

Study on Plants Diversity and Conservation in Saihanwula Nature Reserve Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张书理

【导师】 崔国发;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 为了给内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区植物多样性保护决策制定提供科学依据,本研究采用植物区系分析、生物多样性指数分析和植物珍稀濒危等级评定等技术方法,对该区植物区系、植物多样性分布格局、退化草原对禁牧措施的反响以及植物区域性珍稀濒危等级和优先关注级别等问题进行了科学细致地研究,取得了如下成果:(1)共查明该区有维管束植物85科、332属、667种。其中蕨类植物8科11属15种;裸子植物3科4属5种;被子植物74科317属647种。其中发现该区为岳桦在内蒙古的新分布地。本区植物以菊科种类最多,有93种,其次是禾本科,有72种;含有15种以上的有12科;单种科有28个科;最大的属是蒿属,有植物25种;有寡型属有21属,单型属15属;全国性2~5属植物有60属,单种属植物有38属;该区区域性的2~5属植物有36属,单种属植物有148属。(2)本区植物属的分布区类型占中国15个分布区类型中的14个;植物种的分布型有14个。该区植物区系属温带性质,同时又受东亚植物区系和泛地中海植物区系的影响,其中东亚区系成分影响最大。植物区系有种类多样、成分混杂、东亚种地位突出、草成分影响强烈、区系年轻,过渡性突出等特点。本区与兴安北部、燕北山地、阴山山脉植物区系关系较密切,同时受锡林郭勒的草原成分的影响,与长白山有一定的联系。在森林植物群落、草甸植物群落、草甸草原植物群落、典型草原植物群落、沙地植物群落、盐生植物群落、农田杂草群落及其它植物群落等8种群落成分中,建群植物和优势植物共有79种,分属于14种不同的种的区系地理分布型。其中森林群落中植物种数最多,共176种;草甸群落中植物种数次之,共147种,第三为典型草原群落,共有植物141种。本区共有高位芽植物79种,地上芽植物13种,地面芽植物391种,地下芽植物111种,一年生植物73种;有水生植物2种,湿生植物35种,中生植物469种。(3)本区共有5个植被型组,6个植被型,10个植被亚型,39群系。各类森林植物群落的植物多样性指数(丰富度、Shannon指数)排序:草本层>灌木层>乔木层。主要森林群落之间物种丰富度指数沟谷杂木林>白桦林>蒙古栎林>山杨林>大果榆林>华北落叶松林>岳桦林>山楂林>粉枝柳林>山丁子林>白杄林;Shannon指数(H’)指数沟谷杂木林>白桦林>蒙古栎林>山杨林>华北落叶松林>大果榆林>白杄林>岳桦林>山楂林>山丁子林>粉枝柳林。主要灌丛群落物种丰富度指数排序:蒿柳灌丛>兴安杜鹃灌丛>照白杜鹃灌丛>二色胡枝子灌丛>山刺枚灌丛>虎榛子灌丛>山杏灌丛>细叶小檗灌丛>耧斗叶绣线菊灌丛;Shannon指数(H’)山杏灌丛>照白杜鹃灌丛>蒿柳灌丛>山刺枚灌丛>细叶小檗灌丛>兴安杜鹃灌丛>耧斗叶绣线菊灌丛>虎榛子灌丛>二色胡枝子灌丛。主要草甸和草原群落丰富度指数排序:林缘杂类草草甸>贝加尔针茅草原>亚高山杂类草草甸>线叶菊草原>大针茅草原>银穗草草原>沙芦草草原;Shannon指数(H’)林缘杂类草草甸>线叶菊草原>贝加尔针茅草原>亚高山杂类草草甸>大针茅草原>银穗草草原>沙芦草草原。(4)本区山地、丘陵、沙地、河漫滩四个类型地形生境梯度的植物物种β多样性值变化与地形环境变化有密切的关系。主峰阴坡海拔由低至高有的植物垂直分布带谱是:草原—沟谷谷杂木林—虎榛子、杜鹃灌丛—山杨林—山杨、白桦混交林—白桦林—白桦、云杉林—华北落叶松林、岳桦林—银穗草草原—亚高山草甸。物种丰富度随着海拔的升高而降低;均匀度随着海拔的升高而逐渐增大;Simpsion指数随着海拔的升高呈现出明显上升的趋势;Shannon指数随着海拔的升高而减少。随着海拔的逐渐升高β多样性各指数的变化都与群落类型的更替有关,在植被带转化的分界处,β多样性各指数值均大。(5)本区维管束植物中有区域性极危种6种,濒危种22种,易危种36种,近危种54种,安全种549种。有区域性一级优先关注植物9种,二级优先关注植物28种,三级优先关注植物61种,普通植物569种。(6)退化群落结构指标和植物多样性指数对禁牧措施均有积极响应。群落优势种的变化、群落生产力的变化和群落植物生态类群组合的变化,可作为退化草原群落在植被恢复过程中定性监测指标;植物种的相对高度、相对密度、相对盖度、重要值、种的生物量,群落物种丰富度、均匀度指数、群落优势度指数(Simpsion指数)、Shannon指数、群落地上生物量等,可作为群落动态定量监测指标。

【Abstract】 For the purpose of making management decision and establishing technical methods scientifically in Saihanwula Nature Reserve, this paper took the methods of flora analysis, biodiversity index analysis, and rarity grades evaluation on plants to study the vascular plants and their distribution pattern, response of degradation grassland to grazing prohibition, and vascular plants rarity grades and protection class. The main results are as follows.(1)There were 667 species of vascular plants, belong to 332 genera and 84 families, were recorded in the nature reserve. Among them there were 15 species of fern, belong to 11 genera and 8 families, and 5 species of gymnosperm, belong to 4 genera and 3 families, and 647 species of angiosperm, belong to 317 genera and 74 families. This area was considered as a new distribution spot for Betula ermanii in Inner Mongolia.The composite plants was the most numbered species in vascular plants, it took 93 species. The second was the gramineous plants with 72 species. There were 12 families with species beyond 15, and the single-species family were 28 families. The most abundant genera was Artemisia with 25 species. There were 15 genera belong to monotype genera world widely and 21 genera of oligotype genera. Under the national level 38 genera were monotype, 60 genera of oligotype. Under the regional level there were 36and 148 genera were oligotype and monotype genera respectively.(2)The areal-types of the plants in Saihanwula took 14 out of 15 types in China, and the plants species had 14 areal-types. The flora character was mainly the temperate zone with an influence of eastern Asia and pan-Mediterranean flora, and the effects of eastern Asia flora showed most evidently.The plant flora had a character of high species diversity, type immixture, eastern Asia species had a prominent position, grass impact intensified, flora younger, and transition stands out.The vascular plant flora had a tight relationship with that of the northern part of Xing-an, northern part of Yanshan Mountain and Yinshan Mountain. But it was influenced by Xilinguole grassland, and had some relations with Changbai Mountain. It showed out that this area is the middle tache connecting the northern part of Xing-an, northern part of Yanshan Mountain and Yinshan Mountain, and also is the bridge of transition from grassland to forest.There were 79 constructive and dominant plants species, belong to 14 types of geographical distribution pattern, among the 8 community types of forest, meadow, meadow-grassland, grassland, sandlot, halophyte, cropland weeds and other plants. The forest took a higher percentage than meadow and grassland which took in the second and third places.There were 79 species of phaenerophyte, 13 species of chamaephyte, 391 hemicryptophyte, 111 species of geophyte, 73 species of annual plants. And 2 species of hydrophyte, and 35 species of hygrophyte, and 469 species of mesophyte.(3)The vegetation had 5 vegetation type groups, 6 vegetation types, 10 sub-vegetation types, and 39 formations.The diversity index of plants had a series of grass layer > shrub layer > arbor layer in the forest vegetation community.The species richness index of major forest community was sorted as Form.community complex of forest>Form. Betula platyphylla>Form. Quercus mongolica>Form. Populus davidiana>Form. Ulmus macrocarpa>Form. Larix pricepis—ruprechtii>Form. Betula ermanii>Form. Crataegus pinnatifida>Form. Salix rorida>Form. Malus baccata>Form. Picea meyeri; The Shannon index of H’was Form.community complex of forest>Form. Betula platyphylla>Form. Quercus mongolica> Form. Populus davidiana>Form. Larix pricepis—ruprechtii > Form. Ulmus macrocarpa>Form. Picea meyeri>Form. Betula ermanii>Form. Crataegus pinnatiflda>Form. Malus baccata>Form. Larix pricepis—ruprechtii.The species richness index of major shrub community was sorted as Form. Salix viminalis> Form. Rhododendron dahuricum>Form. Rhododendron micranthum>Form. Lespedeza bicolor> Form. Rosa dahurica>Form. Ostryopsis davidiana>Form. Prunus sibirica>Form. Berberis poiretii >Form. Spiraea aquilegifolia; The Shannon index of H’ was Form. Prunus sibirica>Form. Rhododendron micranthum>Form. Salix viminalis>Form. Rosa dahurica>Form. Berberis poiretii >Form. Rhododendron dahuricum>Form. Spiraea aquilegifolia>Form. Ostryopsis davidiana>Form. Lespedeza bicolor.The species richness index of major meadow and grassland community was sorted as Form. Sanguisorba officinalis,Artemisia lacinata>Form. Stipa baicalensis>Form. Leucopoa alba,polygonum viviparum>Form. Fillifolium sibiricum>Form. Stipa grandis>Form. Leucopoa alba>Form. Agropyron flagile; The Shannon index of H’ was Form. Sanguisorba officinalis, Artemisia lacinat>Form. Fillifolium sibiricum>Form. Stipa baicalensis>Form. Leucopoa alba,polygonum viviparum > Form. Stipa grandis > Form. Leucopoa alba > Form. Agropyron flagile(4)The variation of β species diversity index of vascular plants had high relation with terrain at mountainous region, hill, sandlot and floodplain.The variation of the vegetational vertical distribution from the lowest band to the highest mountain peak was from grassland to valley shaw, Form. Ostryopsis davidiana and Rhododendron spp, Form. Populus davidiana, Form. Populus davidiana and Form. Betula platyphylla and Form. Betula platyphylla, Form. Betula platyphylla and Form. Picea meyeri, Form. Larix pricepis—ruprechtii and Form. Betula ermanii, Form. Leucopoa alba, sub-alpine meadow.Species abundance reduced with the increase of altitude, but the evenness increased with the altitude changes. The Simpson index was raised evidently, but the Shannon index reduced with the increase of altitude.The variation of β diversity index changed with the community variability at different altitudes, and it was higher at the vegetation dividing areas.(5)Among the plants 6 species were critically endangered, 22 endangered, 36vulnerable, 54 near endangered, and 549 safety species. There were 9 species under class one protection, 28 under class two protection, 61 under class three protection, and 569 under ordinary protection.(6)The index of community structure and diversity responded actively to grazing forbidden. The variation of dominance species, community productivity and ecological combination could be used to determine the nature of the vegetation restoration in monitoring the degradation grassland. The relative heights, density, coverage, important value, species biomass, community species abundance, evenness index, Simpson and Shannon index and community above ground biomass could be used as ration index in monitoring of community dynamics.
