

【作者】 冷梅

【导师】 孙承叔;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 生产,可从经济学、人类学、生物学意义上理解,但这些理解只是对生产的抽象规定,遮蔽了生产的生存论存在论基础。海德格尔在《存在与时间》中,在对“此在”的生存论分析时指出,“此在的生存论分析工作所处的地位先于任何心理学、人类学,更不消说生物学了。”马克思作为历史本质基础的生产与海德格尔的“此在”在生存论存在论境域上是大致相当的。马克思超越近代理性形而上学和政治经济学视域,实现了对生产的生存论存在论的变革。在政治经济学只看到财富生产的地方,马克思看到的是生命的生产、直接生活的生产;在黑格尔把生产理解为自我意识的外化及其扬弃时,马克思以生产实现了意识内在性的揭穿,揭示出生产作为感性对象性活动的存在论基础,把历史的本质基础归于生产,从生产中建构起历史唯物主义。因此,对于马克思哲学这一重要基础性的概念的存在论探讨是非常必要的。它是我们领会马克思历史唯物主义的革命变革及其当代意义的一个合适的切入点。本论文以马克思哲学发展为线索,以马克思文本为据,深入探讨了马克思存在论视域中的生产。在马克思整个思想文本中,马克思并没有简单停留在经济学、人类学生产的层面,而是从哲学上思考生产对于人类生存和历史发展的存在论意义。在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中,马克思展开了对黑格尔哲学和国民经济学的批判,达成感性对象性活动创生生产关系的历史唯物主义的伟大洞见。在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》、《德意志意识形态》和《共产党宣言》中,马克思进一步阐发了生产的生存论存在论基础,并把生产作为历史本质性基础,从而使历史的根基第一次站在现实的人的生活生产上,历史不是逻辑的、思辨的思维生产史,而是人的感性活动史。在《资本论》及其手稿中,马克思也没有停留在资本生产的抽象逻辑中,而是从直接的生活生产出发,展开对资本主义的存在论批判,揭示资本关系的本质来历、资本关系的实质,以及资本生产的界限,阐明了资本主义生产关系的历史性和暂时性以及共产主义生成的必然性。生产作为人的感性对象性活动,人的本质力量的对象性的展开,是具有创生性的。生产不仅生产物质生活资料,同时也生产人的感性生活,生产人的生命存在,生产社会关系。马克思生产是关乎世界之改变,生产的深刻性和批判性都体现于此。马克思世界改变之要求,不是像空想共产主义的道德诉诸,而是从生存论根基上揭示被遮蔽、被扭曲了的本真实情,揭示被遗忘了的存在本身,揭示出生产对于人类历史发展的存在论意义,在批判旧世界中阐发新世界。

【Abstract】 We can understand production in the economics, anthropology and biology fields. But these explanations are abstract prescript in the framework of category thought. Thus they envelop production’s ontological base. Martin Heidergger points out: "the analysis of Dasein is in the front of the analysis of psychics, anthropology, say nothing of biology." Marx’s production is the same as Heidergger’s Dasein in the ontological base. Marx exceeds rationalistic metaphysics and Political Economy, and realizes the ontological transform of production. When Political Economy only sees wealth production, Marx sees vital production and life production. When Hegel considers production is dissimilation of self-awareness and dissimilation overcome, Marx exposes the interior aspect of consciousness and reveals the ontological base of production as sensuous activity. Marx ascribes the foundation of history to production and establishes Historical Materialism. So, it is necessary to discuss production from the ontological essence. It is an appropriate point to comprehend Marx’s revolution in philosophy and its contemporary significance. The author wants to deeply discuss production from the ontological base in the dissertation. In the Marx’s whole texts, Marx does not simply rest on the economics or anthropology fields, but considers the ontological significance of production to humankind subsistence and historical development. In The Economics and Philosophic Manuscript of 1844, Marx criticizes Hegel’s philosophy and Political Economy, and form the great thought that sensuous activity produce relations of production. In The Feurerbach’s Syllabus, The German Ideology, and The Communist Party Pronouncement, Marx further illustrates the ontological base of production, and makes production as the foundation of history. Thus the root of history is based on the production of life. History is not logic, idealistic production, but sensuous activity. In the Capital: A Critique Political Economy and The Economic manuscript of 1857-1858, Marx does not stop in the abstract logic of capital production, he criticize capitalism production from the ontological essence. He reveals the history, essence and limits of capital. Marx clarifies temporality of capitalism relations of production and inevitability of communism. Production as sensuous activity, it has creativity. Production is not only production of matter living resource, but also production of people’s sensuous life, life being and social relation. Marx’s production is the change of world, which is embodied in the profundity and criticism of production. Marx reveals genuine factwrapped and distorted and oblivious being. Thus he reveals the ontological significance of historical development, and illustrates a new world at the same time in during of criticizing the old world.

【关键词】 生产感性活动存在论基础历史
【Key words】 productionsensuous activitythe ontological basehistory
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】F014.1
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1182