

【作者】 祖秋红

【导师】 魏光奇;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 自1917年至1928年,阎锡山主政下的山西行政当局进行了内容广泛的村政改革与村治建设,开展了影响深远的村自治运动,史称“山西村治”。这种改革与建设是清末以来的地方政治改革的延续,也是阎锡山治晋理念的具体实践。“山西村治”一方面继承了中国强势国家行政与乡里自治的传统,另一方面也吸收了近代西方的民主法制和地方自治理念,并借鉴了日本的町村制度。其宗旨是谋求将国家行政与乡村自治进行整合,以实现国家对乡村的有效管理和乡村社会自身的有序发展。纵观近现代历史,中国近代的地方行政体制改革和乡村社会制度改革,核心问题是国家行政与乡村社会的有效整合。而“山西村治”运动的宗旨恰好与之共通,可以说“山西村治”正是近现代中国整合国家与社会的一个典型范例。笔者在本文中,从国家行政深入乡村社会、建立村民自治、整合乡村社会势力和运用行政力量推动文化变革四个方面对“山西村治”进行了系统的专题研究。具体内容如下:第一章:叙述山西的历史地理特点、传统社会乡村组织的特点以及近代山西乡村社会政治、经济危机,勾画山西村治的历史背景。第二章:介绍“山西村治”运动的倡导者、运动的发展过程及主要内容。第三章:剖析“山西村治”运动倡导者运用行政力量将山西乡村社会事务纳入国家行政。通过强化省级行政的乡村管理职能、创设区一级行政、建立具有双重性质的行政村,将乡村社会事务的治理作为县区行政的中心工作,从而根本改变了传统社会县以下不设治,很少履行乡村社会建设职能的局面,基本实现了将乡村社会事务纳入国家行政的行政改革目标,为深入推进村治提供了政治前提和基本保证。第四章:首先介绍了村自治制度设计的具体内容——通过建立村公所、村民会议、村监察委员会、息讼会、保卫团、村禁约等一整套具有现代民主、法制意义的村自治制度,尝试在中国传统的乡村“自治”之上,嫁接西方的地方自治制度,实现乡村社会的有序化。其次,通过官方资料和学者调查资料,全面反映村自治的具体实施情况,总结各县制度实施的具体特点。再次,分析并揭示“山西村治”运动体现的注重传统与现代的结合、注重普通民众的“直接民权”、“官治”渗透自治三个突出特点。第五章:“山西村治”培育、吸纳学生、教员和商人参与村政改革和乡村建设,同时对士绅、家族势力和旧乡地人员根据情况实行打击、改造和利用政策,较大程度地将国家行政之外的各种社会势力纳入了国家行政的轨道。第六章:村治运动中,山西行政当局顺应当时历史潮流,运用行政力量,通过兴办各项教育事业、革新传统道德、伦理和风俗,进行了一场轰轰烈烈的社会文化变革,试图从根本上解决传统科学技术落后、农村人才匮乏、观念保守落后等问题。第七章:从政治、经济、社会、文化四个角度评价“山西村治”的得失,进而阐释“山西村治”的现实意义。“山西村治”在当时对其他省区乃至全国的县政和乡村建设,都产生了不可忽视的影响;对于今天的地方行政改革和农村基层民主建设,也有极强的借鉴意义。它所反映的中国农村政治、经济、社会、文化等问题,时至今日依然或多或少地存在着,通过对“山西村治”的全面分析,尤其是通过分析其面临的时代困局以及实施困境,有助于我们更清楚地认识当前乡村基层改革与建设中所面临的问题,启发更深入的思考。在研究中,笔者力求在理论构建、方法选择等方面有所创新。大体而言,主要体现在以下两个方面:一、选取新的研究视角。笔者尝试从历史宏观的角度研究民国时期(1917-1928)“山西村治”运动,全面揭示其政治、经济、社会和文化问题,力图彻底摆脱单纯以阶级斗争、民族意识为主线的研究思路和方法。从历史和现实的思考中,综合运用历史学、政治学、社会学、经济学、文化学理论,构建国家行政与乡村自治整合这一理论框架,并用该理论框架来审视和评价所研究的历史事件。二、学术观点、理论有所创新。笔者首次在论文中揭示民国时期(1917-1928)“山西村治”运动的内在精神为山西改革者试图通过整合国家行政、地方自治、乡村社会势力,建设乡村经济和建构乡村社会文化,来建设一个有效的国家行政和有序的乡村社会,并在构建整合国家行政与乡村社会理论框架的基础上对该历史事件进行评价,以期为当代国家基层行政改革与“村民自治”提供了历史借鉴和现实的思考。

【Abstract】 From 1917 to 1928, Shanxi administrative authority proceeded with extensive reform of the village government and construction of village autonomy, as well as the profound autonomous movement in each village, which is named "Village Autonomy of Shanxi". This kind of reform and construction is the continuance of the local political reform since late Tsing Dynasty, as well as the practice of Yan Xishan’s idea of managing Shanxi. "Village Autonomy of Shanxi", on one hand, inherited the Chinese tradition of powerful national administration and village autonomy; on the other hand, it also absorbed the western democracy and legal system, as well as the idea of local autonomy. Besides, Japanese village system was also referred to. Its basic principle is to integratethe national administration and village autonomy, therefore to achieve the development of the country’s efficient administration over the villages and the systematic development of the villages.When the modern history is observed chronologically, the major problem of the reform in local administrative system and village system in Chinese modern history is the integrity of national administration and villages. The principle of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" can also be applied to both of them. Therefore, "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" is a typical example of the integrity of the country and society in modern China. In this article, "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" has been studied from four perspectives-the national administration into the villages, the construction of autonomy of village people, the integrity of the social forces in villages, and the promotion of social reform with the power of administration. The content is as follows.Chapter Ⅰ: Description of the geographic features of Shanxi, characteristics of the village organizations in traditional society, the sociopolitics and the economic crisis in villages, and the historical background of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi".Chapter Ⅱ: Introduction of the advocators of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" in addition to the process and the content of the movement.Chapter Ⅲ: Analysis of how the advocators of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" could bring the village affairs into national administration by resorting to the power of administration. The administration of village affairs was rendered the top priority in the county administration by reinforcing the function of the provincial administration over village administration, by creating the district-level administration, and by establishing the administrative village of duel characteristics, which accordingly changed the situation that no administration had existed under county administration and the construction of the villages had been hardly realized in traditional society. Consequently, the goal of the administrative reform to bring the village affairs into national administration had been achieved, which guaranteed and secured the process of village administration.Chapter Ⅳ: The details of village autonomy system are introduced, which include the establishment of country public organization, village people’s conference, censorial committee, intermediation the organization of the litigation, security group, and village disciplines. All these being established represents a whole set of village autonomous system which bears modern democratic and legal significance. They tried to establish a society of order in villages through the combination of the traditional Chinese village autonomy with western local autonomous system. Besides, with the possible official sources gained and those from research, the author isalso trying to offer a comprehensive reflection of the situation of the practice of village autonomy as well as a conclusion of the features of the implementation of the system within various counties. Finally, the three typical features of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi"-paying attention to the combination of the tradition and the present, paying attention to the "direct civil rights" and "official administration" of common people, and penetration of autonomy-has been analyzed and made clear.Chapter Ⅴ: "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" cultivated and absorbed students and businessmen to take part in the reform of village administration and village construction; and meanwhile, they tried to defeat, change and make the best of the esquires, family forces and old country manager according to the real situation, which to a great extent brought all the rambling social forces under the national administration.Chapter Ⅵ: In the movement of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi", the local government integrateed with the historical trend, and then carried out a dynamic social culture reform by employing administrative power to establish education, to change the traditional morality, ethic and custom, which was aimed to offer a radical solution to the problems like the underdevelopment of science and technology, the shortage of capable persons in the village, and the ideas that were out-of-date and conservative.Chapter Ⅶ: The success and failure of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" is evaluated from political, economic, social, and cultural perspectives, and thereby the realistic significance of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" is explained."Village Autonomy of Shanxi" had a profound influence on the construction of other provinces as well as the county and village construction at that time, and it also bears referential significance for the reform in local administration and village democratic construction for today. The problems it reflected about politics, economy, the society, and culture in the countryside in China, are still existent nowadays, more or less. After the comprehensive analysis of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi", especially the analysis of the difficulties it was confronted with and during the practice, might be of great help for us to realize the problems that exist in present reform and construction of villages, and therefore to be illuminating.During the study, the author tries to innovate, have a breakthrough and achieve something in the theoretical construction and the choice of approaches. In general, two aspects are included:Ⅰ. Choice of a new perspective of study. The author tries to study "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" from 1917 to 1928 from a historical and macro-perspective, tries to make clear its political, economic, social and cultural problems, while tying to avoid the approach that solely concentrates on the battle among different classes and the national consciousness. Theories of history, politics, sociology, economics and culturology are employed after the thoughts about the history and the reality. Therefore the theory of the combination of national administration and village autonomy is constructed and employed in the investigation and evaluation of the historic events within the field of study.Ⅱ. Innovation of the academic viewpoint and the theory. The author for the first time reveals that the innate spirit of "Village Autonomy of Shanxi" was from the reformers in Shanxi who desired to construct village economy and social culture in villages through the integrity of national administration, local autonomy and social forces in villages, and therefore, desire to build a national administration of high efficiency and an orderly village society. Then evaluate this on the basis of the construction of theoretic frame of the integrity of the nationaladministration and village society, which could hopefully offer reference to the history and thoughts on the reality for the current administrative reform in the villages and "village people autonomy".

  • 【分类号】K26;K292.5
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1238