

Preparation and Application of Microwave Ceramic Nanopowder with Low Dielectric Constant and Low Sintering Temperature by Sol-gel Method

【作者】 王焕平

【导师】 杨辉;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 材料学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的高速发展,电子元器件正向高频化、微型化、集成化、模块化、多功能化以及低成本化等方向发展,特别是高频化与微型化已经成为目前先进电子元器件的基本特征。为满足片式多层元器件向高频化、微型化发展的需要,研制出能与Ag、Cu等贱金属电极共烧,并满足微型片式多层元器件制备工艺要求的纳米级微波介质陶瓷粉体具有重要意义。目前,纳米级微波介质陶瓷粉体已经得到广泛研究,但其研究主要集中在提高材料组分纯度以及优化介电性能等方面,而在纳米微波介质陶瓷粉体的降温烧结与器件制备等方面的研究较为缺乏,特别是对低温共烧纳米微波介质陶瓷粉体的研制报道极少,究其原因主要是存在以下难点:(1)微波介质陶瓷组分复杂,低温共烧陶瓷还包含各种微量助剂,致使纳米粉体的物相及组分均匀性难以控制;(2)纳米粉体在烧结后难以获得优良的介电性能;(3)不能满足片式器件的制备工艺要求,如不能配制成稳定的陶瓷料浆,或材料与金属电极反应等;(4)烧结后不易获得细小晶粒,难以满足微型超薄介质器件的制备要求。本文利用溶胶-凝胶法,通过在溶胶中引入低温烧结助剂先驱体,克服低温共烧纳米微波介质陶瓷粉体的制备难点,获得组分均匀、物相可控、烧结温度低于900℃的(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3系纳米微波介质陶瓷粉体;优化凝胶煅烧工艺条件,控制粉体物相与粒径来提高陶瓷的介电性能;通过凝胶包裹、稀土元素掺杂、物相调整,以及烧结工艺优化等手段来细化烧结后的陶瓷晶粒。在此基础上,对低温共烧纳米微波陶瓷粉体的应用技术展开研究,研制出厚度小于10μm、能与银电极共烧的超薄流延陶瓷膜片,为微型片式多层微波元器件的产业化奠定基础。本文主要研究成果如下:(一)首次研究了(Ca,Mg)SiO3与CaTiO3系的溶胶-凝胶工艺条件,揭示了溶胶系统的凝胶化机理,建立了干凝胶在煅烧过程中的晶相形成与晶粒长大模型。通过系统研究溶胶-凝胶工艺中各因素对煅烧后粉体形貌的影响,获得具有良好分散性纳米粉体的临界工艺条件,系统研究了纳米粉体的烧结特性及介电性能。(1)(Ca,Mg)SiO3溶胶系统和CaTiO3溶胶系统的凝胶化过程分别通过正硅酸乙酯与钛酸丁酯的水解聚合完成,钙、镁等离子未参与凝胶网络的形成,而是被均匀“冻结”在凝胶网络中。(2)(Ca,Mg)SiO3成胶的最佳条件:先驱体浓度0.8mol/l,pH值4.5,[H2O]/[Si]比4/1,反应温度60℃,2wt%油酸作为分散剂。CaTiO3成胶的最佳条件:先驱体浓度0.8mol/1,pH值2,反应温度60℃,2wt%的PEG400作为分散剂。(3)(Ca,Mg)SiO3凝胶在煅烧过程中的晶相形成与晶粒长大机制为:煅烧温度低于800℃时,主要发生硅氧硅键的断裂,晶相形成量少,粉体粒径随着温度的升高而减小;煅烧温度超过900℃后,晶相大量形成,粉体粒径随着温度的升高而逐渐增大。(4)Mg2+在CaSiO3中的固溶极限不超过0.2,随着Mg2+取代量的增加,陶瓷主晶相由CaSiO3相向CaMgSi2O6相转变;Mg2+取代量为0.3时,烧结后形成CaSiO3与CaMgSi2O6的混合相,混合相的存在克服了单相陶瓷易成片长大的缺点,明显改善了陶瓷的烧结特性与介电性能,在1320℃烧结后获得介电性能:εr=6.62,Q×f=36962GHz。(5)800℃煅烧凝胶可获得窄分布、粒径60~70nm的单相CaTiO3粉体,在1250℃即可实现致密烧结,烧结温度比微米级粉体降低约100℃,且Q×f值有大幅度提高。1250℃烧结后陶瓷的介电性能为:εr=171,Q×f=4239GHz,τf=+768ppm/℃。(二)(Ca,Mg)SiO3溶胶中引入锂钒烧结助剂先驱体,实现助剂先驱体与基体材料先驱体的分子级混合,制得具有良好烧结特性与介电性能的低温烧结纳米微波介质陶瓷粉体,探索出一条制备低温共烧纳米介质陶瓷粉体的技术路线。(1)(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3溶胶中引入锂钒低温烧结助剂先驱体,凝胶在700℃煅烧后即可获得粒径60~80nm,相组成为CaSiO3、CaMgSi2O6、Ca2MgSi2O7的陶瓷粉体,晶相合成温度降低了300℃以上,解决了钙镁硅晶相需要经高温煅烧才能合成的难题。将上述合成的粉体简记为低温烧结(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3粉体。(2)通过对不同温度煅烧后低温烧结(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3陶瓷粉体烧结行为的研究发现,采用常规烧结法时,粒径过小或过大的粉体均不利于陶瓷的致密烧结,适宜的粒径为80~100nm,在890℃能实现致密烧结,其介电性能为:εr=6.96,Q×f=23645GHz,τf=-75.10ppm/℃。(3)溶胶中引入锂钒助剂先驱体的(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3粉体在烧结过程中,助剂与基体材料发生反应生成了微量的Ca3LiMgV3O12与Li2SiO3新相,致使烧结助剂对基体材料发挥了最佳的润湿效果,起到了良好的降温烧结作用。(4)CaTiO3陶瓷能有效调节低温烧结(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3纳米微波介质陶瓷的频率温度系数,添加12wt%的纳米CaTiO3粉体,890℃烧结后获得优良的介电性能:εr=9.42,Q×f=15767GHz,τf=+2.3ppm/℃。(三)揭示了溶胶包裹、稀土元素掺杂、物相调整,以及烧结工艺优化等对低温烧结(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3纳米粉体在烧结后晶粒大小的影响规律,解决了(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3陶瓷晶粒难以细化的难题,为低温共烧微波介质陶瓷的晶粒细化提供了新的思路和途径。(1)利用CaTiO3凝胶对低温烧结(Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3粉体进行包裹,阻隔粗大晶粒CaSiO3相粉体颗粒间的接触,虽然能有效提高陶瓷的体积密度及介电性能,但对细化陶瓷晶粒效果不甚理想。(2)稀土元素的掺杂,恶化了陶瓷的介电性能,对细化(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3陶瓷晶粒的作用有限。(3)通过调整物相组分,避免烧结后陶瓷中粗大晶粒CaSiO3相的生成,达到有效细化陶瓷晶粒的目的。当调节基体材料组分为(Ca0.5Mg0.5)SiO3-12wt%CaTiO3时,在890℃烧结后获得良好的介电性能:εr=9.74,Q×f=16433GHz,τf=-2.78ppm/℃;陶瓷主晶相为CaMgSi2O6与CaTiO3相,平均粒径为0.6μm。(4)低温烧结纳米(Ca0.5Mg0.5)SiO3-CaTiO3粉体在890℃烧结0.5h,再在850℃长时间保温,能在有效阻止陶瓷晶粒长大的基础上提高其介电性能。(四)通过对纳米粉体分散行为、陶瓷流延料浆配制、陶瓷膜片与银电极共烧等的研究,研制出厚度小于10μm的流延陶瓷膜片,适用于微型片式多层微波元器件的产业化生产,对促进片式多层微波元器件的微型化具有重要意义。(1)非离子型分散剂与有机酸阴离子型分散剂对低温共烧(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3纳米粉体的分散作用有限,AB001离子型分散剂由于对纳米粉体有着良好的空间位阻与静电排斥作用,当添加量为0.5wt%时即能有效分散低温共烧(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3纳米粉体。(2)利用正交实验,优化低温共烧(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3陶瓷流延料浆配方。当分散剂、溶剂、粘合剂、增塑剂等含量分别按陶瓷粉体的1.5wt%、70wt%、65wt%、4wt%添加时,陶瓷料浆具有良好的成膜性能,经过流延后获得厚度为9.8μm的超薄陶瓷膜片。(3)低温共烧(Ca,Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3陶瓷膜片与内电极银浆在890℃共烧研究表明:陶瓷与银电极结合紧密,界面无分层现象,陶瓷膜片与内电极银浆具有良好的工艺匹配性,适用于微型片式多层微波元器件的制备。

【Abstract】 With the rapid progress in information technology, it has been strongly required that the related electronic components become small-sized, light-weighted, integrated, multifunctional, low-cost, and usable at high frequency range. Especially, small-size and using at high frequency have become the basic character of advanced electronic components. In order to meet the requirement of small-size and high frequency, it is important to prepare nanopowder that should have the following characters: could be co-fired with low cost and high conductivity inner electrode such as Ag and Cu, have good microwave dielectric properties in high frequency after sintered, and should be sufficiently to meet the requirement for preparation technology of multilayer components.Nanopowder with good microwave dielectric properties after sintered has been investigated for a long time, and the study mainly focuses on improving the pure of materials and dielectric properties of ceramic. However, little investigation was carried on the preparation of nanopowder which could be sintered at low temperature, and so did the preparation of subminiature component with these nanopowders. So far, the preparation of nanopowder which could be co-fired with Ag or Cu used at microwave frequency range has not been investigated yet. There are many problems as follows: (1) It’s difficult to control the component and phase of nanopowder because the composition is complex, especially when a small amount of sintering aids were added in. (2) Dielectric properties critically deteriorated though the sintering temperature of nanopowder was below the melting point of Ag electrode. (3) Many materials have bad adaptability to the fabrication process of components. For example, it’s difficult to get dense green tape by tape casting process use nanopowder, and there may be reaction between ceramic and electrode. (4) It’s difficult to control the grain size of ceramic. If the grain grows larger, there will be only two or three grains between the two electrode layers, which deteriorate the dielectric properties.In order to overcome the above problems and prepare dielectric nanopowder used at microwave frequency which could be co-fired with Ag, the low temperature co-fired (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 nanopowder was investigated in this work by sol-gel method. Dissolving the precursor of sintering aids into host materials sol, the nanopowder was prepared with uniform component, controllable phase and particle size, and the sintering temperature was below 900℃. The dielectric properties of ceramic were optimized through controlling the phase and particle size of nanopowder. The grain size of ceramic was minimized through enwrapping with gel, doping with rare earth elements, adjusting the phase composition and sintering process. Based on above researches, the applied technology of nanopowder was studied and green tape with a thickness of thinner than 10μm was prepared, which can be co-fired with Ag electrode and was adaptive to fabricate subminiature multilayer ceramic components.1. The sol-gel process of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 and CaTiO3 was studied, respectively. The mechanism of gelatin was discussed. Based on phase composition, micro-morphology and calcination temperature, the model of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 phase formation and grain growth was founded. The nanopowder with excellent dispersion was prepared, and then the sintering process and dielectric properties of nanopowder were investigated. (1) In the sol of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 and CaTiO3, the network of gel was formed through the hydrolysis and aggregation of Si(OC2H54 and Ti(OC4H94, respectively, and the ions of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were embedded in the gel network. (2) Controlling the factors of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 (CaTiO3) sol under the condition of c(precursors) = 0.8mol/l, T(bath temperature) = 60℃, pH = 4.5 (2), [H2O]/[Si] = 4/1 (none), and added with 2wt% oil acid (PEG400) as dispersant, the gel process was appropriate and the nanoparticles with excellent dispersion were obtained by calcining gel. (3) The model of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 phase formation and grain growth was founded. When the calcination temperature of the gel was below 800℃, a small amount of crystal phases were formed, and the grain size reduced gradually with increasing the calcination temperature due to the break of Si-O-Si bond in the network. When the calcination temperature was over 900℃, a large amount of crystal phases were emerged and the grains grew with increasing the calcination temperature. (4) The soluble limitation of Mg2+ in CaSiO3 was below 0.2 and CaSiO3 phase was transformed into CaMgSi2O6 phase with the substitution of Ca2+ by Mg2+. When x is 0.3, the growth of grains was restrained and pores decreased due to the coexistence of CaSiO3 and CaMgSi2O6, and then the density of ceramic was enhanced. The dielectric constant and quality factor of (Ca0.7Mg0.3)SiO3 ceramic sintered at 1320℃ is 6.62 and 36962 GHz, respectively. (5) CaTiO3 nanoparticles with an average grain size of 60-70nm were obtained by calcining the CaTiO3 gel at 800℃. CaTiO3 ceramic sintered at 1250℃ prepared from nanopowders had good dielectric properties: εr= 171, Q×f = 4239 GHz, τf= +768 ppm/℃.2. Through mingling LiNO3-NH4VO3 liquid phase sintering aids and precursors of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 in sol, the (Ca, Mg)SiO3-LiV nanopowder with lower sintering temperature and good dielectric properties was prepared, which initiated a novel route to prepare nanopowder could be sintered at low temperature. (1) The crystallization temperature decreased enormously (>300℃) by mingling precursors of Li-V liquid phase sintering aids and precursors of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 in sol. Calcining the (Ca, Mg)SiO3-LiV gel at 700℃, the nanopowder with grain size of 6080nm and phases of CaSiO3 CaMgSi2O6 Ca2MgSi2O7 was obtained. (2) The sintering properties of (Ca, Mg)SiO3-LiV powder deteriorated if the grain size was smaller or larger than one dimension. Using the powder with grain size of 80-100nm as raw material, the ceramic sintered at 890℃ possessed excellent dielectric properties: εr = 6.96, Q×f= 23645GHz, τf=-75.10ppm/¤. (3) Ca3LiMgV3O12 and Li2SiO3 were obtained due to the reaction between sintering additions and host materials, which increased the substance activity and resulted in the acceleration of the sintering process. (4) The τf value was adjusted by the addition of CaTiO3 nanopowder into (Ca, Mg)SiO3-LiV nanopowder. Doping 12wt% CaTiO3 nanopowder into (Ca,Mg)SiO3-LiV nanopowder, the ceramic sintered at 890℃ had good dielectric properties: εr = 9.42, Q×f= 15767GHz, Tf=+2.3ppm/℃.3. The factors influenced the grain size were investigated, which including the means of (Ca, Mg)SiO3-LiV nanopowders enwrapped with CaTiO3 gel, the addition of rare earth elements, and the adjustment of component and sintering process. The average grain size of low temperature co-fired (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 ceramic was refined to 0.6μm, which offered new approaches to refine the grain size of ceramic. (1) It’s hard to play a role in refining the grain size of (Ca, Mg)SiO3 through enwrapping with CaTiO3 gel, though the dielectric properties were improved. (2) The dielectric properties deteriorated enormously with doping rare earth elements, which had a little effects on refining the grain size of (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 ceramic. (3) The grain size of low temperature co-fired (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 ceramic was refined by adjusting component. Adjusting the component of (Ca0.7Mg0.3SiO3 to (Ca0.5Mg0.5)SiO3, the average grain size of (Ca0.5Mg0.5)SiO3-LiV-12wt%CaTiO3 ceramic sintered at 890℃ was refined to 0.6μm with the main phases of CaMgSi2O6 and CaTiO3, which had good dielectric properties: εr = 9.74, Q×f= 16433GHz, τf = -2.78ppm/℃. (4) It was effective to refine the grain size and improve the dielectric properties of (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 ceramic with appropriate sintering process (first sintered for 0.5h at 890℃, and then sintered at 850℃ for a long time).4. Based on the study about dispersion of nanopowders, preparation of slurry, co-firing of ceramic and Ag electrode, the green tape with the thickness of 9.8μm was gained by the tape casting process, which was appropriate to prepare subminiature multilayer component. (1) It was limited to disperse low temperature co-fired (Ca, Mg)SiO3-CaTiO3 nanopowders by adding non-ionic surfactant or anionic organic acid. Owing to steric hindrance and electrostatic rejection, the agglomeration of nanopowders could be reduced effectively and a homogeneous mixture suspension could be obtained with the ionic surfactant AB001 added in. (2) Green tape with glabrous surface was gained by the tape casting process with the content ratio of Mnanopowder : Mdispersant:Msolvent:Mbond:Mplasticizer = 100:1.5: 70: 65: 4. (3) When co-firing the green tape and Ag slurry, there was a good conjoint status and chemical compatibility between ceramic and Ag electrode, which indicated that the nanopowder is appropriate to prepare subminiature multilayer component.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】TB44;TB383.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1615
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