

The Study of Cylinder Tube’s Non-Resin Winding Preforming Technique

【作者】 杨金纯

【导师】 李嘉禄; 陈利;

【作者基本信息】 天津工业大学 , 复合材料的设计与成型, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 本文提出了适于快捷生产、低成本加工、厚壁圆柱壳体制件成型的“干纱缠绕圆柱壳体预成型技术”,并对这一工艺进行了较为全面和系统的分析研究。干纱缠绕圆柱壳体预成型技术是基于传统螺旋缠绕工艺,省去了浸胶(和烘干)工序,仅以干纱或干纱过水的方式直接进行圆柱壳体制件的预成型的新探索。在干纱缠绕圆柱壳体预成型的测试试验基础上,分析和总结了干纱缠绕预成型可能出现的问题,分析和论述了干纱缠绕圆柱壳体预成型的可行性和必要性。基于干纱缠绕中稳定性不良的首要问题,本文建立了空间构架的力学分析模型,结合微积分和微分几何学理论,分析了干纱缠绕圆柱壳体过程中纱线在其空间各平面的受力情况,推导了干纱缠绕的平衡条件。在稳定性研究中,分析了传统缠绕中的层间不稳定因素,即“内松外紧”情况,并在两个不同模型下推导了缠绕张力优化方案。在考虑纱层间压应力的“纱层压力模型”下,推导出了适于配置张力实时控制设备情况下的缠绕张力递减公式,以实现各纱层的等应力状态。在考虑缠绕半径增大的“缠绕半径增大模型”下,推导和证明了纱线缠绕张力的变化趋势,推导出了适于厚壁制件缠绕的调速张力控制公式,实现了以主轴调速来间接控制张力的方法,从而实现各纱层纱线的等应力状态。本文基于经典连续缠绕的区段划分思想,确立了干纱缠绕工艺的三区段划分原则,并推导出几种不同折回曲线的三区段长度和落纱点与导纱点动程差的计算公式。借鉴传统缠绕线型分析的“切点法”和“标准线法”,在三区段划分原则下,提出了适于干纱缠绕圆柱壳体预成型技术的“全程线同侧切点分析法”,并按此方法导出了线型规律的算法。最后基于已推导的公式和算法,开发了用于干纱缠绕圆柱壳体的计算机辅助设计系统软件。软件功能包括稳定性分析、参数计算、工艺设计、二维工艺图输出和三维仿真模拟加工等。有效减少人为主观估算和处理,降低劳动强度。通过优化工艺设计,从而实现缩短生产周期,节约生产成本和提高加工生产效率的目的。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, the technology of cylinder non-resin winding preforming was put forward and studied comprehensively and systematically. This technology was established under the requirement of fast producing, low cost manufacture and large thickness preforming in the field of cylinder composite.The technology of cylinder non-resin winding preforming was based on the traditional circular helix winding technology. But this new technology of cylinder non-resin winding preforming got rid of the process of resin soaking (and drying). It was a new explore of directly wind by yarn without resin or yarn only with some water. On the base of non-resin winding preforming experiments, this dissertation summarized and analyzed possible problems in non-resin winding preforming. Feasibility and significance of cylinder non-resin winding preforming was also analyzed and discussed.Considering the significance of yarn stability problem in non-resin winding technology, a spatial mechanics model was established. And by means of calculus and differential geometry theory, mechanics analyzing was achieved in different plane during the non-resin winding process. Furthermore, the mechanics balance requirement of non-resin winding was deduced.In the study of stability, the factor of instability in traditional winding which named relax inside and tightness outside was analyzed. Under the model of yarn layer pressure which emphasized particularly on pressure between different yarn layers, the gradient descent formula of winding tension was brought forward for realizing of equal yarn stress. Under the model of increasing winding radius which took increasing winding radius into account only, the transformation trend of winding tension was deduced and calculated. And the velocity modifying formula was put forward, which was fit for large thickness cylinder preforming. Obviously, this formula also achieved indirectly control of winding tension.Depending on section partition theory in tradition winding technology, the principle of three sections in non-resin winding was established in the dissertation. And the length of three sections and displacement difference between drop-yarn point and draught-yarn point in different retracing curves were calculated and deduced. Using tangent point method and standard line method in line type analyzing of traditional winding technology for reference, the method of same orientation tangent point analyzing inwhole track was put forward under the three sections principle. And by means of this method of same orientation tangent point analyzing in whole track, the formula of line type and winding rule for non-resin winding were deduced.Finally, the special CAD (Computer Aid Design) software for non-resin winding technology was developed on the base of formulae and arithmetic acquired in above paragraphs. The functions of the software included stability analysis, parameter calculation, process design, planar technology diagram output and 3D (three-dimensional) simulation, and so on. The software had abundant functions and good compatibility. Anyway, it could decreased man-made and subjective guesstimate, reduced the working intensity, optimized the parameter design and even shortened the process period, reduced producing cost and improved the manufacture efficiency.
