

Study on the Recycling Network System of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Based on GIS in Shanghai

【作者】 王喜

【导师】 张超;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着电子信息技术的快速发展和人类生活水平的提高,电子电器产品的更新速度越来越快,人类在享受现代信息技术带来的成果的同时,也产生了一系列的环境和社会问题,大量电子废弃物的产生就是其中之一。目前,全世界都面临着电子废弃物泛滥的尴尬局面,对电子废弃物的回收、处理和资源化利用问题的研究已经成为全世界关注的课题。电子废弃物具有双重特性,即处理的好它是一种可重复利用的宝贵资源,对经济、社会、资源和环境的可持续发展将起到极大的促进作用,然而如果处理不当,将造成巨大的资源浪费和严重的环境污染。国外对电子废弃物的回收和处理已经具有比较成熟的经验和技术,我国是一个发展中国家,在电子废弃物回收处理的理论研究、制度建设、技术应用等方面刚刚起步,全国各地尚未形成合理和完善的电子废弃物回收网络体系。上海市作为我国经济社会最发达的地区之一,应该在电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立及相关法律法规和制度建设方面为全国起到一定的示范作用。本文作者基于与东华大学合作的上海市科委重点科研项目“电子废弃物提金技术与网络化”的子课题“电子废弃物回收网络体系研究”的基础上,结合国内外相关研究概况,基于GIS技术,采用定性与定量相结合、从定性到定量的综合集成法,对上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立进行了系统和全面的研究。概括起来,本文主要涉及以下几部分内容:第一部分是绪论,阐述了电子废弃物回收网络体系研究的目的与意义、国内外研究和应用现状及本文的研究框架和主要内容。第二部分探讨了电子废弃物回收网络体系研究的理论基础与技术方法体系。在对电子废弃物回收网络体系相关概念界定的基础上,探讨了循环经济理论、逆向物流理论、生产者延伸责任制理论、区位论、复杂系统理论的主要内容及其在上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系研究中的应用,提出了基于循环经济的电子废弃物逆向物流模型。电子废弃物回收网络体系的研究是一个复杂的系统工程问题,对该问题的研究必须采用定性与定量相结合、从定性到定量的综合集成法进行系统的分析和论证。此外,电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立涉及各种设施的空间布局与组合问题,因此以“3S”技术为代表的空间信息技术在该研究中将起到十分重要的作用。第三部分对上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系的现状进行了简要分析。经过调研与调查,我们发现上海市目前尚未形成完善和合理的电子废弃物回收网络体系,上门回收的个体从业人员是目前上海市电子废弃物回收的主力军,个体回收摊点构成了目前主要的回收网络,对回收到的电子废弃物只是进行简单的处理和加工,造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染。第四部分对上海市电子废弃物的总量及其来源与空间分布进行了全面的分析和预测。电子废弃物的总量预测是建立电子废弃物回收网络体系的前提,本文采用等维递补动态灰色预测、时间序列预测等方法,对主要的电子电器产品的销售量进行预测,并根据各种电子电器产品的使用年限,结合调研与调查结果,采用分时段按比例废弃的方法,对上海市电子废弃物的总量及其时间变化、来源和流向进行预测分析,并用相关分析等方法对其空间分布进行研究。研究结果表明,上海市电子废弃物总量在以较快的速度增长;在空间的分布上,中心城区分布密度(单位面积的电子废弃物总量)相对较大,而周边地区相对较小。第五部分是本文的重点。通过对国内外电子废弃物回收网络体系的研究,根据电子废弃物的循环利用模式和基于循环经济的电子废弃物逆向物流模型,作者认为上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系应由回收站、存储站、拆解/检测中心、处理厂等四种设施构成,并在模糊综合评判模型、改进的多区位选址模型、多因素综合评判模型的支持下,设计了上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系建设的“1442”模式:即一个乡镇(或街道)建一个回收站;分别在上海市的西北、南部、东部和崇明各建设一个存储站和拆解/检测中心(共4个存储站和4个拆解/检测中心),对电子废弃物进行存储、拆解和检测;分别在西部和东南部各建一个处理厂(共2个),处理全市需要处理的电子废弃物。理论研究表明,该模式基本适合上海市电子废弃物回收和处理的需要。第六部分主要讨论了基于WebGIS的上海市电子废弃物回收网络管理信息系统的设计与开发。该部分在分析GIS在电子废弃物回收网络体系研究和管理中的应用的基础上,重点探讨了电子废弃物回收网络体系模型(数学模型)与GIS的集成、上海市电子废弃物回收网络管理数据库的设计与构建、基于WebGIS的上海市电子废弃物回收网络管理信息系统的设计等问题,并对其中部分功能进行开发与实现。第七部分深入探讨了电子废弃物回收网络体系建立的机制及法制建设问题。该部分首先分析了电子废弃物回收处理过程中各参与者(即政府部门、生产商、经销商、消费者、回收处理企业等).的责任和义务,各参与者只有相互合作、相互配合,才能保证电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立和高效运转,并根据“谁污染谁负责”和“谁受益谁负责”的原则,提出了我国电子废弃物回收网络体系的运行模式(包括回收模式、收费模式和管理模式)。然后在分析国外电子废弃物回收和利用相关立法的基础上,重点探讨了我国电子废弃物回收和利用的法律法规建设问题,从政府的行政监管制度、生产者的责任延伸制度、强制回收制度、付费制度、经济激励机制等方面阐述了我国电子废弃物回收网络体系建立的机制与制度建设,并对上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立提出了若干建议和对策。第八部分对全文进行了总结和展望,提出了今后进一步的研究方向。总的来看,作者认为论文有以下几方面的贡献和创新:(1)基于循环经济理论、逆向物流理论,提出了电子废弃物的循环利用模式和基于循环经济的电子废弃物逆向物流模型,为电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立奠定了必要的理论和概念模型。(2)对上海市电子废弃物的总量及其时空分布进行了系统的分析和研究,结合上海市电子废弃物回收和处理现状,提出了上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系建设的“1442”模式,并初步确定了各主要设施的空间布局,为上海市乃至全国其它地区电子废弃物回收网络体系的建立提供了必要的理论和技术指导。(3)设计了基于WebGIS的上海市电子废弃物回收网络管理信息系统,提出了电子废弃物物流概念,并将GIS技术应用于电子废弃物的物流管理,为将来电子废弃物的物流管理提供了初步的技术思路。(4)提出了适合我国国情的上海市电子废弃物回收网络体系的回收模式、收费模式和管理模式,特别是其中提出的管理模式中最为重要的资金管理模式——基金机构管理模式,为我国电子废弃物回收和处理行业的产业化发展提供了可行的运行(特别是资金)管理模式。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of electronic technology and the improvement of people’s living standard, the electrical and electronic equipments update with an accelerating speed. While human beings are enjoying the achievements of modern electronic technology, a series of environmental and social problems occur, one of which is that lots of waste electrical and electronic equipments (WEEE) are produced. Now, the whole world is faced with the dilemma of WEEE’s overrunning. Study on the recycling, disposal and utilization of WEEE has become the concerned problem for the world. WEEE is a two-edged sword. If it is disposed expediently, it can be a valuable and repetitively-used resource which will promote the sustainable development for the economy, society, resource sand environment. Otherwise, it will result in the great waste of resources and contamination of environment.There has been successful experience and technology for recycling and utilizing of WEEE overseas. Since China is a developing country, the theoretical research, system construction, and technological application for the recycling and utilization of WEEE are just underway, and the reasonable and consummate recycling network system of WEEE has not yet to be founded all over the country. Shanghai, as one of the most developed areas in China, should be functioned as a model in constructing the recycling network system of WEEE and in establishing the correlative laws and regulations. Based on the study of the Recycling Network System of WEEE, one part of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission research of "Technology for Distilling Aurum from WEEE and Establishment of recycling network" which the author studies in cooperation with DongHua University, combined with the relevant researches home and abroad, using the technology of GIS, the dissertation studies the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai systematically and comprehensively with the methods of the combination of qualitative and quantitative and of the synthetic integration from qualitative to quantitative, etc. It mainly covers the following parts:The first chapter is an introduction, which expounds the objective and significance of the study for the recycling network system of WEEE, the current relevant studies and their applications home and abroad, as well as the framework and main contents of the dissertation.The second chapter discusses the theoretical foundation and technological and methodological system for the study of the recycling network system of WEEE. Based on the definition of the key concepts related to the recycling network system of WEEE, it explores the main contents of the circular economic theory, reverse logistics recycling theory, extended producer responsibility theory, location theory and complex system theory and their applications in the study of the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai, and puts forward the reverse logistics model for WEEE based on the circular economy. The recycling network system of WEEE is a complex system engineering problem, so it must be analyzed and demonstrated through the methods of the combination of qualitative and quantitative, of the synthetic integration from qualitative to quantitative, etc. Furthermore, the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE involves the spatial distribution and combination of various equipments, so the spatial technology which is represented by "3S" (GIS, RS, GPS) technology should play an important role in the study.The third chapter gives a brief analysis about the current condition of the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai. The investigation and research results show that the comprehensive and reasonable recycling network system of WEEE has not been established in Shanghai; that the visiting individual practitioners are the main force for recycling WEEE; that the individual WEEE recycling shops form the main recycling network; and that the simply-disposed and processed recycled WEEE result in serious resources waste and environmental pollution.The fourth chapter conducts a comprehensive analysis and prediction of the gross of WEEE, its sources and spatial distribution. The prediction of the WEEE gross is the premise of the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE. The dissertation predicts the sales volume of the main electrical and electronic products with the methods of dynamic forecasting with recursive compensation by gray numbers of identical dimensions and of time series forecasting. And it also makes a predictive analysis of the WEEE gross and its sources, temporal change and spatial distribution, according to the fixed number of using years and the investigation results. The research result indicates that the gross of WEEE in Shanghai is increasing rapidly and that the concentration rate of its distribution (the gross of WEEE per acreage) in the downtown is relatively high while that in the peripheral districts is relatively low in the terms of spatial distribution.The fifth chapter is the most important part of the dissertation. Through studying the recycling network system of WEEE at home and abroad and according to the recycled WEEE utilization model and WEEE reverse logistics model based on the circular economy, it argues that the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai should be composed of four parts: recycling bins, storage shops, disassembling and checkout centers, and disposal factories. Supported by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, multi-location model and multi-factor comprehensive evaluation model, it builds a "1442" model for the construction of the recycling network system in Shanghai: a recycling bin is built in each town or street; four storage shops, disassembling and checkout centers are constructed in the northwestern, southern, eastern, and Chongming areas of Shanghai respectively to store, disassemble and check the WEEE; two disposal factories are set up in the northwestern and southeastern areas of Shanghai respectively to dispose the WEEE. Theoretical research shows that this model is basically adapted to the needs for the recycling and disposal of WEEE in Shanghai.The sixth chapter mainly discusses the design and realization of the management system based on WebGIS for the recycling network of WEEE in Shanghai. Based on the analysis of the application of GIS in the research and management of recycling network system of WEEE, it emphatically studies the following problems: the integration of GIS and the (mathematical) model for the recycling network system of WEEE; the design and construction of the WEEE recycling network management database in Shanghai; and the design of the management information system based on WebGIS for the recycling network of WEEE in Shanghai. And it also studies the development and realization of functions of some parts.The seventh chapter discusses the construction of the mechanism and legal system for recycling network system of WEEE. Firstly, it analyzes the responsibilities and obligations of the participants (including the government, producer, franchiser, consumer, recycling and utilization enterprise) in the process of recycling and disposing WEEE. Secondly, it puts forward the operational model (including the recycling model, charge model and management model) for the WEEE recycling network system under the principles of "those who pollute take the responsibility" and "those who receive benefits take the responsibility". Lastly, on the basis of analyzing the correlative legislation abroad for recycling and utilizing WEEE, it discusses the construction of law and statute for recycling and utilizing WEEE. It illustrates the construction of mechanism and system for the recycling network system of WEEE in China from the administrative supervision system, extended producer responsibility system, compulsive recycling system, payment system and economic incentive mechanism. Moreover, some suggestions and countermeasures are brought forward for the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai.The eighth chapter sums up the whole dissertation and puts forward the prospects of the research, pointing out some aspects to be studied for the future.Generally speaking, the major contributions and innovations of the dissertation are as follows: (1) Based on the circular economic theory and reverse logistics theory, it puts forward the circular utilization model and reverse logistics model for recycling WEEE, which is a great contribution in theory and concept models to the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE.(2) The gross of WEEE and its temporal and spatial distribution in Shanghai are thoroughly analyzed and studied. The "1442" model for the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai is put forward, and at the same time, the location of various facilities is determined through multiple models. All of the above provide the essential theoretical and technological support for the construction of the recycling network system of WEEE in Shanghai and other areas in China.(3) The management information system for the recycling network of WEEE in Shanghai is designed, the conception of WEEE logistics is brought forward and GIS technology is applied to the management of WEEE, all of which provide the primary technological method for the logistics management of WEEE.(4) The operational model (including recycling model, charge model and management model) for the recycling network system of WEEE is put forward,especially the capital management model——fund management institution model thatis the most important in the management model, which provide a feasible operation and management model for the industrialization of the WEEE recycling and disposal in China.

  • 【分类号】TP399-CA;X705
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】2721