链路。“随着新的信息技术,尤其是因特网的出现,经济全球化的浪潮日益高涨,国家干预主义和统治主义节节败退,市场竞争的障碍不断消除,资本流动更加自由化、全球化。市场是一种自发的、灵活的信息处理系统,它通过竞争对无数不断变动的信息加以及低的成本进行简化处理,这是任何中央计划机构再加上成千上万台大功率的电子计算机都无法胜任的。信息革命赋予市场经济全新的活力。在信息革命的冲击下,计划经济的最后堡垒——原社会主义阵营,也被面向市场的改革大潮所席卷。”本文分七章来论述信息技术与东欧社会转型。主要脉络是:首先从宏观上分析了信息技术对人类社会和国家政治的影响,以及信息技术对社会转型国家的影响,然后分别阐述信息技术对东欧国家转型时期的政治、经济、文化、外交的影响。第一章简要介绍了信息技术的内涵、外延、特征以及发展趋势。阐述信息技术对人类社会和国际政治的影响。当今世界正经受着信息技术迅猛发展浪潮的冲击,国际政治格局发生了微妙的变化。一方面,信息全球化进一步加快,尤其是互联网的迅猛发展,使国际间的信息交流日益便利、迅捷,有力地促进了经济全球化趋势的发展,进而使世界各国政治上的联系日益紧密,这一形式的集中体现就是“数字地球”的出现。另一方面,信息力量成为衡量国家实力的重要标志,国家实力决定着国家在国际社会中的地位,国家实力的对比状况形成国际格局。信息技术催生了新的社会形态,网络环境下国际政治斗争方式发生了新变化。第二章从西方学者对转型社会的研究和信息技术与社会转型的关系入手分析了信息技术对转型国家的影响与冲击。国家主权呈现出弱化及相对化趋势,国家在国际关系中的主体地位进一步弱化,国家的传统权力面临挑战,国家对个人行为控制也趋于弱化。网络社会的崛起与全球经济一体化给东欧等转型国家带来了后发优势,同时也带来了挑战。互联网是双刃剑。第三章主要分析信息技术对东欧国家政治变革的影响。信息技术可以加速社会结构的变化,80年代末90年代初东欧国家社会阶级结构变化,由苏联模式的社会主义政治制度和体制向西方式的多党议会民主制的转轨,不排除日益显现力量的西方网络传播对其政治、经济、文化主权的冲击,信息技术解构东欧国家原有的权威体制。东欧政府在信息技术领域的政治作为就是转变政府工作模式和职能。第四章从信息技术对东欧国家经济转轨的影响,考察了挣脱旧体制羁绊后的东欧国家,其电子商务的优势与困难以及发展前景。全球化浪潮下的东欧要实现经济腾飞不可能像十几年前那样把自己关在那个小圈子里,因此,他们必须选择国际间的经济合作。东欧逐渐打破了贸易壁垒,实现了基本的贸易自由化,特别是加强了同欧洲区域性经济组织的经济联系与合作,积极招商引资,建立外资企业。第五章从网络时代东欧青年的价值观冲突、妇女地位变化、东欧文化事业的新发展等方面,阐述了信息技术对东欧国家社会文化变迁的影响。东欧这样的发展中国家尚在力图仿照西方现代化的模式进行工业社会塑造的时候,不经意间却被拉入了数字化生存的时代,对于转型时期的东欧来说,这种冲击犹如火山爆发。在人类文明新旧交替变革的时代,网络改变了东欧人的信仰、宗教复兴、新思想碰撞,产生了信仰多元化。第六章着力从欧盟东扩和北约东扩、即双重东扩中东欧国家“回归欧洲”的真实目的和对外关系方面分析,“回归欧洲”成了推动东欧国家向西欧民主政治转型的有力口号。中东欧国家在入盟进程中,根据形势的变化和需要,出于其安全与经济利益考虑,采取了一种“亲美不脱欧”、并重视发展同俄罗斯关系的对外政策。加入欧盟就是加入发达国家经济体,就是进入“富人俱乐部”。加入欧盟后,“外援”将成为“内援”,援助的数额和领域都将扩大。退出华约加入北约之所以成为东欧诸国的集体行动,很大的原因就是北约庞大的庇护体系和先进的战斗能力,而在当前的世界局势下,掌握先进的信息技术乃是获得强大防卫能力和战斗能力的前提,东欧急于加入北约,是要搭乘北约其他国家信息技术的东风以实现自己的国防现代化。第七章选择成功转型的东欧国家为案例,分析剖析信息技术对其转型的影响,试图取证信息技术已经渗透到国民经济各个行业的技术和管理创新之中,是新经济的催生剂。信息产品和服务的使用,改变了传统产业结构,信息技术在经济管理中,广泛应用于企业管理、情报检索和经营决策,出现了管理信息系统、决策支持系统等,使经济管理和企业日常决策日趋规范化、科学化。

【Abstract】 Since the end of the Cold War, competition in overall national strength has been switching from the military sphere to high and new technology and economy. Meanwhile, the information network revolution is changing not only science, technology and economy, but also military affairs and social life. Information superiority has become the chief point of the competition in overall national strength. In the information-driven world, reforming nations are more and more dependant on their "ability to gain and exchange information". Commercial trade adapts advanced technology to its needs and relies more on the modern communication services such as: data exchange and video link of data transfer, online database access, e-mails and forms. With the development of information technology, especially the invention of the Internet, economy globalization has become the main trend; the state intervention and domination are fading away and the barriers of market competition are being methodically eliminated with the circulation of capital more freely and globally. The market is a type of spontaneous, flexible information processing system. It processes huge amounts of information which is changing unceasingly, with low cost resulting from competition. No single central government organization, with thousands of highly efficient electronic computers, is competent to do it. The information revolution greatly stimulates the market-oriented economy. Under the impact of information revolution, the last fortress of planned economy - the original socialist camp - is also being swept away by the tide of reform.This paper is divided into seven chapters concentrating on the information technology and social reforms of Eastern Europe: Firstly, the author analyzes the influence of information technology on human society, national politics and reforming nations on a large scale; then focusing on the influence of information technology on politics, economy, culture and diplomacy of Eastern European nations. The first chapter briefly introduces the connotation, extension, characteristics and the trend of development of information technology and then discusses its influence on human society and international politics. Nowadays the world is swept by the violent tide of quick information technology development and the pattern of politics has been marked by some subtle changes. On the one hand, the information globalization is speeding up with the quick development of the Internet and makes the international exchange of information convenient and rapid. The information globalization also promotes the development of economic globalization and makes the connection of politics of various nations closer, which is embodied in the appearance of "Digital Earth". On the other hand, the strength of the information has become an important criterion of evaluation of the national strength. National strength determines a nation’s status in international society and the contrast forms the international pattern. Information technology stimulates the rise of a new form of society; the way of international political struggle has also been changed under the influence of the information network.After the discussion upon the relations between information technology and social transformation, the second chapter analyzes the impact of information technology on reforming nations. With a weak and relative tendency of the national sovereignty, a nation’s important status is further weakened, nation’s traditional power is confronted with a challenge and the nations’ control over personal behavior becomes looser as well. The rise of cyber society, global economic integration and so on gives nations potential advantages as well as challenges. The Internet is double-edged.The third chapter analyzes the influence of information technology on social reforms of Eastern-European nations. Information technology may accelerate the changes of the social structure. During the late 1980s and the early 1990s, social class structure of Eastern-European nations changed from socialist political system of a Soviet Union type into a multi-party parliamentary democracy, including the growing impact of western internet transmission of its political, economic and cultural sovereignty. Information technology deconstructs the original authoritative system of Eastern-European nations. Eastern-European governments’ political task in the field of information technology is changing the governments’ working mode and function.The forth chapter discusses the effect of the information technology on Eastern Europe state economy. It analyzes the electronic commerce superiority and difficulty as well as the prospects for development of the Eastern European countries after they got rid of the old system. With the tide of globalization, in order to stimulate its economy, Eastern Europe must choose the international economic cooperation instead of what they used to do in the socialist period. Eastern European governments have gradually broken the trade barrier and given freedom of basic trade, strengthening the connections and cooperation among the European regional economic organization. They are active in attracting investors and setting up joint ventures.The fifth chapter discusses the effect the information technology produced on social culture changes in Eastern European countries in relation to the youth’s value conflict of Eastern Europe, the change in the status of women and the latest development of Eastern European culture in the age of Internet. The developing Eastern European country was unexpectedly dragged into the digitized survival time when it tried hard to imitate the pattern of western modernization to mold the industrial society. This kind of impact is just like a volcanic eruption for Eastern Europe in the course of reforming. In the time of the new human culture replacing the old one, the Internet has changed Eastern European beliefs, religion renaissance and collision of the new thought, which makes the belief multiple.The sixth chapter focuses on the real truth of the Eastern expansion of the European Union and NATO as well as the analysis of foreign relation. "Returned Europe" has become a powerful slogan to impel the Eastern European country to transform towards Western Europe democratic politics. In the course of joining the Union, considering its safety and economical benefit, the Middle Eastern European country should adopt the foreign policy of "pro-American not against Europe" and pay attention to the relationships with Russia. Joining the Union means involvement with an advanced economic system which is a "Club of the rich". After joining the European Union, "the foreign aid" will become "in portions ". The amount and the domain of aid will be enlarged. The huge asylum system and the advanced military potential of the NATO is the reason why withdrawing from the Warsaw Treaty and joining NATO becomes a collective action of Eastern European countries. Moreover, under the situation of the today’s world, grasping advanced information technology is a premise to strengthen the protection capability and the defense ability. The reason why Eastern Europe eagerly joins NATO is that they hope to realize their own modernization of national defense with the help of the information technology of the other countries in NATO.The seventh chapter deals with cases of successful transform in Middle Eastern European countries to analyze the effect on transform caused by information technology. It shows that information technology, which is the motivation of new economy, has already infiltrated the innovation of technology and management of all the fields of national economy. The use of information products and services has changed the traditional industrial structure. The information technology has been widely applied in the business administration, the information retrieval and the operating decisions. The birth of management information system and decision-making system makes the economic management and daily decision-making of the enterprises more and more standardized and scientific.
