

【作者】 熊玲

【导师】 王琦;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 目的:挖掘传统中医理论中的气郁体质相关理论,总结近现代研究成果,系统阐述中医气郁体质理论及其应用。明确气郁体质的基本概念、形成因素、判定标准、发病趋势、调理方法,指导临床对脏躁、百合病、郁证、梅核气等相关疾病的预防、诊疗以及气郁体质的养生康复。探索台北地区气郁体质的分布状况,了解气郁体质在台北地区所占正常人群中的比率,分析气郁体质与社会环境、性别、职业、年龄、生活习惯等因素的相关性,进一步明确气郁体质的体质特征与形成要素,为气郁体质的干预研究提供理论依据。方法:采用传统文献梳理与现代文献分析的方法,探讨中医学中气、郁及气郁体质等相关理论的源流、内涵与外延,通过总结临床实践经验,探讨气郁体质理论在疾病防治方面的应用。选用王琦教授开发的“中医9种基本体质量表”、“中医9种基本体质判定标准”及“贝克抑郁量表(BDI)”、“CES-D抑郁自评量表”、“艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)”,在台北地区开展中医体质临床流行病学调查,并对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果:中医传统文献中对气、郁及气郁体质的认识经历了相当长的历史演变过程。气、郁与气郁体质之间,既具有密切联系,又有层次上的区别。历代医家对气郁体质理论的形成与发展作出了重要贡献。研究认为,气郁体质是受禀赋遗传、情志失调等多因素影响,而形成的具有一定形体结构、生理功能与心理特征的,表现为对相关疾病具有易罹性的一种体质类型。气郁体质在台北地区被调查人群中约占8.40%,其中,男性占5.39%,女性占10.47%;在不同年龄分布人群中,高中生占5.29%,大学生占6.86,成年人占9.79%;根据相关心理量表检测显示:抑郁症状在气郁体质人群的出现率比平和体质人群的高,气郁体质比平和体质更容易处于忧郁症边缘,并且患重度忧郁症的概率高,气郁体质的个性和平和体质的个性相比,具有性格偏内向的特点,同时具有情绪不稳定,善于掩饰自己的特点。结论:理论研究表明:气郁体质是由于长期情志不畅,以气机郁滞为特征的体质状态。气郁体质的形成与先天遗传、情志失调、社会经济等因素相关;气郁体质特征量表及气郁体质量化评分是判定气郁体质的基本标准;气机郁滞、升降失常,逐渐形成郁证、脏躁、百合病、梅核气等病证是气郁体质的发病趋势;行气疏肝,养心安神以及运动与食疗是调理气郁体质的主要方法。流行病学调查结果说明,台北地区气郁体质人群相对于其他体质者所占比例较高,其中以成年女性更为突出。且气郁体质与抑郁症发生密切相关,气郁体质者发生抑郁症的比例显著高于平和体质者。由此,通过对气郁体质的判定及体质干预,可以实现对抑郁症的早期发现与治疗提供指导,具有重要的临床意义。

【Abstract】 Objective: Stagnation of qi physical excavation related to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine theory, sum up the results of modern research. Stagnation of qi systematically expounded Chinese Constitution and its application. The basic concept clearly stagnation of qi physical form factor, criteria for disease trends and to make way for clinical hysteria. Baihe disease, Depression, the U.S. natural qi and other meiheqi-related disease prevention, health clinics and physical rehabilitation stagnation of qi. Stagnation of qi in Taipei to explore the physical distribution and understanding stagnation of qi in the body’s normal share of the Taipei area ratio stagnation of qi analysis of physical and social environment, gender, occupation, age, income and other relevant factors, stagnation of qi in the body, further define physical features and elements to stagnation of qi in the body and provide a theoretical basis for intervention.Methods: Traditional and Modern Literature analysis of the literature in order to explore Chinese medicine Qi, Yu related physical theories of the origins and stagnation of qi, connotation and denotation through summing up experience in the clinical practice. Stagnation of qi in the body theory to explore the application for disease control and Prevention. Choose Professor-Wang Qi developed the "nine basic physical scale of Chinese medicine." "Chinese Constitution convicted of nine basic standards" and "BDI,CES-D,EPQ psychological scale." TCM Constitution areas in Taipei clinical epidemiology, and the findings were analyzed.Results: Chinese traditional literature on Qi, Yu and Stagnation of qi body experienced a long history of evolution. Qi, Yu between physical and Stagnation of qi, it is closely linked, high-level differences. Stagnation of qi family medical history of the formation and development of physical theory made important contributions. Studies suggest that genetic endowment is Stagnation of qi physical, emotional disorders and other factors, resulting in the formation of certain physical structures, physiological and psychological characteristics of functional, performance related to the incidence of the disease is easily a body types. Stagnation of qi body is adjustable to Stagnation of qi wetlands physical adjustment is an effective disease prevention measures.Conclusion: The studies indicate that : Constitution of qi stagnation is a result of the long sluggish emotion to the physical characteristics of air stagnation of the state. The formation of Constitution of qi stagnation are congenital physical, emotional disorders, and socio-economic factors related; Constitution of qi stagnation evaluations and physical characteristics scale constitution is the basic criterion for determination stagnation of qi; Qi stagnation, abnormal movements. formed gradually Melancholia, hysteria, Lily disease, the Meiheqi trends in the incidence of diseases is Stagnation of qi body; Liver Qi. custody spirit stagnation of qi and sports and physical conditioning is the main therapeutic approach.

  • 【分类号】R229
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】520