

【作者】 张建芳

【导师】 牟钟鉴;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 宗教学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 宁夏吴忠是一个宗教气氛比较浓厚的地区,除了伊斯兰教之外、佛教、道教、天主教、基督教均有传播,信教群众所占比例较高,宗教对吴忠市的社会政治、经济和文化具有重要影响。在历史上,吴忠是西北各少数民族往返迁徙的中心区域,也是多样性民族宗教文化交融、发展的历史舞台。汉族与其它少数民族的交互杂居是吴忠地区传统的居住格局,多元宗教文化的和平相处,保证了多民族地区族际关系的稳定,推动了地区的繁荣和发展。回族形成后,吴忠成为宁夏回族人口最为密集的地区,伊斯兰教成为吴忠地区的主要宗教,但佛、道等宗教始终对吴忠文化有着持久而深刻的影响。虽然不同宗教文化传统之间有着明显的界限,但是它们所蕴涵的人文精神是一致的。在当代中国,和谐社会的建设离不开各少数民族的参与和支持,民族宗教文化和少数民族地区的社会发展更是密不可分。所以,对多样性宗教文化的包容和对不同宗教习俗的尊重是现代吴忠社会构建和谐社会的基础。宗教具有多种表现形式和丰富内涵,将宗教视为一种文化,并给予多层次、多角度、全方位的研究,能更全面、更准确地阐释宗教问题。宗教信仰的价值和意义不仅在于为信仰者个体提供了一个精神家园,而且还为信仰者在处理社会现实生活方面的问题提供指导和行为原则。本文以吴忠回族伊斯兰教为重点考察对象,通过对吴忠回族文化认同、信仰行为、宗教仪规和风俗礼仪等方面的调查,发现回族伊斯兰文化对吴忠穆斯林的影响是长久而深刻的;而由清真寺、道堂、拱北及宗教教职人员等所构成的宗教组织和体制则在穆斯林社会生活中始终发挥着信仰指导、价值整合和规范秩序等作用。大量实地调查数据表明:宗教在现代社会中以一种积极的态度参与,并在一定程度上维系着现代社会的道德文化生活,对个人和社会产生着深远的影响。在西北少数民族地区,民族宗教和谐关系的构建需要参与到现实政治、经济、文化和民族关系的互动之中。尤其是在社会转型阶段,许多新的社会问题不断产生,新的社会矛盾不断涌现,正确认识和对待西部少数民族宗教文化资源,构建多元平衡的民族宗教文化生态,意义十分重大。吴忠回族人口多,聚居程度高,民族的宗教属性突出,伊斯兰教处在其民族文化的核心位置,具有较强的社会影响力;就回族伊斯兰文化与现代社会的协调发展来看,如何实现传统宗教文化的现代转型是至关重要的,不仅要重视伊斯兰教义思想与现代社会思想的结合,而且要恰当处理好伊斯兰教与现实政治、经济、文化环境的和谐关系,一如既往地继续发挥积极、正面的影响,体现宗教文化的价值意义。在目前阶段,少数民族地区的现代化、工业化、城市化发展水平较快,民族宗教文化面临着调适和发展的双重问题,宗教文化的发展必须考虑如何适应现代社会,不光要与现代文化环境保持联系,而且要和时代背景保持一致,要随着科技、物质、文化、教育的时代发展要求去发展自身,积极与社会相适应,从而为人们提供更多的文化选择。在宗教历史文化传统中、教义教规中都有许多积极的因素,调动这些积极因素,探求它们所能发挥的终极关切、情感慰藉、道德教化、行为自律、文化交流等社会功能,努力促使宗教最大限度的发挥积极作用,使之能更好地服务于社会,可以为构建和谐社会提供更多的价值源泉。在吴忠地区,现代化和城市化的发展推动了回族伊斯兰教在现代社会中的调适行为,回族伊斯兰教的文化功能有了一些新的发展和变化,具体表现为从以往单一的宗教活动向多样的文化服务发展。回族伊斯兰教在吴忠现代城市定位和现代城市发展中发挥出越来越重要的作用。在当前的中国社会,宗教工作是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要内容,宗教工作对社会稳定、民族团结、经济发展和社会进步至关重要。对于回族等少数民族来说,其民族性与宗教性高度重合,宗教不仅是他们内心的信仰,而且处在民族文化的核心位置,蕴藏着巨大的精神力量,是维系民族团结和社会秩序,推动民族发展、社会进步的文化资源和文化力量。民族、宗教和谐会推进民族团结和社会发展,反之则会在一定条件下转化为破坏民族团结、影响社会安定的不利因素。所以,宗教管理部门是否能够及时妥善地处理涉及民族宗教方面的矛盾与事件,是推动了宗教与社会的和谐发展的前提保证。近年来,吴忠市各级党委、政府在不断加强对宗教工作的领导,全面贯彻党的宗教信仰自由政策,在积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,以宗教和谐促进社会和谐,在妥善处理民族、宗教问题方面做出了不少显著的成绩。吴忠宗教管理部门以“尊重、引导、保护、服务”为出发点去做宗教工作,使之在社会主义和谐社会的建设中发挥积极的作用,取得了很好的效果。所以,对吴忠宗教工作经验的理论总结和推广具有很重要的现实意义。总之,深入研究以宁夏吴忠为代表的西部地区的民族、宗教问题,对于加强民族团结,促进宗教和睦,在维护国家统一、民族团结、社会稳定、经济发展和文化繁荣方面具有重要理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 Religions have been prevailing in the city of Wuzhong, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. On account of its higher percentage, the population of believers has exerted noticeable influence on the local politics, economy and culture. Other than Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism and Christianity respectively has found their place in Wuzhong, making it a central area of minority migration in northwest China in the history, hence a historical setting for the multi-cultural mingling of various minorities and religions. The traditional residing pattern in Wuzhong is characterized by the mixture of the Han with the minorities, resulting in the peaceful coexistence of the multiple religious cultures. This naturally stabilizes the inter-nationality relationships in a muti-nationality area and has contributed to and promoted the regional prosperity. Of all areas in Ningxia, Wuzhong has the highest density of Hui population formed since the birth of the Hui, and consequently Islam grew to be the dominant religion there. Nevertheless, Buddhism and Taoism still have far-ranging impact on Islam. Despite the distinct confines between the traditional religious cultures, the humanitarian spirit they contain is the same. In China, the construction of the harmonious society must not neglect the participation and support of the minorities. Further, the minority cultures tightly intertwined with religions are extremely indispensable to the social development in the minority areas. Therefore, comprehension of different religious cultures and respect for different religious customs are the essentials for Wuzhong to construct a harmonious society.Affluent in implications, religions have manifold expressions in forms. Consider a religion as a culture and conduct a multi-layer, all-around study on it from different perspectives, the religious issues concerned will be elucidated more comprehensively and exactly. The value and meaning of religious belief lies not merely in its function as a spiritual refuge, but the guidance and conductcode it provides for the believers to handle the problems arising in their daily lives. This thesis takes the Hui and Islam in Wuzhong as the research object, and based on the investigation on the Hui culture identity, religious conduct, rituals, and customs, holds that the Hui Islamic culture has far-reaching influence on Muslims in Wuzhong. The religious organizational system constituted by mosques, the Daotang, the Gongbei and clergy has been functioning in steering belief, unifying value and formulating regulations. Quantities of data based on field research illustrate that, by way of positively participating in, and to a certain extent, maintaining the morality and cultures of modern society, religions have been influencing the individuals and the society extensively.In the northwest minority areas, the construction of harmonious inter-nationality and inter-religion relationships shall be relied on the interaction of the established political, economic, cultural and inter-nationality relationships. Particularly in the social transformational phase when new social contradictions emerge continually, it is excessively significant to recognize and utilize the religious and cultural resources of the minorities in the west for the purpose of constructing the multiple and balanceable religious and cultural ecology. In Wuzhong, owing to the larger Hui population and its extent of assembling living, the religious attribute of the Hui nationality is strikingly remarkable. In consequence, Islam is the core of its cultural system and has a stronger social impact. Regarding the harmonious development of the Hui Islamic culture and the modern society, how to achieve the transformation of the traditional religious culture to the modern one is critical. It concerns not only the combination of the Islamic ideology with the modern social thoughts, but also the proper handling of the harmonious relationship between Islam and the present political, economical and cultural situations. Through the positively lasting impact cast on the society, the Islamic culture will incarnate its own value.At present, since the modernization, industrialization and urbanization in minority areas evolve fast, the minority religious cultures are facing the double problems: adjustment and development. In devising the development of thereligious culture, how to adjust it to the society must be taken into account, i.e., it should be associated with the modern cultural environment to be consistent with the time and develop with the needs of the present scientific, technological, substantial, cultural and educational developments. Only in this way it will adjust itself to the society and provide people with more cultural choices. In retrospect, many positive factors can be found in religious doctrines and cultural traditions. It is advisable to motivate these factors and probe into their social functions in terms of ultimate care, emotional consolation, moralizing, self-discipline and cultural communication, so as to promote the functions religion operates in the largest extent, serve the society better and provide more value resources for the construction of the harmonious society. In Wuzhong, the development of the modernization and urbanization has given an impetus to Islam and the Hui’s adjustment to modern society. Changes and new trends regarding the Hui’s cultural functions have emerged. Specifically, the single religious activities tend to be multi-cultural services. The Hui Islam has been playing an increasingly important part in the modern city orientation and development of Wuzhong.In present Chinese society, religions work is an integral part in constructing harmonious society and it is critical to social stability, national solidarity, economical development and social advancement. To the minorities like the Hui with the coincidence of the nationality and its religion, the latter is the belief located in a central position in its culture with immense spiritual force, functioning as a cultural power that maintains national solidarity and social order. Moreover, it serves as a power that promotes national and social progress as well as cultural resources._Undoubtedly, the harmonization of nationalities and religions can promote national solidarity and social development. Contrarily, it will be translated into a disadvantaging factor that can damage the national solidarity and affect the social stability. Whether the religious management can handle the contradictions or issues aroused by minorities or religions, therefore, is the prerequisite. Well-handled, harmonious development of both religions andsociety will be definitely promoted.In recent years, all the Communist Party committees in Wuzhong have strengthened the management of the religious work and made remarkable achievements in handling the issues concerning the minorities and religions. By carrying through the Religious Belief Freedom Policy formulated by the party, they actively direct the religions to adjust themselves to the socialist society; hence the promotion of social harmonization via religious harmonization. The relevant Wuzhong managements take the principle "respecting, directing, protecting and serving" as the start point to fulfill religious work, which is advantageous to the harmonious socialist society construction. Accordingly, it is practical to summarize and promote the religious work experience gathered in Wuzhong.To boil down, further studying the issues respecting minorities and religions in the west regions with Wuzhong as a typical case is, theoretically and practically, of special significance in strengthening the national solidarity, promoting religious harmony, maintaining the unification of the state, social stability, economical development and cultural prosperity
