

"Humanism in Scientific Time":A Research on Thought and Times (1941-1948)

【作者】 何方昱

【导师】 姜义华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国近现代史, 2006, 博士

【摘要】 中国是一个人文传统深厚的国家。“尊德性”亦是儒家文化的核心价值观念。在现代文明的冲击下,尤其是进入二十世纪的科学时代以来,中国思想界的有识者开始对中国文化作全面的反省及价值的重估。现代科学与传统文化究竟如何定位,成为这一时代的中心议题。本文的研究对象乃一学人群在1940年代创办的《思想与时代》月刊(1941—1948),这是一份在战时及战后的中国学界颇具影响力的同人刊物。刊物高悬一个目标,即“科学时代的人文主义”。这是刊物核心撰述人张其昀、张荫麟、钱穆、谢幼伟、郭斌稣、贺麟、朱光潜等七人及其他作者所秉持的一个信念。按其主编张其昀所言即为:“科学人文化是现代教育的重要问题,也是本刊努力的方向。具体的说,就是融贯新旧,沟通文质,为通才教育作先路之导,为现代民治厚植其基础。”本文的论述即以此展开。第一章介绍《思想与时代》月刊之创办。一刊物得以创办最重要的因素乃人的因素与时代的因素。张其昀与张荫麟欲意创办刊物建设学术的抱负,与1940年代抗战建国民族复兴的主题相契合,成为刊物得以创办的关键。第二章是对《思想与时代》月刊作者群及刊物内容作全面剖析。尤其关注核心撰述人群体的形成与作用。第三章至第六章,则依照刊物“科学人文化”的主旨,从“融贯新旧”——文化观;“沟通文质”——科学观;“为通才教育作先路之导”——教育观;“学术与政治的互动”——政治言说四个部分依次展开论述,目的在于阐释刊物同人提出的“科学时代的人文主义”究竟为何,意义何在。作为二十世纪四十年代创办的一份刊物,《思想与时代》月刊积极谋求的即为总结前一时代的文化(中国的人文传统),代表此一时代的思潮(科学时代的精神),并欲意为后一时代播种(科学人文化的现代教育)。是故,《思想与时代》月刊在时代意义、媒介意义、学术及思想意义三个层面具有深意,应该在中国现代思想史上占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 China is a country with a deep humanistic tradition. "Respect Ethics" is one of the core values of Confucian culture. Facing the coming of Modern Civilization, especially in the scientific era of the 20st century, some wise Chinese thinkers began to reflect over the values of Chinese cultural tradition. How to locate science and culture was a key problem at that time.The object of this research is the monthly periodical Thought and times (1941-1948) carried out by a group of scholars in the 1940s, and with a great influence in the intellectual circles at that time. The tenet of this periodical was "Humanism in scientific time",a principle also maintained by the core authors of the periodical including Zhang Qiyun, Zhang Yinlin, Qian mu, Xie Youwei, Guo Binhe, He lin, Zhu Guangqian and other authors. According to Zhang Qiyun’s interpretation, chief editor of Thought and times, "Humanization of science is a big problem in modern education, and is also the orientation of this journal. It includes syncretizing traditional and modern culture, communicating culture and science, making a guide for general education and cultivating the foundation of democracy." My research is focusing on the further development of these principles.The first chapter introduces the origin of Thought and times. Considering that starting a publication the most important factor is having a proper understanding of the time and the people. Zhang Qiyun and Zhang Yinlin made the decision to start a cultural review in order to contribute to the buliding of learning as well as expanding the idea of the rising of the Chinese nation during the Sino-Japanese War in the 1940’s. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the group of authors of Thought and Times and the main contents of the publication. From the third to six chapter, our research develops the interpretation of the core principle hold by the periodical, "humanization of science", from the cultural, scientific, educational and political approach. The aim of this research is to provide a further explanation about the sense and meaning of what the periodical holds as "Humanism in scientific times".As a journal published in the 1940’s, Thought and Times try at the same time to summarize the culture of the former times (the Chinese humanistic tradition), to represent the trend of the times holding a scientific spirit, as well spread the seeds of modern education values for the next generation. Consequently, we can affirm that the periodical Thought and Times possesses a strong meaning of the times in both aspects: as a media itself, and as a vehicle of learning and thought.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 02期
  • 【分类号】C092
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】766