

【作者】 李明

【导师】 张公瑾;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 西双版纳傣语量词数量丰富、语法功能强大,不仅在量词的类型学方面有鲜明的特点,而且还能体现出西双版纳地区傣族对客观事物认知上所特有的民族特点。本文主要运用结构主义语言学的描写、类型学的对比、语言与文化的互构等方法,首先从西双版纳傣语量词的基本特点入手,对其系统本身进行详细细致的描写,包括其范围的界定,来源、分类、词法和句法功能以及与其他词语之间的相互选择限制;然后将西双版纳傣语量词系统与不同语言的量词系统,特别是汉语的量词系统,进行对比,通过对比进一步揭示傣语量词的特点;最后将傣语量词放在整个傣族社会生活的大系统内进行观察,以探求傣语量词所表现出的傣民族在认知和思维方面的特点。全文正文分六个章节论述傣语量词,外加绪论和结语两部分。第一章首先对西双版纳傣语量词的研究成果进行了全面的回顾和梳理,总结了其研究的特点和不足,明确本文的研究目标及价值所在。接着讨论了壮侗语族诸语言量词研究中经常涉及的一个问题:“类别词和量词”,介绍这两组概念存在的争议,明确西双版纳傣语量词的研究范围和基本概况。第二章就西双版纳傣语量词本身的基本语法功能进行描写。第三章着重从词与词的组合关系上考察西双版纳傣语量词与相关词的相互选择关系,包括数词、名词、动词、形容词、副词、指示词等多种能与量词相搭配的词类之间的选择限制。而后还讨论了语句中西双版纳傣语量词的有无对名词多重修饰语语序的影响。前三章在描写与解释并行的情况下侧重于描写,试图从不同的角度对傣语量词做全面的介绍。第四和第五两章主要运用对比的方法,将西双版纳傣语量词和不同语言中的量词进行对比,以期发现西双版纳傣语量词更多的语言特点。第四章考察傣语量词所表现出类型学特性,着重从两个方面进行研究,一是量词在语用过程中所表现出的有定性特征,一是量词充当结构助词“的”。第五章通过汉傣名量词具体搭配方面特点的对比,进一步揭示出傣语名量词有总量比汉语少,拷贝型量词仍占相当的比例,具象性明显,修辞功能远没有汉语量词强大,语义抽象程度较汉语低等特点。接着通过对傣语量词的泛化和在社会变迁中的变化等方面的探讨,得出傣语量词的发展变化具有稳固性和变化性相结合的特征。第六章考察傣语量词所反映出的傣族文化。一种语言中的名词用什么量词来修饰,与当地的民俗和语言使用者对客观事物的不同认知有很大的关系,所以傣语量词与名词的不同搭配也能反映出傣民族在文化接触、日常生活、宗教信仰、思维认知等方面的不同特点。结语部分指出本文研究的价值及写作过程中存在的不足和有待进一步研究的地方。

【Abstract】 The classifiers of the Dai of Xishuangbanna with powerful grammatical functions are not only endowed with obvious characteristics in the classifier typology but also that of cognition affected by unique national characteristics of the Dai nationality.Based on the analysis of the basic characteristics of the Dai classifiers,the current research has firstly performed a detailed description of the system of the Dai classifiers, including its range, origin, sorting, grammatical functions and restriction for the concert with other words with the methods of description of the structural linguistics, comparison of the typology and crossing-composing between language and culture. Secondly, further research has also performed to find out the characteristics of the Dai classifiers by carrying out comparisons between the classifiers of the Dai with some other languages especially the Chinese classifiers. At last, based on the investigation of the Dai classifiers in the environment of the society of the Dai nationality, the current research will try to find out the characteristics of the cognition and thought of the Dai nationality represented by the Dai classifiers.The article is mainly composed of six parts to elaborate the Dai classifiers.The first three chapters mainly describe and explain the Dai classifiers, with the emphasis on the description and attempts to make the comprehensive introduction from the different angles to the Dai classifier.Chapter I has carried on a comprehensive review to Xishuangbanna Dai classifier research and summarized its research characteristic and the insufficiency to show the aims and value of the current research. Then, an issue concerning the research of the classifiers of the Zhuang-Tong language family, "the category word and the classifier", has also been discussed to introduce the disputes of the two concepts to define the research scope and basic survey of the Dai classifiers. Chapter II carries on the description on basic grammatical function of the Dai classifier.Chapter III has inspected the correlation of the Dai classifiers and other words including the selection and selection-restriction, such as, the numeral, the noun, the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the pointer word and so on. Then a further discussion has also been performed on the influence of the Dai classifiers on the word orders of the modifiers in front of the nouns.Chapter IV and V have mainly employed the comparative method to compare the Dai classifiers with those in some other languages to find outsome more characteristics of the Dai classifiers. Chapter IV has investigated the typology characteristics displayedby the Dai classifiers, emphatically from two aspects, the qualitative characteristic displayed in the process of language use and the other used as the structure auxiliary " De (of) ".Chapter V has come to the fact that the Dai classifiers are fewer than those of Chinese, have a larger proportion of " Copying" classifiers, but weaker trope functions and less abstract in the semantic than those of Chinese. Then, the current research has come to the conclusion that the Dai classifier has the characteristic of the combination of stability and transformation, based on the investigation of the generalization of the Dai classifiers and varieties with the social changes.Chapter VI mainly inspects the Dai culture reflected in the Dai classifiers.The defects and short comings have also been pointed out in the last chapter.
