

The Research on the Sustainable Development of Tangshan Steel Industry

【作者】 高铁军

【导师】 张世英;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2005, 博士

【摘要】 面对今天迅速变化的世界,面对有限的自然资源正在迅速的耗竭的严峻形势,资源城市应当怎样寻求经济可持续发展的道路?影响和制约资源城市存在和发展的内在和外在因素到底有哪些?带着这些疑问,笔者对唐山地区以铁矿资源为主的钢铁行业的可持续发展问题进行了研究。本文首先介绍了可持续发展问题,包括可持续发展的内涵和必要性,国内外的研究动态和趋势,以及国内外及唐山市钢铁行业发展现状。随后详细介绍了我国钢铁行业可持续发展的思路,并从发展方向和发展途径两个方面进行了分析。紧接着,运用动态模型对耗竭资源最佳开采速度进行了研究,并利用唐山市的具体资料进行了实证分析,给出了每年最优开采量。然后根据多元线性回归模型建立了钢铁需求量的公式,利用模糊评价对唐山市钢铁行业发展现状进行了评价,并运用DEA模型对唐山钢铁企业的规模效益进行了分析。最后引入循环经济的概念,对唐山市钢铁行业的循环可持续发展规划提出了一些建议,并对唐山市曹妃甸工业区钢铁行业的发展进行了规划研究。

【Abstract】 In nowadays changeful society, what should the resources cities, which is under the rigorous situation that natural resources is using up quickly, do to make sustainable development of economics come true? And what are the basilic interior and exterior factors which influence and restrict the development of resources cities? With these questions, I did some researches on the development process of Tangshan area which based on the iron mine.This paper introduced the present studies of the sustainable development at the beginning, including content and necessities of the sustainable development, trend of domestic and international researches, and the mode of many industries’sustainable development. Later on, this paper introduced the sustainable development of China steel industry in details, and analyzed the direction and paths of it. Closely behind, I studied on the optimal depletion rate of mineral resources with the dynamic state model, and did demonstration analysis according to the data of Tang Shan city. Then this paper analyzed the situation of Tang Shan steel industry using the Statistic model, the illegibility estimate model and the DEA model. Final, this paper introduced the concept of cycle economy and made some suggestions about the sustainable development of Tangshan steel industry, especially the Caofeidian industrial park.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期